Do Democrats really need to promote religious persecution ?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
it's all about money and votes....

Democrat politicians do not want respectful disagreement between evangelicals and gays. War between homosexuals and evangelicals is important for them.

The Democratic Party, in order to raise money from gays and lock in millennial votes, is attacking freedom of thought, speech and religion.

This is a basic community organizing tactic: encourage grievance, divide the community, fan the flames of conflict, and inject government power into social problems.

By putting their own political interests before every other value, Democrats have pushed our country into a culture clash that is becoming unresolvable.

Read more: Articles: Do Democrats really need to promote religious persecution?
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Wow, totally bypassed the war on gays religious and political organizations have been waging for a long time. Don't blame the people defending against your attacks for successfully defending the rights of Americans from moralizing fascist assholes who see not being able to freely legislate morality as an attack on their values, people like you fired the first shots trying to say that the constitution only applies to heteros.
Wow, totally bypassed the war on gays religious and political organizations have been waging for a long time. Don't blame the people defending against your attacks for successfully defending the rights of Americans from moralizing fascist assholes who see not being able to freely legislate morality as an attack on their values, people like you fired the first shots trying to say that the constitution only applies to heteros.

"Gays have civil rights in our society -- along with all the rest of us. When gay rights are made absolute, they threaten everyone's fundamental civil rights. Homosexual wants and desires for universal acceptance are not civil rights."
Wow, totally bypassed the war on gays religious and political organizations have been waging for a long time. Don't blame the people defending against your attacks for successfully defending the rights of Americans from moralizing fascist assholes who see not being able to freely legislate morality as an attack on their values, people like you fired the first shots trying to say that the constitution only applies to heteros.

"Gays have civil rights in our society -- along with all the rest of us. When gay rights are made absolute, they threaten everyone's fundamental civil rights. Homosexual wants and desires for universal acceptance are not civil rights."

You are making some sort of distinction that is not clear to me, how does marriage equality, for instance, threaten your civil rights?
"Gays have civil rights in our society -- along with all the rest of us. When gay rights are made absolute, they threaten everyone's fundamental civil rights. Homosexual wants and desires for universal acceptance are not civil rights."

Did I miss the passage of laws which prevent gays from being fired just for being gay? Can gays get married in every state of the union?

Giving rights to gays in no way infringes on the rights of religious people. There are already many restrictions on religion and for which "religious freedom" is no defence. You cannot participate in blood sacrifice and claim "regligious freedom" when you are arrested. You cannot rape underage girls and claim religious freedom, although Warren Jeffs and his cult managed to get away with it for far too long.

Your right to "religious freedom" does not allow you to discriminate against gays, blacks, or other classes of protected individuals in your business dealings. Your right to religious freedom ends when your religion decides to discriminate against other law-abiding citizens.
Wow, totally bypassed the war on gays religious and political organizations have been waging for a long time. Don't blame the people defending against your attacks for successfully defending the rights of Americans from moralizing fascist assholes who see not being able to freely legislate morality as an attack on their values, people like you fired the first shots trying to say that the constitution only applies to heteros.

"Gays have civil rights in our society -- along with all the rest of us. When gay rights are made absolute, they threaten everyone's fundamental civil rights. Homosexual wants and desires for universal acceptance are not civil rights."

You are making some sort of distinction that is not clear to me, how does marriage equality, for instance, threaten your civil rights?

to be forced into accepting a behavior one considers a sin is an affront to our civil right called freedom of religion....

it's like being forced to provide abortifacients when abortion is against your religion...

it's like being forced by a dictator president to buy HIS type of healthcare or else...
"Gays have civil rights in our society -- along with all the rest of us. When gay rights are made absolute, they threaten everyone's fundamental civil rights. Homosexual wants and desires for universal acceptance are not civil rights."

You are making some sort of distinction that is not clear to me, how does marriage equality, for instance, threaten your civil rights?

to be forced into accepting a behavior one considers a sin is an affront to our civil right called freedom of religion....

it's like being forced to provide abortifacients when abortion is against your religion...

it's like being forced by a dictator president to buy HIS type of healthcare or else...

Freedom of religion does not guarantee that all laws must pass some christian test of righteousness. Did you really just suggest such a thing?
I think I walked into the wrong thread. I was looking for the room where the paint is drying.
Gays aren't harming anybody by their being gay. They don't choose to be gay. They don't convert people to being gay. If the bible says being gay is bad, then "all y'all" need to also stop eating shell fish and pork, because that's also bibically banned.

Listen, hilljacks and red state rednecks. You need to do better than "it's in the bible".

Every year fewer and fewer people are thinking to themselves "When we decide what our laws should be, let's rely on the ancient writings of Iron Age Jewish Shepard People". I'm just saying.
You are making some sort of distinction that is not clear to me, how does marriage equality, for instance, threaten your civil rights?

to be forced into accepting a behavior one considers a sin is an affront to our civil right called freedom of religion....

it's like being forced to provide abortifacients when abortion is against your religion...

it's like being forced by a dictator president to buy HIS type of healthcare or else...

Freedom of religion does not guarantee that all laws must pass some christian test of righteousness. Did you really just suggest such a thing?

if we can have laws that don't have to pass some test of Christian righteousness then we can have laws that don't pass some test of Gay righteousness....right ?
to be forced into accepting a behavior one considers a sin is an affront to our civil right called freedom of religion....

it's like being forced to provide abortifacients when abortion is against your religion...

it's like being forced by a dictator president to buy HIS type of healthcare or else...

Freedom of religion does not guarantee that all laws must pass some christian test of righteousness. Did you really just suggest such a thing?

if we can have laws that don't have to pass some test of Christian righteousness then we can have laws that don't pass some test of Gay righteousness....right ?

Are you calling being gay a religion? They're going to real happy that tasteful furnishings and stylish cloths are now tax deductible.
It's ok for gays to marry, but it's not ok to pray in school

That's the liberal line

That's also hypocrisy, not that liberals care.

It's the constitution, not that conservatives care.

I care

Freedom of speech is very important.

letting a kids pray is freedom, threatening a kid that tries is tyranny, and not separation of church and state.

but thanks for proving you shouldn't be having this conversation, since you haven't a clue what freedom means to America
Freedom of religion does not guarantee that all laws must pass some christian test of righteousness. Did you really just suggest such a thing?

if we can have laws that don't have to pass some test of Christian righteousness then we can have laws that don't pass some test of Gay righteousness....right ?

Are you calling being gay a religion? They're going to real happy that tasteful furnishings and stylish cloths are now tax deductible.

are you calling gay rights the same thing as civil rights....?

since when can civil rights be used to hold hostage the conscience and free speech of others....?
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It's ok for gays to marry, but it's not ok to pray in school

That's the liberal line

That's also hypocrisy, not that liberals care.

It's the constitution, not that conservatives care.

I care

Freedom of speech is very important.

letting a kids pray is freedom, threatening a kid that tries is tyranny, and not separation of church and state.

but thanks for proving you shouldn't be having this conversation, since you haven't a clue what freedom means to America

Shove your patriotic guilt trip, are you seriously trying to prove your point with the 1st amendment? You people are nuts.
if we can have laws that don't have to pass some test of Christian righteousness then we can have laws that don't pass some test of Gay righteousness....right ?

Are you calling being gay a religion? They're going to real happy that tasteful furnishings and stylish cloths are now tax deductible.

are you calling gay rights the same thing as civil rights....?

since when can civil rights be used to step upon the conscience and free speech of others....?

There is no such thing as gay rights, only rights, the fight has all been over telling you people that you cannot make distinctions.

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