DNC cancels 2024 primary debates

No...now they will complain that the Republicans still having debates is "racist," "sexist," "unfair," or dishonest in some way...........they can't just cancel debates to keep biden off the stage, they will have to change it up and attack Republicans...

Oh....I know what they will do....

They will say the republicans are simply going to spew hate, so there is no point in covering their debates....and the democrats not having debates to hide biden will give them cover.
All attention will be directed to the GOP debates with never a mention of "why are there no democrat debates?" Distract, divert, disrupt---the democrat way.
If the 1st debate was a fight it would have been stopped. Even CNN called it a "shit show". Trump won the 2nd debate too.

Probably why they don't want another one now, especially since he's much worse and the actions he's taken.

The border is now a mess, the stock market a mess, inflation a mess, interest rates are a mess, international relationships are a mess, and like DumBama before him, he's making regulations to punish good responsible borrowers while favoring irresponsible borrowers with mortgage loans. Setting us up for another housing collapse. The only difference is DumBama did it with credit cards that we responsible borrowers are still paying for.
Generally nobody will challenge a sitting President of their own party; at least not somebody people could take seriously.
RFK jr pulling 14% (if it holds or gets bigger) would have got him into any debate but the scum-sucking slags in the DNC is gonna "Bernie" him......

I guess we are looking at another basement campaign where the DNC will depend on their ballot harvesters to win the day. I doubt they will allow Tater to debate the gop nominee.

Small wonder why half the country wants the other half flat-lined.

Oh well, maybe RFK Jr. will get him a new house out of the deal like Bernie did....It's only fair.

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