Do Americans need weapons?

California CCW since 2011 ( Carry 2 spare mags and a Tourniquet ) and a Purist would reply to you "What part of Shall not be infringed did you miss ?"
I've been regarded as an anti-gunner before by someone who was more of a Second Amendment hardliner than I am. I found it kind of bemusing.
You don't seem to understand that you don't have to kill a person when you use a gun defensively. Most times the mere drawing of a firearm will stop a criminal
Definitely. But given justifiable homicide numbers being so low, gun self-defense numbers are probably also low.
The idea of the 2nd Amendment is to have weapons to create a militia if necessary and prevent the arbitrariness of the feds. It doesn't work, the feds are constantly getting stronger, and the Americans have already turned into obedient sheep of the left regime. The weapon has become a fetish. The left is not afraid of it.
You are wrong. We don't have weapons to create militia. The militia is there and always has been. If they aren't afraid of guns being used then they are stupid.
As your lying media wants you simple minded fools to believe.
The reality is that law abiding gun owners exhibit incredible restraint in the use of deadly force. This is the reason the number of fatal self defense shootings are so low.

Despite the insistence of anti gunners the vast majority of gun owners have no desire to kill anyone.
The reality is that law abiding gun owners exhibit incredible restraint in the use of deadly force. This is the reason the number of fatal self defense shootings are so low.

Despite the insistence of anti gunners the vast majority of gun owners have no desire to kill anyone.
That is the correct motorcycle.
The reality is that law abiding gun owners exhibit incredible restraint in the use of deadly force. This is the reason the number of fatal self defense shootings are so low.

Despite the insistence of anti gunners the vast majority of gun owners have no desire to kill anyone.
Yup, every time a situation even looks suspicious I go the other way. One time in walmart saw a guy shop lift a box cutter. Then he slid up his sleeve with the blade end open hidden by his palm. He then started wandering around the store so I left, got to my car and called the police and told them and described him. Never saw them show. But I got out.
Yup, every time a situation even looks suspicious I go the other way. One time in walmart saw a guy shop lift a box cutter. Then he slid up his sleeve with the blade end open hidden by his palm. He then started wandering around the store so I left, got to my car and called the police and told them and described him. Never saw them show. But I got out.
I've carried daily since 2011 ( In Beverly Hills ,Irvine , Catalina Island, Sacramento , Bay Area, Santa Cruz , Coranado ,Mount Shasta ,Venice ...) and not once even been close to pullin my EDC but at least it's there
I've carried daily since 2011 ( In Beverly Hills ,Irvine , Catalina Island, Sacramento , Bay Area, Santa Cruz , Coranado ,Mount Shasta ,Venice ...) and not once even been close to pullin my EDC but at least it's there
How do you carry in Cali where it's against the law?
It doesn’t matter why Japanese commit suicide what
Matters in this thread is that without access to guns they commit suicide more than we do with guns
Japanese culture is different, you're stuck in the US with blinkers and no knowledge of other countries. The Japanese are brought up to respect their country and people, if they fail, say in business, they feel they've let their country down and thus commit suicide. So if you want any comparison between the US and Japan for suicides, you're an idiot.

Secondly, you gun nuts bash on, idiotically, that you need guns for self defence, but in the same breath, claim most gun deaths/incidents is suicide. So you've just undermined your own argument that you need guns for self defence. Self defence is just a guise, nothing more and nothing less, and you just backed that up.
you gun nuts bash on, idiotically, that you need guns for self defence, but in the same breath, claim most gun deaths/incidents is suicide. So you've just undermined your own argument that you need guns for self defence. Self defence is just a guise, nothing more and nothing less, and you just backed that up.
You Freedom Haters just don't get it. We don't say that we need guns for any reason at all. We offer no justification for having guns other than we choose to have guns.

Now, someone may well choose to have guns because they want to be able to defend themselves. But if they do, that is their business, and they certainly don't have to justify themselves about any "need".

So there is not any "we need guns for self defense" argument here to even be undermined to begin with.

However, if there had been such an argument here, the existence of suicides certainly would not have undermined it. That's just plain bad logic on your part.
Japanese culture is different, you're stuck in the US with blinkers and no knowledge of other countries. The Japanese are brought up to respect their country and people, if they fail, say in business, they feel they've let their country down and thus commit suicide. So if you want any comparison between the US and Japan for suicides, you're an idiot.

Secondly, you gun nuts bash on, idiotically, that you need guns for self defence, but in the same breath, claim most gun deaths/incidents is suicide. So you've just undermined your own argument that you need guns for self defence. Self defence is just a guise, nothing more and nothing less, and you just backed that up.

Wrong......we aren't discussing the culture of suicide or the practice of guys always try to hide your failure in those fake issues...

It doesn't matter why they do only matters that you say guns are the issue....they are not.

Japan has extreme gun control....only cops and criminals have easy access to guns.....

Therefore.....the fact that they succeed in killing themselves more often than Americans do, shows you are wrong about guns and suicide...

Americans use guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, and beatings......that people also use them for sucide has no meaning on owning and carrying guns...since again, guns are not the issue in suicide, and those who want to commit suicide will do so with or without a gun....ask the South Koreans, Japanese, Scots, Norwegians and all the other countries with higher suicide rates than we have...
It doesn't matter why they do only matters that you say guns are the issue....they are not.

Except when they are.

Americans use guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, and beatings

AND to open fire in subway cars. Or theaters. Or workplaces. Or schools. Or on the street. Or in a restaurant.


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