DNC cancels 2024 primary debates

Any voices which don't fall in line with the Borg collective must be silenced.

Of course. The Bidenistas control the DNC and they know that putting Joe on national TV and making him stand up there debating, and being questioned and arguing with a bunch of physically and mentally competent people would spell DOOM for the guy, because standing up there on his own he would make Fetterman look like a nuclear physicist.
That assumes the guy can even stand on his feet that long.
What are the chances of Trump showing up for a debate in 2024?

My money says he will declare them fixed and refuse to participate.

Why participate in open debate when you can take softball questions from Sean Hannity?
Trump didn't beat anyone. Much less a baby seal. He was badly embarrassed. Twice.
There's a reason legitimate media called the first debate a dumpster fire.
How does it feel to know that if Trump is the nominee, he'll lose by an even bigger margin this time? :)
The reason the MSM called it a "dumpster fire" is because Trump demolished their baby seal.

My wife said "no way I can vote for that AH", so you know Trump was an obnoxious bully.

So Biden didn't win, he got beat up and then got the sympathy vote.

Trump wasn't embarrassed, he never gets embarrassed, duh.

If you put up a more senile version of Biden in 2024, we both know what will happen.
What's this all about? Would the Dem party actually have the gaul to shield Biden from having to debate?
The reason the MSM called it a "dumpster fire" is because Trump demolished their baby seal.

My wife said "no way I can vote for that AH", so you know Trump was an obnoxious bully.

So Biden didn't win, he got beat up and then got the sympathy vote.

Trump wasn't embarrassed, he never gets embarrassed, duh.

If you put up a more senile version of Biden in 2024, we both know what will happen.
Trump was an embarrassment in that first debate

He showed the country a man who was unable to control himself, unable to maintain composure, easy to upset.

Hardly a man you wanted in control of the country
Trump was an embarrassment in that first debate

He showed the country a man who was unable to control himself, unable to maintain composure, easy to upset.

Hardly a man you wanted in control of the country
Yep, much better to have an idiot in the White House that can't add 2+2 and doesn't know the day of the week.
12 million jobs
COVID is over
$1.2 trillion infrastructure bill
Better relations with our allies
GDP is better
People going back to work after Dimwinger shutdowns.

Covid over?

Green New Deal pork.

Allies know Veggie Joe is a joke. Putin invaded Ukraine because Biden is his punk. China flying a spy balloon over our nuke sites for a week, and downing one of our drones in international airspace……and Chicom Joe has done nothing.

GPD better than when? 2020?

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