Do gay & lesbian people look down on bisexuals?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Kansas City
I guess this is a interesting question. I've always gotten the feeling that gay & lesbian people think that people who claim to be bisexual are just sluts, looking for attention, or 'transtitioning'.. and they're general looked down upon.
is that true, in your opinion?
The Gays that I know do not, but that is a very limited sample size of 5. At the organizational level you would also think not i.e. given the LGBT at least claims to be all inclusive.
Some probably do, most probably don't.

Gay people are still individual people. They don't all think alike.
I don't understand how this constantly comes up, I've never ever seen anything that propagates this at any time, in real life or on Board. If anything, I'm beginning to think Bisexuals LIKE feeling persecuted.
I know some bisexuals, they don't care much about the governmental LGBT policy, about gays&lesbians and they don't look like gays
I guess this is a interesting question. I've always gotten the feeling that gay & lesbian people think that people who claim to be bisexual are just sluts, looking for attention, or 'transtitioning'.. and they're general looked down upon.
is that true, in your opinion?

Been my experience many gay men don't like bi guys. But that's ok. I don't believe in gay guys any more than I do straight ones. Everyone's bi. Get drunk or high enough, not realize a guy's the hot sexy shemale you're lusting after, find yourself in prison, or whatever else. People's sexuality isn't fixed and can change in a heartbeat to suit their enviroment or circumstance. Besides, how "exclusively heterosexual" are you if your enjoyment of porn includes guys? :)
I guess this is a interesting question. I've always gotten the feeling that gay & lesbian people think that people who claim to be bisexual are just sluts, looking for attention, or 'transtitioning'.. and they're general looked down upon.
is that true, in your opinion?

Erm, what do gay people have to do with it? Are there gay people who need a dose of humility and look down on other people? Absolutely. Arrogance is just as prevalent among gay people as it is among people in general.

Do bisexuals tend to get a bad rap? There is a common criticism that bisexuals "can't make up their minds" which tends to come from an assortment of people, both gay and straight. And it's a pretty stupid criticism.

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