Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?
It's phoney and partisan horseshit courtesy of the Statists to deflect off of Obama's abysmal record.

There's gonna be some wealthy chiropracters,, the leftloons have gone into such contortions over justifying the ill treatment of Mrs. Palin I'm sure there are some severe back injuries.. How much force is needed to pull those inflated heads out of those pinched little asses? doyathink?
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Sorry troll, Palin brought most of the negative press on herself. "I can see Russia from my porch"; not even you're dumb enough to suggest 'seeing' Russia is a substitute for knowing Russia in terms of an understanding of our long term relations with Russia and the nations which made up the former USSR.

Palin lacked even the rudimentary knowledge needed to pass a blue book exam in an undergrad Foreign Relations exam, or one in Geography or Psychology; her ignorance must be what attracted you and others like you to her.

Palin was and is all partisan all of the time. Of course that is what attracts the 28%ers to whom she appeals; as a demagogue she's a failure, she forgets the other 72% of Americans have open minds and open hearts and the callous conservative theme is anathema to them.

I wouldn't post ignorant crap and use the word ignorant in the same post if I were you!

"I can see Russia from my house!" even though she didn't actually utter that phrase during the campaign.

The basis for the line was Governor Palin's 11 September 2008 appearance on ABC News, her first major interview after being tapped as the vice-presidential nominee. During that appearance, interviewer Charles Gibson asked her what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia, and she responded: "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska":

Two days later, on the 2008 season premiere of Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler appeared in a sketch portraying Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, during which Fey spoofed Governor Palin's remark of a few days earlier with the following exchange: FEY AS PALIN: "You know, Hillary and I don't agree on everything . . ."

POEHLER AS CLINTON: (OVERLAPPING) "Anything. I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy."

FEY AS PALIN: "And I can see Russia from my house."

snopes.com: I Can See Alaska from My House
shame on you.. but thanks for the rep.

Clarify why "shame on" me.

Oh, a link for you....GOOGLE with several hits on only one example:

obama called crackhead - Google Search

so this proves you had an issue with obama being portrayed as a skinny crackhead but no issue of Gingrich being portrayed as a car bomber. Thanks for making my point.
No, I don't have any more of an issue with Obama being portrayed as a skinny crackhead as I do with Palin being called a **** and Gingrich being portrayed as a car bomber. You asked for examples....I provided some.

They are ALL politicians. This kind of name-calling comes with the territory....and if you want to play with the "big boys" you have to be able to take it and not cry foul. It's part and parcel.
Clarify why "shame on" me.

Oh, a link for you....GOOGLE with several hits on only one example:

obama called crackhead - Google Search

so this proves you had an issue with obama being portrayed as a skinny crackhead but no issue of Gingrich being portrayed as a car bomber. Thanks for making my point.
No, I don't have any more of an issue with Obama being portrayed as a skinny crackhead as I do with Palin being called a **** and Gingrich being portrayed as a car bomber. You asked for examples....I provided some.

They are ALL politicians. This kind of name-calling comes with the territory....and if you want to play with the "big boys" you have to be able to take it and not cry foul. It's part and parcel.

send that memo to miss activist.. then we'll all be happy.
so this proves you had an issue with obama being portrayed as a skinny crackhead but no issue of Gingrich being portrayed as a car bomber. Thanks for making my point.
No, I don't have any more of an issue with Obama being portrayed as a skinny crackhead as I do with Palin being called a **** and Gingrich being portrayed as a car bomber. You asked for examples....I provided some.

They are ALL politicians. This kind of name-calling comes with the territory....and if you want to play with the "big boys" you have to be able to take it and not cry foul. It's part and parcel.

send that memo to miss activist.. then we'll all be happy.

"Miss activist" is not a politician. She is not running for any political office.
No, I don't have any more of an issue with Obama being portrayed as a skinny crackhead as I do with Palin being called a **** and Gingrich being portrayed as a car bomber. You asked for examples....I provided some.

They are ALL politicians. This kind of name-calling comes with the territory....and if you want to play with the "big boys" you have to be able to take it and not cry foul. It's part and parcel.

send that memo to miss activist.. then we'll all be happy.

"Miss activist" is not a politician. She is not running for any political office.

yep, she is,, she's a political activist,, so in your weird world she deserved exactly what she got. that'll teach her to go public with a politically charged cause.. didn't she do this once before,, with transgenders.. what horrible name involving genitalia do we give to transgenders doyathink??
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?
It's phoney and partisan horseshit courtesy of the Statists to deflect off of Obama's abysmal record.

There's gonna be some wealthy chiropracters,, the leftloons have gone into such contortions over justifying the ill treatment of Mrs. Palin I'm sure there are some severe back injuries.. How much force is needed to pull those inflated heads out of those pinched little asses? doyathink?

Huge amount IMO. But then they may keep them there while the rest of us defeat thier sorry asses...

By the way? The Medical condition is known and a Rectal-Cranial Inversion...probably why your average Statist is so self loathing and has such a shitty outlook on life...and wish to infect the rest of us. ;)
For the most part I don't think she was call a slut and a whore, perhaps by some individuals she was but not in the general media.

Is that what you mean when you say respect for women.....not demeaning them for hours?

According to a March 28 post by Arnold Wayne Jones on The Dallas Voice website, a publication that describes itself as the “premier media source for LGBT Texas,” Maher made a Sunday night appearance at the Winspear Opera House and leveled another attack at the former Alaska governor.

“It’s that fearlessness — he acknowledged that some people would probably be uncomfortable with some of his remarks about religion, not to mention calling Sarah Palin [the “c” word] (“there’s just no other word for her”) — that makes Maher the most dangerous person in comedy,” Jones wrote. “He’s painfully well-informed, which means he takes no bullshit from anyone. President Barack Obama took it on the chin almost as much as Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. How dare the President say he would not settle for America being No. 2 — America is already out of the top 10 in most international lifestyle and human rights categories (health care, education, social mobility, women in high political positions). ‘I’d be thrilled if we were No. 2,’ he ranted, noting it’s nice to be behind Bosnia in life expectancy (where the chief cause of death is wolfman attacks, he joked).”

On his Friday show, Maher called Palin and Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann “bimbos.” That came one week after he called Palin “a dumb twat.”

Read more: Bill Maher | Sarah Palin | **** | Report: Bill Maher doubles down -- calls Sarah Palin the 'c' word | The Daily Caller

How much condemnation of Mahers remarks was mentioned in the MSM as compared to the present controversy.
It's phoney and partisan horseshit courtesy of the Statists to deflect off of Obama's abysmal record.

There's gonna be some wealthy chiropracters,, the leftloons have gone into such contortions over justifying the ill treatment of Mrs. Palin I'm sure there are some severe back injuries.. How much force is needed to pull those inflated heads out of those pinched little asses? doyathink?

Huge amount IMO. But then they may keep them there while the rest of us defeat thier sorry asses...

By the way? The Medical condition is known and a Rectal-Cranial Inversion...probably why your average Statist is so self loathing and has such a shitty outlook on life...and wish to infect the rest of us. ;)

oh my.. does your insurance company cover this malfunction?
There's gonna be some wealthy chiropracters,, the leftloons have gone into such contortions over justifying the ill treatment of Mrs. Palin I'm sure there are some severe back injuries.. How much force is needed to pull those inflated heads out of those pinched little asses? doyathink?

Huge amount IMO. But then they may keep them there while the rest of us defeat thier sorry asses...

By the way? The Medical condition is known and a Rectal-Cranial Inversion...probably why your average Statist is so self loathing and has such a shitty outlook on life...and wish to infect the rest of us. ;)

oh my.. does your insurance company cover this malfunction?

send that memo to miss activist.. then we'll all be happy.

"Miss activist" is not a politician. She is not running for any political office.

yep, she is,, she's a political activist,, so in your weird world she deserved exactly what she got. that'll teach her to go public with a politically charged cause.. didn't she do this once before,, with transgenders.. what horrible name involving genitalia do we give to transgenders doyathink??

An activist is not a politician no matter how much you want that to be true. If you disagree with what she SAID, you refute it with facts....you DON'T go after her. That just shows you to be a low life with no facts of your own to refute with.

Now, if she ever runs for political office.....fair game for the Opposition.
Here's some backup to what I just posted, NK. It was the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee i.e. no Republicans allowed similar to the CBC and no whites allowed.

Sandra Fluke's statements to the U.S. Congress (VIDEO) - National Conservative | Examiner.com

Sandra Fluke is a third-year law student at Georgetown University and has had a volatile trip through the media in the past week due to her involvement with speaking out before the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee on women’s health and contraception.

Her first attempt to speak before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was denied. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi voiced criticism of the first committee for not having any women speaking as contraception is a women’s issue. In response, the next panel that heard testimony on the issue allowed Sandra Fluke to speak.

Note: I don't know anything about this Scott Paulson so beat him up all you like... isn't that what we do to the messengers around here?


Fluke did NOT testify in front of a House Committee. The Democrats merely held a press conference and made it look like it was in front of Congress.

Sandra Fluke's press conference
Speaking at a different venue organized by Democrats and not televised, Fluke argued in favor of requiring all private insurance plans to cover contraception coverage, even religious institutions. She said that over the three years as a law student, birth control could cost $3,000 in some cases. She continued that the lack of free contraception would induce many low income students to go without contraceptives and that women's free health clinics cannot meet the need.
Ms. Fluke is not a politician now, is she?

Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.

Activist does NOT equal Politician. And only a fool would try to make that assertion.

She put herself into the middle of a political issue. She is a politician. She may not yet be running for office, but she is a politician.

Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.

Activist does NOT equal Politician. And only a fool would try to make that assertion.

She put herself into the middle of a political issue. She is a politician. She may not yet be running for office, but she is a politician.

She became a public figure at the behest of the Statist Democrats...she is living her 15 minutes of fame.

She will be tossed away like an old worn shoe when the Statists have used and abused her as a tool...just like Cindy Sheehan.
Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.

Activist does NOT equal Politician. And only a fool would try to make that assertion.

She put herself into the middle of a political issue. She is a politician.

No, I am sorry, but that is not a politician. I know you WANT that to be what she is, but she is not. I know you DESPERATELY want her to be, but she is not.

She may not yet be running for office, but she is a politician.


That's some funny stuff right there, Immie. :lol::lol::lol:

FYI: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/private+citizen
Activist does NOT equal Politician. And only a fool would try to make that assertion.

She put herself into the middle of a political issue. She is a politician. She may not yet be running for office, but she is a politician.

She became a public figure at the behest of the Statist Democrats...she is living her 15 minutes of fame.

She will be tossed away like an old worn shoe when the Statists have used and abused her as a tool...just like Cindy Sheehan.

FYI: private citizen - definition of private citizen by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
She put herself into the middle of a political issue. She is a politician. She may not yet be running for office, but she is a politician.

She became a public figure at the behest of the Statist Democrats...she is living her 15 minutes of fame.

She will be tossed away like an old worn shoe when the Statists have used and abused her as a tool...just like Cindy Sheehan.

FYI: private citizen - definition of private citizen by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

   [pol-i-tish-uhn] Show IPA

1. a person who is active in party politics.

2. a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.

3. a person who holds a political office.

4. a person skilled in political government or administration; statesman or stateswoman.

5. an expert in politics or political government.

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

4. Politician, statesman refer to one skilled in politics. These terms differ particularly in their connotations; politician is more often derogatory, and statesman laudatory. Politician suggests the schemes and devices of a person who engages in (especially small) politics for party ends or for one's own advantage.: a dishonest politician Statesman suggests the eminent ability, foresight, and unselfish patriotic devotion of a person dealing with (especially important or great) affairs of state: a distinguished statesman.

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.

She became a public figure at the behest of the Statist Democrats...she is living her 15 minutes of fame.

She will be tossed away like an old worn shoe when the Statists have used and abused her as a tool...just like Cindy Sheehan.

FYI: private citizen - definition of private citizen by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

   [pol-i-tish-uhn] Show IPA

1. a person who is active in party politics.

2. a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.

3. a person who holds a political office.

4. a person skilled in political government or administration; statesman or stateswoman.

5. an expert in politics or political government.

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

4. Politician, statesman refer to one skilled in politics. These terms differ particularly in their connotations; politician is more often derogatory, and statesman laudatory. Politician suggests the schemes and devices of a person who engages in (especially small) politics for party ends or for one's own advantage.: a dishonest politician Statesman suggests the eminent ability, foresight, and unselfish patriotic devotion of a person dealing with (especially important or great) affairs of state: a distinguished statesman.

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.

Bodey knows...she is just bucking for another argument she knows she will lose.

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