DNC cancels 2024 primary debates

If the 1st debate was a fight it would have been stopped. Even CNN called it a "shit show". Trump won the 2nd debate too.

That was because Trump couldn't stay on topic. He was expecting to run another shit show and be able to stalk around the stage like he did with Hillary. And when Chris Wallace tried to keep him on track, he threw a hissy fit.
He got his ass handed to him in both debates.
That was because Trump couldn't stay on topic. He was expecting to run another shit show and be able to stalk around the stage like he did with Hillary. And when Chris Wallace tried to keep him on track, he threw a hissy fit. He got his ass handed to him in both debates.
OMG. Calling you a liar doesn't begin to cover it. How could Biden win if Trump beat him like a baby seal?

"The debate was widely criticized by commentators and journalists. It was called "a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck" and a "disgrace" (CNN's Jake Tapper); a "shitshow" (CNN's Dana Bash); "mud-wrestling" (ABC's Martha Raddatz); "the worst presidential debate I have ever seen in my life" (ABC's George Stephanopoulos); and "the single worst debate I have ever covered in my two decades of doing this job" (CNN's Chris Cillizza).[62][63][64][65][66][67] The New York Times editorial board called the debate "excruciating" and wrote: "After five years of conditioning, the president's ceaseless lies, insults and abuse were no less breath-taking to behold"

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