Did These Conservative Justices Just Betray America???


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the radical argument brought forward in the controversial case of Moore v. Harper that state legislatures have the sole power to draw congressional district maps and set election law. The independent state legislature theory that Republicans in the North Carolina legislature wanted the court to adopt would give state courts no ability to rule on gerrymandered maps or other election laws that may run afoul of their respective state constitution. State legislatures, themselves often gerrymandered to give one party majority control, would then have free rein to draw congressional maps and set election laws without judicial checks and balances.

The court rejected this theory in a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts; Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson joined Roberts’ opinion. Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch dissented. “We are asked to decide whether the Elections Clause carves out an exception to this basic principle. We hold that it does not,” Roberts wrote. “The Elections Clause does not insulate state legislatures from the ordinary exercise of state judicial review.” This ruling is a resounding rejection of the far-right theory that has been peddled by election deniers and extremists seeking to undermine our democracy," Obama said."

Did Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh just betray America by siding with the Communist Democrats on what could be one of the most important Supreme Court cases in 100 years?? Do these people not know what they are doing? With this independent state legislature theory being struck down, that is going to make it harder for "real Americans" to win elections in the future...Do they want more insurrections? Because that is what is going to happen if we keep seeing these communist-marxist-transgender-pedophile Democrats win election after election. John Roberts basically agreed with Obama? Is he insane? Obama is a Kenyan Muslim terrorist who has destroyed our country; he knows nothing about the Constitution - and we have a Chief Justice that has sided with him?

Well, Bush did nominate this guy, so maybe we should have known then what type of radical Marxist, John Roberts would turn out to be. If red and purple states aren't able to overturn election results they don't like - how can they possibly win the White House in the future? Instead of storming the Capitol, maybe those J6 patriots should have stormed the Supreme Court.
John Roberts is a W appointee, not a conservative.

Obama is a Kenyan Muslim terrorist


homO is a cocksucking sissy coward hiding in the closet. She hid everything in the closet, from 911 to the Co2 fraud. homO started the policy of spending US taxdollars in foreign countries in exchange for massive kickbacks. homO funded Wuhan and the Ukraine bio labs, and Hunter got the kickbacks, but it wasn't just Hunter. homO pushed homosexuality and black bigotry in public education. homO rigged DoJ and FBI to go after Trump. homO had the Mossad off Joan Rivers and others for opening the closet door. homO isn't scared of the Co2 fraud because homO had Holder hide the FBI prosecution in the closet = then bought beachfront property on an island last hit by Cat 5 winds in 1938.

homO's supporters are some of the most disgusting sick treasonous pieces of garbage the human species has ever had to deal with.

"The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the radical argument brought forward in the controversial case of Moore v. Harper that state legislatures have the sole power to draw congressional district maps and set election law. The independent state legislature theory that Republicans in the North Carolina legislature wanted the court to adopt would give state courts no ability to rule on gerrymandered maps or other election laws that may run afoul of their respective state constitution. State legislatures, themselves often gerrymandered to give one party majority control, would then have free rein to draw congressional maps and set election laws without judicial checks and balances.

The court rejected this theory in a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts; Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson joined Roberts’ opinion. Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch dissented. “We are asked to decide whether the Elections Clause carves out an exception to this basic principle. We hold that it does not,” Roberts wrote. “The Elections Clause does not insulate state legislatures from the ordinary exercise of state judicial review.” This ruling is a resounding rejection of the far-right theory that has been peddled by election deniers and extremists seeking to undermine our democracy," Obama said."

Did Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh just betray America by siding with the Communist Democrats on what could be one of the most important Supreme Court cases in 100 years?? Do these people not know what they are doing? With this independent state legislature theory being struck down, that is going to make it harder for "real Americans" to win elections in the future...Do they want more insurrections? Because that is what is going to happen if we keep seeing these communist-marxist-transgender-pedophile Democrats win election after election. John Roberts basically agreed with Obama? Is he insane? Obama is a Kenyan Muslim terrorist who has destroyed our country; he knows nothing about the Constitution - and we have a Chief Justice that has sided with him?

Well, Bush did nominate this guy, so maybe we should have known then what type of radical Marxist, John Roberts would turn out to be. If red and purple states aren't able to overturn election results they don't like - how can they possibly win the White House in the future? Instead of storming the Capitol, maybe those J6 patriots should have stormed the Supreme Court.
Not at all...Judicial Review is what Courts do. Courts have the authority to review state legislatures laws...even dealing with elections...they however don't have the authority to make their own law.

And just like that, the US became a communist nation.
All they are saying is that the Elections Clause doesn't relieve the legislature from court review of redistricting proposals. I agree. Here is the clause -

Section 4 Congress
Clause 1 Elections Clause
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The Reps should be relieved by this as Dems are way better at exploiting these things than Reps.
All they are saying is that the Elections Clause doesn't relieve the legislature from court review of redistricting proposals. I agree. Here is the clause -

Section 4 Congress
Clause 1 Elections Clause
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The Reps should be relieved by this as Dems are way better at exploiting these things than Reps.
correct, that's all they are saying.
All they are saying is that the Elections Clause doesn't relieve the legislature from court review of redistricting proposals. I agree. Here is the clause -

Section 4 Congress
Clause 1 Elections Clause
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The Reps should be relieved by this as Dems are way better at exploiting these things than Reps.
So why would right-wingers want to strike that down and have the right to overturn election results if they don't like the outcome??

Why would 3 Conservative justices vote in favor of something like that?

As for you claiming Dems are better at exploiting something like that -- if you believe that, why weren't they the ones who argued that case before the Supreme Court?

Do you folks ever get tired of projecting your right-wing fuck ups on liberals??
correct, that's all they are saying.
So why did right-wingers bring it before the court in the first place?

And why did no "Liberal justices" vote in favor of this theory -- if you morons think it would be something "liberals" exploit?

Rightwingers conjured up this moronic legal theory, not "liberals"
When it comes to "conservative" judges, they may rule conservative around half the time, but with a Left wing judge they rule Left wing 100% of the time, which is why we are in the predicament we are in today.
So why did right-wingers bring it before the court in the first place?

And why did no "Liberal justices" vote in favor of this theory -- if you morons think it would be something "liberals" exploit?

Rightwingers conjured up this moronic legal theory, not "liberals"
Leftists may vote down something Leftist if they already know it will pass without them to make appear to be anything but a DNC tool.

But if their votes are needed to pass a Leftist agenda, they show up to vote Leftist 100% of the time.
So why did right-wingers bring it before the court in the first place?

And why did no "Liberal justices" vote in favor of this theory -- if you morons think it would be something "liberals" exploit?

Rightwingers conjured up this moronic legal theory, not "liberals"
Sounds like some people thought they had a case...why does anyone bring anything to Court? What a stupid question.

When did I say liberals came up with this theory? what the f are you talking about?
When it comes to "conservative" judges, they may rule conservative around half the time, but with a Left wing judge they rule Left wing 100% of the time, which is why we are in the predicament we are in today.
Still waiting for someone to tell me why right-wingers would bring this case to the court in the first place ??

and answer it without deflecting and projecting bullshit on "Democrats" or "Liberals -- since they were the ones who SUCCESSFULLY ARGUED AGAINST this bullshit theory in the first place....that lawyer being Neal Katyal to be exact....

And last I checked, not a single "Liberal justice" voted to uphold this fascist legal theory.....this was a right-wing creation.....
Leftists may vote down something Leftist if they already know it will pass without them to make appear to be anything but a DNC tool.

But if their votes are needed to pass a Leftist agenda, they show up to vote Leftist 100% of the time.
So a legal theory pushed by right-wingers who were butt hurt that they couldn't overturn election results they don't like was really something "liberals" wanted to do but they voted against because? it makes you feel better to believe it?

Sounds like some people thought they had a case...why does anyone bring anything to Court? What a stupid question.

When did I say liberals came up with this theory? what the f are you talking about?
Not "some people" -- right-wingers....

And when you dumb asses take a legal theory pushed by right-wingers and say "they should be glad they lost, because that is what Democrats wanted to do" -- then yes, you are projecting bullshit rightwingers tried to do on liberals....as usual...
Still waiting for someone to tell me why right-wingers would bring this case to the court in the first place ??

and answer it without deflecting and projecting bullshit on "Democrats" or "Liberals -- since they were the ones who SUCCESSFULLY ARGUED AGAINST this bullshit theory in the first place....that lawyer being Neal Katyal to be exact....

And last I checked, not a single "Liberal justice" voted to uphold this fascist legal theory.....this was a right-wing creation.....
Because they thought it was their best chance to stop the Feds from running elections across the nation.

They were wrong.

But to be consistent, the Feds run everything in our lives anyway, state power is nonexistent. unless they want to welcome in illegals, then all of a sudden states have power.

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