Do cars made for the general public really need to go so fast?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Corvettes (190mph)
Mustang 5.0 (175mph)
1000HP street cars (200mph+)
Teslas (Plaid...9.2 1/4 mile) (175mph)
And there is a plethora of BMW, Ford, GM, Lexus, Nissan etc cars that can easily top 150mph.

WHY ?????

If you really think about it, if our politicians were really concerned about public safety then why allow cars that can exceed posted speed limits by 2x or even 3x ?
Isn't that doing nothing more than putting everyone else at risk?

Can anyone justify why ANY regular passenger vehicle operated on public roads NEEDS to be capable of exceeding the posted speed limits by so much?
Limiting vehicles maximum top speed to say, 10 mph over the posted speed limit (for passing only) would likelt save millions of lives over time. Disagree? WHY?

Police chases often see violent perps in getaway vehicles weaving and bobbing recklessly in and out of traffic at speeds often exceeding 100mph.
Why not limit vehicles to 10mph over the posted speed limits?

Does anyone have a legitimate argument against limiting non-emergency vehicles in this manner?
Is it really your "Right" to be able to exceed the posted speed limit by dangerous amounts?
Driving is not a Right, it is a privilege. As such, no one has the right to put others in danger due to their recklessness.
Your desire to have "Fun" should not ever supersede the safety of everyone else for a privilege. EVER.
I see idiots barrelling down neighborhood streets at 50, 60 and sometimes 70 or more in posted 30MPH zones. WTF ??
What if children are playing?
The Number ONE cause of traffic injuries and death is excessive speed.
I'm sick of imbeciles and their ability to put everyone else at risk over something that could easily be fixed.

Imagine how much safer we ALL would be if idiots were not able to go 100, 150, 200+ on PUBLIC roads and highways or run from the Police.
What possible reasonable argument could be made against this?
This could EASILY be achieved through onboard computer chips. You could still have cars that could accelerate to posted speed limits faster than others for those whose egos need constant stroking. But there is no "need" to go faster.
Then if someone is caught exceeding the posted speed limits by more than 10mph, make it LAW that the vehicle is confiscated and sold and the funds go to families of victims of speeders or to highway and road infrastructure programs.

Only first responder and emergency vehicles should be allowed to go over the speed limit.

Doesn't this just make common sense?
I suppose politicians are too busy accepting gifts from the car manufacturers to give a flying flip about sensible public safety issues.
Want to go fast? Go to the frickin race track.
An NO...this does not extend to Constitutional RIGHTS.
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Corvettes (190mph)
Mustang 5.0 (175mph)
1000HP street cars (200mph+)
Teslas (Plaid...9.2 1/4 mile) (175mph)
And there is a plethora of BMW, Ford, GM, Lexus, Nissan etc cars that can easily top 150mph.

WHY ?????

If you really think about it, if our politicians were really concerned about public safety then why allow cars that can exceed posted speed limits by 2x or even 3x ?
Isn't that doing nothing more than putting everyone else at risk?

Can anyone justify why ANY regular passenger vehicle operated on public roads NEEDS to be capable of exceeding the posted speed limits by so much?
Limiting vehicles maximum top speed to say, 10 mph over the posted speed limit (for passing only) would likelt save millions of lives over time. Disagree? WHY?

Police chases often see violent perps in getaway vehicles weaving and bobbing recklessly in and out of traffic at speeds often exceeding 100mph.
Why not limit vehicles to 10mph over the posted speed limits?

Does anyone have a legitimate argument against limiting non-emergency vehicles in this manner?
Is it really your "Right" to be able to exceed the posted speed limit by dangerous amounts?
Driving is not a Right, it is a privilege. As such, no one has the right to put others in danger due to their recklessness.
Your desire to have "Fun" should not ever superced the safety of everyone else. EVER.

Imagine how much safer we ALL would be if idiots were not able to go 100, 150, 200+ on PUBLIC roads and highways or run from the Police.
What possible reasonable argument could be made against this?
This could EASILY be achieved through onboard computer chips. You could still have cars that could accelerate to posted speed limits faster than others for those whose egos need constant stroking. But there is no "need" to go faster.
Then if someone is caught exceeding the posted speed limits by more than 10mph, make it LAW that the vehicle is confiscated and sold and the funds go to families of victims of speeders or to highway and road infrastructure programs.

Only first responder and emergency vehicles should be allowed to go over the speed limit.

Doesn't this just make common sense?
It does but the problem being is people wont buy them unless they have the ability to have that power to speed in their control. If the government dictates all vehicles cannot be able to exceed the speed limit people will be rebelling and fix their cars so they can go as fast as possible. Use prohibition in the U.S.A. as an example the people wanted their whiskey and beer so they got it in spite of government laws.
It does but the problem being is people wont buy them unless they have the ability to have that power to speed in their control. If the government dictates all vehicles cannot be able to exceed the speed limit people will be rebelling and fix their cars so they can go as fast as possible. Use prohibition in the U.S.A. as an example the people wanted their whiskey and beer so they got it in spite of government laws.

And those caught were punished according to the law.

So you think millions of unnecessary deaths at the hands of morons is better then
Got it.

If some irresponsible knuclehead won't buy a car because it won't do 190mph in a 70mph zone then LET THEM WALK.
Thanks for your input.
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People speed for different reasons, driving distances at slow speeds can be boring, speeding helps some stay alert, getting where you're going faster...

People speed because they are selfish self-absorbed imbeciles.
"Bored" is NOT an excuse for going 80 through a residential neighborhood and killing children playing no more than murdering someone for their wallet is acceptable.

Your response is unbelievable.
If you need to speed to "stay alert" you DO NOT need to be behind the wheel putting everyone else at risk.

Using your logic, robbing banks is just fine since it could get you rich faster.
It does but the problem being is people wont buy them unless they have the ability to have that power to speed in their control. If the government dictates all vehicles cannot be able to exceed the speed limit people will be rebelling and fix their cars so they can go as fast as possible. Use prohibition in the U.S.A. as an example the people wanted their whiskey and beer so they got it in spite of government laws.
How many people do you think would tinker with their car`s engine so they can go faster? Most driver`s won`t even change their flat tires if they can call AAA or another service to do that. Would that altered engine be able to pass inspection?
How many people do you think would tinker with their car`s engine so they can go faster? Most driver`s won`t even change their flat tires if they can call AAA or another service to do that. Would that altered engine be able to pass inspection?
My state doesn't have inspections.
Thank You former governor Jesse Ventura.
Not better just a fact of human nature. No law will work if not supported by the majority of the people .

They don't have to support it.
Just limit the cars horsepower from the factory.

I cannot believe the Left hasn't been all over this already as a way to reduce the use of Fossil Fuels.
Another indication public safety is NOT their concern at all.

If they really wanted to save lives they could drop the gun BS and focus on this.
FAR more lives lost to imbeciles behind the wheel.
How many people do you think would tinker with their car`s engine so they can go faster? Most driver`s won`t even change their flat tires if they can call AAA or another service to do that. Would that altered engine be able to pass inspection?
For what you say to work it will take a national program of inspections stations more government bureaucracy and as with prohibition corruption will come along with it. For your idea to work it would take a change in peoples attitudes. To change the people attitudes it will take education not laws.
For what you say to work it will take a national program of inspections stations more government bureaucracy and as with prohibition corruption will come along with it. For your idea to work it would take a change in peoples attitudes.
National inspection programs are long overdue.
For what you say to work it will take a national program of inspections stations more government bureaucracy and as with prohibition corruption will come along with it. For your idea to work it would take a change in peoples attitudes. To change the people attitudes it will take education not laws.


Just reduce the horsepower of vehicles. Then increase the penalty for speeding. (Confiscate the vehicle permanently)

It's THAT simple
Since vehicles are now connected computers, the driver could automatically get ticketed for speeding 10mph in excess of speed limit in traffic. (that would anger voters, but joy insurance companies)

Excess speeding above 10mph over limit could also be limited to in route life saving emergencies.

Kill switch could make High Speed Police Chases a thing of the past.
People speed for different reasons, driving distances at slow speeds can be boring, speeding helps some stay alert, getting where you're going faster...
I agree with that.
When we drive to see Bonzi's mother, we hit a lot of open interstates with little traffic. I will speed up to 85-90 mph. It makes the trip shorter and going that fast does keep you more alert.
Since vehicles are now connected computers, the driver could automatically get ticketed for speeding 10mph in excess of speed limit in traffic. (that would anger voters, but joy insurance companies)

Excess speeding above 10mph over limit could also be limited to in route life saving emergencies.

Kill switch could make High Speed Police Chases a thing of the past.


less speeders = less insurance claims.

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