Did you ever … ?


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Now a resident of a Red state! Hallelujah!
Did you ever open a thread by mistake and start to read it and then have to ask yourself, “what the fuck?”

I have.

Judgemental aren't you? Were you at his wedding? Do you know what vows he made? There are folks that have open marriages. Like most democrats, you are projecting your morals on someone else. The fact remains--he didn't break a law. Keep grasping.

but it is breaking marriage vows.


raw dogging a porn star & breaking them thar marriage vows a mere 4 months after his third baby mama gave birth to his 5th spawn; putting them both at risk for some nasty STD.

i knew those facts of donny's behavior.
Melania insisted the prenup was changed to her benefit. More $$$, seperate rooms, and I'm sure.... no nookie.
Melania insisted the prenup was changed to her benefit. More $$$, seperate rooms, and I'm sure.... no nookie.

oh indeed. the longer she stays the more cash she gets, & i'm willing to bet the day donny's 5th spawn turns 18 - she is outa there.
Melania's ex-assistant said their marriage is no more than a team arrangement.
What do you think Bill and Hillary are all about?
And probably 60% of all married politicians.
Got to fit the "American family" image to get votes. But then again many marriages are based more on business and other things. It's not that unusual in America at all especially among people with money.
What do you think Bill and Hillary are all about?
And probably 60% of all married politicians.
Got to fit the "American family" image to get votes. But then again many marriages are based more on business and other things. It's not that unusual in America at all especially among people with money.
Predominately in the South because women can't/couldn't get elected so they got some guy in their place.

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