Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?

Nope, I don't like some parts of his personality, but we don't elect presidents in a personality contest, we elect them to get the JOB of president done in the best interests of THIS country and its citizens. Trump is doing that. End of story.
Actually we elect people of character. Trump has no character & you must not either to support him.

What has he done that you like?

unemployment at record lows, the stock market at record highs, gas prices low, the USA is energy independent, dialog opened with NK, terrible trade deals cancelled, China and the EU brought into more equal trade deals by tariffs and threats of more tariffs, trying to stop the crisis at the southern border, calling out the corrupt deep state in both parties, talking like a real person instead of a FOS politician, building up our military, getting two open minded conservatives on the SC, putting america first.

what has he done that you don't like? Insulting democrats doesn't count.
gas prices just went above $3 here and rising.

There has been a new trade deal with the EU & China? Trump's tariffs continue to hurt farmers, manufacturing & US exporters. Trade deficit grew to record levels. The job growth the first three months of 2019 among the worst of the past couple decades. Deficits are climbing. Trump has made a mess at the border. Getting a rapist on the USSC. Trashing our veterans. Stealing money targeted for our troops to fund a stupid 40' concrete wall.

too much bullshit in that post to even bother with. You are an idiot with the brains of AOC and the mouth of crazy maxine.

you just became a candidate for my ignore list. I choose not to waste my time with those who are unable to post intelligently and rationally.

Thev truth hurts. Ignore me please.

I may, but its more fun to expose your stupidity and partisan stupidity.

tell me, which of the current crop of dem hopefuls do you support and why?
No moron.

Democrats are the pieces of shit who allow the media to declare that MAGA hats are the new klan hood and do absolutely nothing when criminals(whom they count on to vote for Democrats) in their districts assault Trump supporters while claiming that it is the Trump supporters that are violent and evil.

Nobody with any morals is voting for Democrats anymore.
Sorry but there are pieces of shit in every organization and voting for Democrats doesn't mean voting to assault Trump supporters. Although I seem to recall Trump offering to pay the legal bills of anyone who assaulted the media that was covering his campaign. I guess that means nobody with any morals is voting for Republicans anymore.
Well Repub voters were being assaulted. You just conveniently forget. Kind of a one way thing. Also, those media types were/are criminals for the way the spew their venom. Enraging their voters to destroy property, attack people and even inciting murders.
Trump encoraged his supporters to assault protesters. Show me where a Democrat did the same thing.
Damn, are you uninformed. Did you really post that?

Do you get all your news from MSLSD?
FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?

You Trumpettes are so fucking stupid that I am surprised you can remember to breathe.

those comments never resulted in any violence, however the comments of dem/libs has resulted in violence.
Well Repub voters were being assaulted. You just conveniently forget. Kind of a one way thing. Also, those media types were/are criminals for the way the spew their venom. Enraging their voters to destroy property, attack people and even inciting murders.
Trump encoraged his supporters to assault protesters. Show me where a Democrat did the same thing.

Hmm, have you heard any of Maxine Waters rants where she says things like "get in their faces, put your fingers in their food" "run them out of restaurants and public places" and the mulitia of the left, Antifa. has actually physically attacked many people because of a hat or something they said.
Getting in one's face means talking, not violence you stupid shit.

Trump called for violence. He offered to pay legal fees. And you loved every minute of it.

Putting your fingers in their food is not violent? Anltifa is not viiolent when it destroys public and private property and attacks individuals? BLM is not violent when it attacks cops?

Trump was joking when he said that. He talks like a typical new yorker, full of bluster and BS. Have you ever been to a bar in NY or NJ or Boston? they all talk like Trump and they walk away friends. The ignorance of you liberals is amazing.

Where did Waters tell people to stick theoir fingers in people's food?

So, it is OK fro PRESIDENTS to lie & encourage violence because some beered up yeahoos do it in bars. Great thinking.

The ignorance of toyou Trimpettes is above anything I have seen. You like that he is a fraud & cheat. You love it when he lies. You love it whrn he trashes our veterans. You love it when he spews bigotry.

Nancy Pelosi turns on Maxine Waters, criticizes her "unacceptable" anti-Trump rhetoric
Be serious. In one party there are folks with integrity, and the Democrats are the other.
<snip>Democrats are focused on policy.

The difference between Democrat and Republicans:

Democrats promises bad government and always delivers bad government.

Republicans promises good government but usually delivers the same bad government we would have got from Democrats.
No moron.

Democrats are the pieces of shit who allow the media to declare that MAGA hats are the new klan hood and do absolutely nothing when criminals(whom they count on to vote for Democrats) in their districts assault Trump supporters while claiming that it is the Trump supporters that are violent and evil.

Nobody with any morals is voting for Democrats anymore.
Sorry but there are pieces of shit in every organization and voting for Democrats doesn't mean voting to assault Trump supporters. Although I seem to recall Trump offering to pay the legal bills of anyone who assaulted the media that was covering his campaign. I guess that means nobody with any morals is voting for Republicans anymore.
Well Repub voters were being assaulted. You just conveniently forget. Kind of a one way thing. Also, those media types were/are criminals for the way the spew their venom. Enraging their voters to destroy property, attack people and even inciting murders.
Trump encoraged his supporters to assault protesters. Show me where a Democrat did the same thing.
Damn, are you uninformed. Did you really post that?

Do you get all your news from MSLSD?
FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?

You Trumpettes are so fucking stupid that I am surprised you can remember to breathe.
Apparently you missed my criticism of you. You claimed not to know that D pols incite violence. Are you going stick to that?

Are you really unaware of the violence promoted by D pols? If you are, you MUST admit you are uninformed.
Be serious. In one party there are folks with integrity, and the Democrats are the other.

Most folks know by now that Obama was behind the fake Russia Collusion scam. Inadvertent proof of same is the email that Hussein had Susan Rice send herself….send herself……to make the case that he was in no way guilty….meaning, he knew he’d be targeted.

Such an obvious ‘plausible deniability’ attempt by the snake. As usual for the corrupt party, they circle the wagons rather than admit the truth.

Let’s go over the details.

1.Evidence abounds that Hussein Obama was behind the Mueller-Russia Fiasco, and if you want to see a dramatic example of the difference between members of the two parties…..watch and learn:

Nixon was put on the grill by honorable members of his own party. “The most famous sentence [Republican Senator] Howard Baker ever uttered was his immortal line about Watergate: “What did the president know, and when did he know it?”

[Baker] was the ranking Republican on the special Senate committee convened to investigate the 1972 break-in at Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office building.

President Richard Nixon had conspired to cover up White House involvement in that break-in early after its discovery. But the country did not know that at the time. Baker didn’t either.

…Baker continued to press, not for Nixon’s advantage, but for the truth. His careful and detailed questioning won him widespread national attention and praise.” Howard Baker: the real story of his famous Watergate question

2. Now….which curs….er, Democrat officials, …are demanding full disclosure as to why Hussein’s fingerprints are all over the scurrilous attack on President Trump???

"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."


"Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation"


3. You may recall the email that Susan Rice wrote….to herself…..to cover Obama’s rear end.

“The email — which apparently memorializes a meeting with former President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates — was revealed earlier this month by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

The meeting touched on whether the Obama administration should withhold certain information about the FBI investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election from the Trump administration.

Grassley and Graham have raised questions about why Rice would send herself "such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation." Susan Rice attorney denies message she sent herself on Trump's inauguration was 'unusual'

The email, by a documented liar for Obama, is an attempt to soften what Obama knew would become public knowledge: that he got his troops together to produce the Russia Spygate Fiasco.

The email….next.
back to the divisive type of posting Putin would pay for I see.

Talk some issues.

Consider, do Republicans support free trade today or are they for big government tariffs and subjecting countries (like the U.S.) to multinational laws?

Is talking issues scary because one day they're part of your team platform, the next they're not and you lose your identity?

Be careful....I hear she is making a list of her own special enemies and wants to mount their heads on her wall......

I love the palpable fear I engender.
The Right refuses to see the racism coming from its end.

The Left refuses to admit the way it enables the worst behaviors.

Both refuse to hold their own end accountable.

That's our "race problem".

Nah.....here's your problem:

Right on cue!

Heya, winger!

Hiya, fence-sitter.

Soooo....when are you gonna get a backbone????
Have one. Are you, or do you plan on being an obedient little partisan sheep your whole life?

Man up. Have some respect for yourself.

Or don't! Wheeeeeeee!

The Right refuses to see the racism coming from its end.

The Left refuses to admit the way it enables the worst behaviors.

Both refuse to hold their own end accountable.

That's our "race problem".

Nah.....here's your problem:

Right on cue!

Heya, winger!

Hiya, fence-sitter.

Soooo....when are you gonna get a backbone????
Have one. Are you, or do you plan on being an obedient little partisan sheep your whole life?

Man up. Have some respect for yourself.

Or don't! Wheeeeeeee!


Everything I post is documented, linked and sourced....hence, 100% true, accurate and correct.

Bet you wish you could say that, fence-sitter.
The Right refuses to see the racism coming from its end.

The Left refuses to admit the way it enables the worst behaviors.

Both refuse to hold their own end accountable.

That's our "race problem".

Nah.....here's your problem:

Right on cue!

Heya, winger!

Hiya, fence-sitter.

Soooo....when are you gonna get a backbone????
Have one. Are you, or do you plan on being an obedient little partisan sheep your whole life?

Man up. Have some respect for yourself.

Or don't! Wheeeeeeee!


Everything I post is documented, linked and sourced....hence, 100% true, accurate and correct.

Bet you wish you could say that, fence-sitter.
You're a good and obedient little sheep.

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