Zone1 Do we have any prayer warriors here? I have an idea.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
Any Christians here who have a heart for intercessory prayer? Roll call, please. :p

(I have a reason for asking this, but I don't want to say it just yet, first I want to see if we even have any prayer warriors here. Thanks.) :)
Any Christians here who have a heart for intercessory prayer? Roll call, please. :p

(I have a reason for asking this, but I don't want to say it just yet, first I want to see if we even have any prayer warriors here. Thanks.) :)
What's a prayer warrior?

Excellent, thanks. Like I said, I'll explain why I asked later. (It might not be the type of thing you normally pray about, but we'll see.)

I'm the king of wishful thinking...

Doesn't count! :) But thanks for chiming in, lol.

What's a prayer warrior?

I just meant someone who prays a lot, including very specific prayers for specific things. I know you're not a Christian, but from a biblical perspective, prayer is kind of like a weapon. (In the best sense of the word, that is.) :)
Excellent, thanks. Like I said, I'll explain why I asked later. (It might not be the type of thing you normally pray about, but we'll see.)

Doesn't count! :) But thanks for chiming in, lol.

I just meant someone who prays a lot, including very specific prayers for specific things. I know you're not a Christian, but from a biblical perspective, prayer is kind of like a weapon. (In the best sense of the word, that is.) :)
A waste of time. Prayers don't change one thing, they just make you personally feel like you're doing something. But pray away
A waste of time. Prayers don't change one thing, they just make you personally feel like you're doing something. But pray away

You're entitled to your opinion. In my experience, prayer is powerful and I could post a list of examples if I wanted to, but that is not what this thread is about. So thanks for sharing your opinion, and have a great rest of the day.
Any Christians here who have a heart for intercessory prayer? Roll call, please. :p

(I have a reason for asking this, but I don't want to say it just yet, first I want to see if we even have any prayer warriors here. Thanks.) :)

I pray (what some would call)

a lot

I really don't call it a lot but anyhow...
Prayer does work it has for me. It has to be done sincerely and not as some sort of show. If you really need prayer count me in. When two or more people pray the Holy Spirit is there as well.

Exactly! Thank you Ig! I was just about to sign off here for now, but I'll be back later and hopefully we'll have a few more of us. ("Where two or three are gathered in my name...")

I pray (what some would call)

a lot

I really don't call it a lot but anyhow...

Ok cool, thanks. I appreciate all of you who answered the roll call so far. :thup:
Any Christians here who have a heart for intercessory prayer? Roll call, please. :p

(I have a reason for asking this, but I don't want to say it just yet, first I want to see if we even have any prayer warriors here. Thanks.) :)
I pray and believe prayer is powerful.
I believe in praying for and expecting miracles.
I have witnessed first hand the power of prayer.
Exactly! Thank you Ig! I was just about to sign off here for now, but I'll be back later and hopefully we'll have a few more of us. ("Where two or three are gathered in my name...")

Ok cool, thanks. I appreciate all of you who answered the roll call so far. :thup:

But I have not agreed to pray for what you have in mind since I have no clue what that is...
I pray and believe prayer is powerful.
I believe in praying for and expecting miracles.
I have witnessed first hand the power of prayer.

Amen! Same here. Like I said, I was just about to head out for a while, but I'm glad you showed up.

But I have not agreed to pray for what you have in mind since I have no clue what that is...

I know, I wasn't thanking you in advance for that, but just for your post.
Anyone else?


hadit CarlinAnnArbor The Irish Ram
I decided to send a private group message instead of posting the idea publicly. But for some reason it only let me send it to 4 people, so I'll do another group message when we get any more people. Thanks you all. :)
There is a reason I won't be a part of any inner circle on an open forum. However, you prayer warriors will definitely be in my prayers. Best wishes.
Count me in...

Thanks, TIR. I was just about to sign off here to do some stuff I gotta do, but I'll send you a message later, probably tonight.

There is a reason I won't be a part of any inner circle on an open forum. However, you prayer warriors will definitely be in my prayers. Best wishes.

As I mentioned, I originally was going to put the idea out on the open forum but I changed my mind. But it's not an "inner circle", it's just people who pray and want to participate in praying about something. But no worries and best wishes to you too.
I pray and believe prayer is powerful.
I believe in praying for and expecting miracles.
I have witnessed first hand the power of prayer.

Ethan Allen’s book, Reason: The Only Oracle of Man (1784),

One of my favorite rational theists of the founding generation was farmer, philosopher, author, politician, and guerrilla revolutionary leader Ethan Allen, who perhaps is best known for leading the Green Mountain Boys (and other fighters) in their raid and capture of Fort Ticonderoga, a strategic victory which severely hampered communication between the northern and southern units of the British army.

Allen believed reason must take a paramount place in religious activity. He wrote, Reason: The Only Oracle of Man (1784),

For many centuries after the establishment of Christianity, mankind became more barbarous, ignorant, and miserable than before, instead of assisting the human mind in its progress to improvement, that system completely retarded it; a gloomy superstition, which sprung out of these gospels, cramped its energies, and fettered its exertions; instead of guiding society to freedom, peace, and happiness, there was founded on the authority of these writings a system of the most horrible and debasing oppression. ETHAN ALLEN Reason: The Only Oracle of Man
Ethan Allen was a freethinker and critic of Christianity. He wrote Reason, the Only Oracle of Man, in which he espoused natural religion and denied the validity of traditional religions, including Christianity. It is said that he stopped his wedding ceremony when the phrase "agreeable to the laws of God" was uttered, in order to clarify that the only god meant was the god of nature, and not the god of any organized religion or any other god. Only after he was reassured on this point would he allow the ceremony to proceed. Ethan Allen

The idea of a God we infer from our experimental dependence on something superior to ourselves in wisdom, power and goodness, which we call God; our senses discover to us the works of God which we call nature, and which is a manifest demonstration of his invisible essence. Thus it is from the works of nature that we deduce the knowledge of a God, and not because we have, or can have any immediate knowledge of, or revelation from him.​
Ethan Allen The Only Oracle Of Man (1784)​
To suppose that God Almighty has confined his goodness to this world, to the exclusion of all others, is much similar to the idle fancies of some individuals in this world, that they, and those of their communion or faith, are the favorites of heaven exclusively; but these are narrow and bigoted conceptions, which are degrading to a rational nature, and utterly unworthy of God, of whom we should form the most exalted ideas.​
Ethan Allen Ch. II Section III - Of The Eternity and Infinitude of Divine Providence - Reason: The Only Oracle Of Man (1784)​
Prayer to God is no part of a rational religion, nor did reason ever dictate it, but, was it duly attended to, it would teach us the contrary. Full text of "Reason, the Only Oracle of Man: Or, A Compenduous System of Natural Religion"
To make known our wants to God by prayer or to communicate any intelligence concerning ourselves or the universe to him, is impossible, since his omniscient mind has a perfect knowledge of all things, and there- fore is beholden to none of our correspondence to inform himself of our circumstances, or of what would be wisest and best to do for us in all possible conditions and modes of existence, in our never ending duration of being.​
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