Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.
Oh, Dear God... another 'Gay' thread...

There oughtta be a rule...

Gays represent 3.8% of the population... ( )

Therefore... Gays get 3.8% of the threads and bandwidth dedicated to their issues...

That sounds entirely fair to me...
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some do, some don't. sexual orientation has nothig to do with human rights.
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. According to the bible, all people are sinners and thus condemned. So "God made me gay", is no more of a defense than "God didn't make me such that I cannot remain monogamous".
And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?
So now fudge packing is a protected 'Right' like the 2nd Amendment?? .. :cuckoo:
should I go next door and ask my neighbor?

i'd say about 30/40 % of my neighborhood is gay or lesbian.

what can it matter?
I don't believe in your "god", I do believe in what I observe around me. As far as animals are concerned, specifically mammals, "gay" is not a natural state. Homo sapiens, however, have the ability to equate sexual contact with emotional attachment (among other things), not just reproduction. In that context, what constitutes "human behavior" vs. Nature? So "god made me that way" is not an argument in my lexicon, just as "god hates a sinner" is not.
And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?
So now fudge packing is a protected 'Right' like the 2nd Amendment?? .. :cuckoo:

Trying reading context. That question was in regards to just how much influence does God have in making us, where we are born, to whom, and what physical or mental abnormalities we'll be born with? Does He dictate all of that? Or none of that?

And to the guy who asked what rights Im being denied....none. Im not gay. But I am a strong supporter of gay and animal rights. All living things deserve to be treated with dignity.
And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?
So now fudge packing is a protected 'Right' like the 2nd Amendment?? .. :cuckoo:

I propose that gay people utilize their right to bear arms to defend their rights from people who wish to deprive them of those rights.
And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?
So now fudge packing is a protected 'Right' like the 2nd Amendment?? .. :cuckoo:

I propose that gay people utilize their right to bear arms to defend their rights from people who wish to deprive them of those rights.
They have every right to exercise their liberty...but out of sight and CEASE forcing the rest of us to accept it.

Is fudge packing and carpet munching now a civil right? Are they a race of humans?

Fudge packing and carpet munching are both things plenty of straight men do also with women. That's their right. What they do in their bedroom with any person over age 18 is their own business.
Is fudge packing and carpet munching now a civil right? Are they a race of humans?

Fudge packing and carpet munching are both things plenty of straight men do also with women. That's their right. What they do in their bedroom with any person over age 18 is their own business.

Never had a taste of the dew on the lilly sunniman? :razz::razz::razz:
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.

So what is the legal impact of this so-called "fairness ordinance?" What rights does it give gays that they don't already have?
So now fudge packing is a protected 'Right' like the 2nd Amendment?? .. :cuckoo:

I propose that gay people utilize their right to bear arms to defend their rights from people who wish to deprive them of those rights.
They have every right to exercise their liberty...but out of sight and CEASE forcing the rest of us to accept it.


So all marriage ceremonies and people participating in them should be kept behind closed doors in private? No public sight whatsoever, right?

If they are "rights", then a person has no obligation to keep them out of YOUR sight. YOU aren't anybody special, get over yourself.

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