Disgraced embarrassment John Brennan Accuses Trump of Conspiring With the Saudis

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Now that Trump has taken away his MEAK TICKET...his SECURITY CLEARANCE, the traitorous prick, one of the key suspects in the Deep State Attemoted Coup, gets the lap dog media to report his rant!

Former CIA Director John Brennan suggested Wednesday night that President Trump is conspiring with Saudi leaders to make up a story about journalist Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance. The Saudi journalist was last seen on October 2 walking into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Turkey says the Saudis killed him, but Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud deny the charge. Trump suggested that he has no reason not to believe him and cited our economic relationship.

That left Brennan with this theory.

“So they’ve been working to concoct a story that’s going to stand up to the scrutiny that will be immediately put on it," Brennan said on MSNBC. "How can they claim then that Mohammed bin Salman had no responsibility whatsoever. Is he looking for the scapegoats inside of Saudi Arabia? Has he already taken action against them?"

Still, if U.S. intelligence has damning information about Salman's role in Khashoggi's disappearance, "his story is going to fall apart,” Brennan said. That, he said, is why it's so important that the CIA and others brief the House and Senate intelligence committees so that they can "hold the administration's feet to the fire."

Congress is going to be integral in this, Brennan added. "Because if Mr. Trump and others are going to try in fact to gloss over this somehow," lawmakers won't let that fly.

On Twitter, Brennan said the U.S.-Saudi strategic alliance cannot prevent swift justice on the Saudi government.

Jamal Khashoggi’s apparent death at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul is an atrocity, and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s close ties to the White House must not stand in the way of a full and forceful U.S. response.

Brennan has long been an outspoken Trump critic, condemning the president's rhetoric and policymaking decisions every chance he gets.

Read more Townhall.com ^

If people needed anymore evidence this whole Khashoggi thing was a deep-state op....Look no further than this POS.

Now ask yourself why all the rinos and neverTrumpers jumped to the mic to condemn the killing of some muzzie in a foreign land...That’s right.
You know, I might be willing to believe that the prince and Saudi king had nothing to do with this, except...........................

For the first 2 weeks, they were claiming that he had left by a back entrance which is why nobody saw him leave.

Now? They are saying that yeah, he came there, and yeah, he was interrogated, but died "accidentally" as a result of his questioning.

Now.....................my question is..............what kind of interrogation involves a bone saw?
You know, I might be willing to believe that the prince and Saudi king had nothing to do with this, except...........................

For the first 2 weeks, they were claiming that he had left by a back entrance which is why nobody saw him leave.

Now? They are saying that yeah, he came there, and yeah, he was interrogated, but died "accidentally" as a result of his questioning.

Now.....................my question is..............what kind of interrogation involves a bone saw?
Course they weren't there....and they were just repeating what they were told by others.....which is what we're all doing here now.
So Brennan is trying to give credibility to the Democrat bum rush on Trump over the Kashoggi matter.
The only problem is, is that Brennan lost his credibility (and security clearance, too!)
F'in idiot.
Now that Trump has taken away his MEAK TICKET...his SECURITY CLEARANCE, the traitorous prick, one of the key suspects in the Deep State Attemoted Coup, gets the lap dog media to report his rant!

Former CIA Director John Brennan suggested Wednesday night that President Trump is conspiring with Saudi leaders to make up a story about journalist Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance. The Saudi journalist was last seen on October 2 walking into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Turkey says the Saudis killed him, but Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud deny the charge. Trump suggested that he has no reason not to believe him and cited our economic relationship.

That left Brennan with this theory.

“So they’ve been working to concoct a story that’s going to stand up to the scrutiny that will be immediately put on it," Brennan said on MSNBC. "How can they claim then that Mohammed bin Salman had no responsibility whatsoever. Is he looking for the scapegoats inside of Saudi Arabia? Has he already taken action against them?"

Still, if U.S. intelligence has damning information about Salman's role in Khashoggi's disappearance, "his story is going to fall apart,” Brennan said. That, he said, is why it's so important that the CIA and others brief the House and Senate intelligence committees so that they can "hold the administration's feet to the fire."

Congress is going to be integral in this, Brennan added. "Because if Mr. Trump and others are going to try in fact to gloss over this somehow," lawmakers won't let that fly.

On Twitter, Brennan said the U.S.-Saudi strategic alliance cannot prevent swift justice on the Saudi government.

Jamal Khashoggi’s apparent death at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul is an atrocity, and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s close ties to the White House must not stand in the way of a full and forceful U.S. response.

Brennan has long been an outspoken Trump critic, condemning the president's rhetoric and policymaking decisions every chance he gets.

Read more Townhall.com ^

If people needed anymore evidence this whole Khashoggi thing was a deep-state op....Look no further than this POS.

Now ask yourself why all the rinos and neverTrumpers jumped to the mic to condemn the killing of some muzzie in a foreign land...That’s right.
I believe he probably is.

Why don't you?
You know, I might be willing to believe that the prince and Saudi king had nothing to do with this, except...........................

For the first 2 weeks, they were claiming that he had left by a back entrance which is why nobody saw him leave.

Now? They are saying that yeah, he came there, and yeah, he was interrogated, but died "accidentally" as a result of his questioning.

Now.....................my question is..............what kind of interrogation involves a bone saw?

"Now.....................my question is..............what kind of interrogation involves a bone saw?

They intended to murder him from the beginning, they wanted no trace of the body so the intention was to dismember him and then take away the body parts probably those body parts were in one of those black vehicles that CCTV captured driving away from the Saudi Embassy the next day, the day before approx 15 men part or ALL of the Murder Team walked out of those vehicles and into the Saudi Embassy again captured on CCTV and a few hours before a private plane landed from Saudi Arabia very probably containing the Murder Team with or without the bone saw, the body parts in my opinion will never be found I think they have taken them back to Saudi Arabia for disposal possibly using incineration.
You know, I might be willing to believe that the prince and Saudi king had nothing to do with this, except...........................

For the first 2 weeks, they were claiming that he had left by a back entrance which is why nobody saw him leave.

Now? They are saying that yeah, he came there, and yeah, he was interrogated, but died "accidentally" as a result of his questioning.

Now.....................my question is..............what kind of interrogation involves a bone saw?

Saudi Arabia are TOTAL filthy savages and should be treated as such, as TOTAL filthy savage sand rats, it is both embarrassing and also disgusting that ANY Western leader licks Saudi buttocks and it is disgusting that many on the Right are DEFENDING Saudi Arabia IF Saudi Arabia did NOT have oil then the same defenders on the Right would be DEMANDING that Saudi Arabia was bombed to dust and Regime Changed etc

Well I'm on the Right and I HATE Saudi Arabia and I fully condemn this latest barbarism from them, this to go into the file along with Saudi Arabia being involved with September 11, their carpet bombing and starvation of the Yemeni peoples, the choppings of heads off, their disgusting treatment of women and their decades long extensive financial funding of the worst type of Radical Islamist Terrorist Groups around the world including Al-Qaeda and the Al-Nusra Front.

Saudi Arabia should have already years ago had sanctions put onto them and also years ago Saudi Arabia should have been bombed to dust, it is pathetic that The West continues to PROSTITUTE itself to such disgusting human filth as The House of Saud.
You know, I might be willing to believe that the prince and Saudi king had nothing to do with this, except...........................

For the first 2 weeks, they were claiming that he had left by a back entrance which is why nobody saw him leave.

Now? They are saying that yeah, he came there, and yeah, he was interrogated, but died "accidentally" as a result of his questioning.

Now.....................my question is..............what kind of interrogation involves a bone saw?

"Now.....................my question is..............what kind of interrogation involves a bone saw?

They intended to murder him from the beginning, they wanted no trace of the body so the intention was to dismember him and then take away the body parts probably those body parts were in one of those black vehicles that CCTV captured driving away from the Saudi Embassy the next day, the day before approx 15 men part or ALL of the Murder Team walked out of those vehicles and into the Saudi Embassy again captured on CCTV and a few hours before a private plane landed from Saudi Arabia very probably containing the Murder Team with or without the bone saw, the body parts in my opinion will never be found I think they have taken them back to Saudi Arabia for disposal possibly using incineration.

You know, I never thought about incineration as a way to get rid of the body.

Makes sense. Also, considering that most embassies are equipped with incineration equipment (gotta have a good way to dispose of classified material), it would make sense that they would dismember the body, but instead of transporting it out, they use the embassy incinerator to get rid of the evidence.

I wonder if they checked the ashes of the embassy incinerator?
You know, I might be willing to believe that the prince and Saudi king had nothing to do with this, except...........................

For the first 2 weeks, they were claiming that he had left by a back entrance which is why nobody saw him leave.

Now? They are saying that yeah, he came there, and yeah, he was interrogated, but died "accidentally" as a result of his questioning.

Now.....................my question is..............what kind of interrogation involves a bone saw?








Here is the full article link to they have a run down on ALL 15 of the Saudi's that flew on that private plane HZSK1 into Turkey and then went to the Saudi Consulate and then flew on the second private plane HZSK2 back to Saudi Arabia the next day:

Who's who in alleged Saudi 'hit squad'
You know, they set this poor dude up. He had gone to the embassy 4 days earlier, and they served him coffee and tea, were cordial with him, but then told him that he had to come back in 4 days.

During the first 2 days, Turkish nationals who work at the embassy were given a holiday, and they closed down the embassy for paperwork for those days as well.

Nope, this was planned, and if the Saudi king and prince didn't know what was going on, then they are too fucking stupid to be world leaders.
Breaking news, just showed up on NBC Nightly News.

Seems that the Saudis have admitted that Koshiggi showed up at the embassy, but now their story is that when he got there, a fight broke out, and Koshiggi was killed. They have also announced that there have been 18 arrests, and an intelligence official has been fired.

Sounds like the prince is trying to cover his ass....................

Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead | Daily Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead and blames death on a fight breaking out in the embassy
  • Saudi Arabia has admitted journalist Jamal Khashoggi is dead
  • Saudi attorney general says Khashoggi died after a fight broke out between him and people who met him at the consulate
  • 18 suspects have been held in connection with the case
You know, they set this poor dude up. He had gone to the embassy 4 days earlier, and they served him coffee and tea, were cordial with him, but then told him that he had to come back in 4 days.

During the first 2 days, Turkish nationals who work at the embassy were given a holiday, and they closed down the embassy for paperwork for those days as well.

Nope, this was planned, and if the Saudi king and prince didn't know what was going on, then they are too fucking stupid to be world leaders.











Here is the full article link to:

Police in Khashoggi case search forest
You know, they set this poor dude up. He had gone to the embassy 4 days earlier, and they served him coffee and tea, were cordial with him, but then told him that he had to come back in 4 days.

During the first 2 days, Turkish nationals who work at the embassy were given a holiday, and they closed down the embassy for paperwork for those days as well.

Nope, this was planned, and if the Saudi king and prince didn't know what was going on, then they are too fucking stupid to be world leaders.

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Here is the full article link to:

Police in Khashoggi case search forest


Breaking news, just showed up on NBC Nightly News.

Seems that the Saudis have admitted that Koshiggi showed up at the embassy, but now their story is that when he got there, a fight broke out, and Koshiggi was killed. They have also announced that there have been 18 arrests, and an intelligence official has been fired.

Sounds like the prince is trying to cover his ass....................

Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead | Daily Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead and blames death on a fight breaking out in the embassy
  • Saudi Arabia has admitted journalist Jamal Khashoggi is dead
  • Saudi attorney general says Khashoggi died after a fight broke out between him and people who met him at the consulate
  • 18 suspects have been held in connection with the case

So the story goes from:

Saudi's saying that Jamal Khashoggi isn't dead and that he left the Saudi Consulate by a back entrance and then they don't know where he went from there.

Saudi's saying that they did not murder Jamal Khashoggi and that he left the Saudi Consulate alive.


Saudi's saying that Jamal Khashoggi is dead but they didn't murder him he just died by accident during a fight at the Saudi Consulate.

The situation is that the Saudi's are POS, that Jamal Khashoggi went into the Saudi Consulate and he was murdered by a pre-arranged Murder Team who were sent to Istanbul to directly assassinate him in the most heinous fashion, very probably on the orders of Mohammed bin Salman who is a basic psychopath but like ALL psychopaths has charmed certain Western leaders into thinking that he's NORMAL and is someone they can do business with.
The Saudis will arrest, try, and execute 15-20 people they say have involvement and this event will be put to bed.

Who knows perhaps all 15 have already been disappeared, they cannot risk having any of them alive because they might mention something to a third party about what happened inside the Saudi Consulate in Turkey.

I put Mohammed bin Salman effectively into the same category that Saddam Hussein's son Uday Hussein was in, a basic psychopath with NO conscience and someone who should be eliminated.

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