Dinesh D’Souza Exposes Voter Fraud


Igor...that ship has sailed...or sunk
You better change your news sources,, the new AG in November is going to change big league . Arizona is about to toss Biden electors to the curb
You better change your news sources,, the new AG in November is going to change big league . Arizona is about to toss Biden electors to the curb
Keep hope alive Igor

It will.
looks like the new Arizona Attorney General is going to toss out Biden‘s electors,, Pennsylvania’s conducting investigation. Georgia is also conducting your investigation.. Michigan and Wisconsin will follow.. then it will hit the Supreme Court.. hehe
This won't help the clean and pure election narrative. The % of Americans who believe the 2020 election was stolen is well above 50% and rising.
I love it when hollyweird gets into this thing. If what it says was true I am sure that the over 60 contests in the Courts, it would have been presented. It wasn't.
What were some of those contests? Which courts? Under what captions?

In the chart provided at this Wikipedia page (LINK) there were about 20 million more votes cast for Biden than Trump in 2016.


Look at the ballot counts for recent elections. This four-year increase was more than any in American history. What is even more unusual is that the (electoral vote) winner of the 2016 election won 11 million more votes in 2020 yet still lost that election.

Considering that everyone came out for the Trump/Hillary election, how is this even possible? Look at those numbers? Wikipedia is no friend of Republicans so these are not conservative stats. Where did all of those extra votes come from?
"Lefties????" You Trumpist believe any trash that comes your way if it supports your lies and warped world view. Election fraud is a scam perpetuated by those that want to undermine American Democracy. It is that simple.
demofks if it helps

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