Disney lies, claims US built on slavery


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
The reality is that America was a backwater undeveloped nation until Legal immigrants from Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Serbia- among other nations- came here to create the tremendous basis of industry.

My grandfathers were sitting around in Poland drinking beer, eating kielbasi and passing gas when they heard about tremendous ground floor opportunities in the burgeoning bituminous excavation and transportation field in America and decided to head west to make their fortunes.

It had nothing to do with America's legacy of slavery.

For Disney to credit slaves is a disgrace and a malfeasance of history.

The reality is that America was a backwater undeveloped nation until Legal immigrants from Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Serbia- among other nations- came here to create the tremendous basis of industry.

My grandfathers were sitting around in Poland drinking beer, eating kielbasi and passing gas when they heard about tremendous ground floor opportunities in the burgeoning bituminous excavation and transportation field in America and decided to head west to make their fortunes.

It had nothing to do with America's legacy of slavery.

For Disney to credit slaves is a disgrace and a malfeasance of history.

Exactly. It was the brave hard-working white folks who toiled in the cotton and tobacco fields to build this great country of ours. All this for no pay.

Black people just sat under the sun getting a tan and drinking beer.
Exactly. It was the brave hard-working white folks who toiled in the cotton and tobacco fields to build this great country of ours. All this for no pay.

Black people just sat under the sun getting a tan and drinking beer.

Did you know Egypt and Rome were also built using massive amounts of slavery?
In fact, history tells us that nearly all "great" civilizations were built on slavery.
So there is nothing unique about slavery in America.

Slavery was not an 'American" thing as much as it was a SOUTHERN American thing.
If it was "Nationwide", there would probably not have been a Civil War.

So, like the post above pointed out.....AMERICA was not really a SLAVERY NATION and the nation was NOT BUILT ON SLAVERY.
As far as Disney........

Anyone who calls themselves a 'Conservative" or even an American who still patronizes ANY Disney products or services is a traitor.
Yet here they are eager to go see the next Star Wars installment and bragging about their upcoming Disney vacation.

Would it be reasonable to say any such "Right Wing Conservative" that patronizes Disney at this point has an IQ LESS than the far Left morons they speak of?
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Did you know Egypt and Rome were also built using massive amounts of slavery?
In fact, history tells us that nearly all "great" civilizations were built on slavery.
So there is nothing unique about slavery in America.

Slavery was not an 'American" thing as much as it was a SOUTHERN American thing.
If it was "Nationwide", there would probably not have been a Civil War.

So, like the post above pointed out.....AMERICA was not really a SLAVERY NATION and the nation was NOT BUILT ON SLAVERY.
What the fuck are you babbling about?

History tells us that all great civilizations were built on slavery... Nothing unique about slavery in America....

and yet... America was not a slave nation... ???

Make up your mind. If all great nations were built on slavery and America had slaves and is a great nation... doesn't it buttress the point that slavery did make America great?

Are you on meds? Off meds? Drinking problem? Or, all of the above? Must be. No one can be this stupid. :itsok:
Slaves contributed to the labor part that brought in cash to the South prior to the Civil War but didn't contribute jackshit to the real economic growth of the US post Civil War.

In modern times Blacks contributed to the massive crime that is always a big hit on the economy and have been the beneficiaries of the goddamn debt ridden welfare state. They owe us White people.

Disney wokeness is despicable.
Hell, look at how badly their last movies have tanked.

In their latest, one group of marginalized people gets pissed because another group of marginalized people insists that they are the most marginalized. And demands that other nations do what they want as they have rights, and at the same time completely walk over the rights of other nations, because they can.

And right now is in the early days of a hostile takeover. Investor Nelson Peltz is pushing hard to get a seat on the board, and from what is being rumored he intends to remove the current CEO and completely reshape the company. And if anybody can do it and return the company to what it was, he is the one that can. He calls himself an "Activist Investor", but he means the word very differently than what most who use that word mean it.

He has no interest in politics, or pushing agendas or messages. He specializes in taking marginal or failing companies, and his entire goal is to return them to profitability. He does not butcher them and scavenge what he can, he wants to revitalize them. He is the one that took the failing Snapple brand in the 1990s when it was about to be closed, and spun it off and made it hugely profitable before selling it to Schweppes. And that has been his normal tactic. Obtain a seat on the company, cut the unprofitable excess fat from it, then sell it off again once it has returned to profitability.

And right now, the House of Mouse is in a tailspin of their own creation. "Social Activists" have been for years now making their products more "message based", and the consumers don't want that. They want entertainment, not to be preached to. The last multiple Star Wars films have been disasters, and even the Marvel franchise is in dire straights. Their last animated films have all tanked, and their streaming service is bleeding billions of dollars with no change in sight.

Somebody needs to get them to wake up and realize that we do not want their "message". If I wanted to be preached to, I would turn on an activist or evangelist on TV. I expect what they have done for almost a century, escapist movies that at the end leave me feeling better. Not hours long guilt trips that are supposed to make me feel bad because I may be more privileged than others are.
Every country enslaved a weaker neighbor at one time or another in history. Some still do. The flag that flew from the stern of Colonial slave ships was the Union Jack. The Civil War ended over 150 years ago but if there is a couple of bucks to be made or some political points to add up you can count on mostly liberals to dig up the dead.
As far as Disney........

Anyone who calls themselves a 'Conservative" or even an American who still patronizes ANY Disney products or services is a traitor.
Yet here they are eager to go see the next Star Wars installment and bragging about their upcoming Disney vacation.

Would it be reasonable to say any such "Right Wing Conservative" that patronizes Disney at this point has an IQ LESS than the far Left morons they speak of?
Being a long time Star Wars fan I was not thrilled when Disney got the rights. Of course it was a George Lucas decision and it was his creation but Disney has become woke fascist like other parts of so called corporate America.
And today they announced they are laying off over 7,000 people and over $5 billion in expenses.

As they announce yet another Frozen sequel, another Toy Story sequel, and a Zootopia sequel.
The reality is that America was a backwater undeveloped nation until Legal immigrants from Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Serbia- among other nations- came here to create the tremendous basis of industry.

My grandfathers were sitting around in Poland drinking beer, eating kielbasi and passing gas when they heard about tremendous ground floor opportunities in the burgeoning bituminous excavation and transportation field in America and decided to head west to make their fortunes.

It had nothing to do with America's legacy of slavery.

For Disney to credit slaves is a disgrace and a malfeasance of history.

Disney is being truthful; the thread premise is a lie.

Disney is being truthful; the thread premise is a lie.

Fuck you.

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