Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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What is it about Sarah Palin that has the wingnuts banking the fires for her? What qualities does she have that I and most of Thinking America have missed? It cannot be her Churchillian oratory. The woman sounds as bright as a super model. It can't be her statesmanship because she has expressed the idea that there are parts of America more "American" than others. It can't be her experience because she failed to complete one term as governor before she quit and ran away.

Why do so many wingnuts have a hard on for Sarah Palin?

Or, does it say more about the wingnuts than it does about the idiot Palin? Smarts don't count for much among the wingnuts, that's for sure.

she's pretty
she's venemous
she has a bodaceous set of ta ta's...

that adds up to her being idolized by rightwinguts. plus, they think she annoys liberals... pretty much their sole criteria for any type of political choice they make.


She's pretty. She can be venomous. Her tat-tas speak for themselves. I'm a Liberal and I've yet to see one of her film appearances that I can take anything but the most purulent feelings away from. Perhaps a new Conservative icon?
Many in the Left Press even attacked her children. So obviously it's a big HELL NO!

That was totally unacceptable, I agree. But Palin was and is a politician. Unless you want a double standard for women politicians, she gets just what the men get.

I am just curious, who was the last male politician that had his Down's Syndrome child verbally abused by the media? It was downright disgusting what they did to her and that child.

What you perceive as attacks on Palin are due to:

1. she is a political figure and as such, open to political criticism.

2. she is not ready for the national stage. She needs to study harder, get a grip on the issues and get intensive coaching in debate and speech so she won't sound so utterly stupid.

3. Palin a A woman. The Right wing of the Republican party is waging war on WOMEN as a group.

Are you by any chance forgetting that there appears to be a double standard here with not only your comments but also the fact that the left and their media lapdogs went after Sarah Palin in a manner that makes Ms. Fluke's encounter with Rush Limbaugh look like a summer sprinkle?

And by the way, Ms. Fluke made herself a public figure open to political criticism. She definitely is not ready for the national stage and she is a woman (singular) without a group.

So, what's the difference between Sarah Palin and Sandra Fluke? (R) and (D).


Ms. Fluke is not a politician now, is she?

Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.

Are you by any chance forgetting that there appears to be a double standard here with not only your comments but also the fact that the left and their media lapdogs went after Sarah Palin in a manner that makes Ms. Fluke's encounter with Rush Limbaugh look like a summer sprinkle?

And by the way, Ms. Fluke made herself a public figure open to political criticism. She definitely is not ready for the national stage and she is a woman (singular) without a group.

So, what's the difference between Sarah Palin and Sandra Fluke? (R) and (D).


Ms. Fluke is not a politician now, is she?

Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.

Testifying before congress is a civic duty. It does not open you up to the bloodthirsty Conservatives at all! Running for office is another story all together. Vetting, remember?
Ms. Fluke is not a politician now, is she?

Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.

Testifying before congress is a civic duty. It does not open you up to the bloodthirsty Conservatives at all! Running for office is another story all together. Vetting, remember?

Actually, if I understand the story correctly she wasn't testifying before Congress. The Democrats wanted her to testify and they tried to pull some shinnanigans. The Republicans would not allow her to because she was a last minute unknown. So a day or so later, the Democrats had their own meeting and invited her to speak.

She didn't testify before Congress is my understanding.

Civic duty my ass, my friend.

I doubt she was even sworn in.

Here's some backup to what I just posted, NK. It was the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee i.e. no Republicans allowed similar to the CBC and no whites allowed.

Sandra Fluke's statements to the U.S. Congress (VIDEO) - National Conservative | Examiner.com

Sandra Fluke is a third-year law student at Georgetown University and has had a volatile trip through the media in the past week due to her involvement with speaking out before the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee on women’s health and contraception.

Her first attempt to speak before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was denied. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi voiced criticism of the first committee for not having any women speaking as contraception is a women’s issue. In response, the next panel that heard testimony on the issue allowed Sandra Fluke to speak.

Note: I don't know anything about this Scott Paulson so beat him up all you like... isn't that what we do to the messengers around here?

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Are you by any chance forgetting that there appears to be a double standard here with not only your comments but also the fact that the left and their media lapdogs went after Sarah Palin in a manner that makes Ms. Fluke's encounter with Rush Limbaugh look like a summer sprinkle?

And by the way, Ms. Fluke made herself a public figure open to political criticism. She definitely is not ready for the national stage and she is a woman (singular) without a group.

So, what's the difference between Sarah Palin and Sandra Fluke? (R) and (D).


Ms. Fluke is not a politician now, is she?

Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.


And the rape victim who was wearing a mini-skirt and a low cut blouse was asking for it.

Are you by any chance forgetting that there appears to be a double standard here with not only your comments but also the fact that the left and their media lapdogs went after Sarah Palin in a manner that makes Ms. Fluke's encounter with Rush Limbaugh look like a summer sprinkle?

And by the way, Ms. Fluke made herself a public figure open to political criticism. She definitely is not ready for the national stage and she is a woman (singular) without a group.

So, what's the difference between Sarah Palin and Sandra Fluke? (R) and (D).


Ms. Fluke is not a politician now, is she?

Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.

Activist does NOT equal Politician. And only a fool would try to make that assertion.
Activist = politician.

She took up a political cause. That makes her a politician.

She may not be a nationally known politician, but she put herself into the political arena. No one made her do it.

Testifying before congress is a civic duty. It does not open you up to the bloodthirsty Conservatives at all! Running for office is another story all together. Vetting, remember?

Actually, if I understand the story correctly she wasn't testifying before Congress. The Democrats wanted her to testify and they tried to pull some shinnanigans. The Republicans would not allow her to because she was a last minute unknown. So a day or so later, the Democrats had their own meeting and invited her to speak.

She didn't testify before Congress is my understanding.

Civic duty my ass, my friend.

I doubt she was even sworn in.


Well then, that CERTAINLY does not equate to a Politician....does it?
This poll says a lot about the ignorant 5 lying liberals who said she was treated fairly.. where are all the other cowards?
Testifying before congress is a civic duty. It does not open you up to the bloodthirsty Conservatives at all! Running for office is another story all together. Vetting, remember?

Actually, if I understand the story correctly she wasn't testifying before Congress. The Democrats wanted her to testify and they tried to pull some shinnanigans. The Republicans would not allow her to because she was a last minute unknown. So a day or so later, the Democrats had their own meeting and invited her to speak.

She didn't testify before Congress is my understanding.

Civic duty my ass, my friend.

I doubt she was even sworn in.


Well then, that CERTAINLY does not equate to a Politician....does it?

so in your weird world it's okay to call a woman the c word because she is a politician,, isn't that interesting?
No, it demonstrated that Anthony Weiner was a pervert who couldn't keep it in his pants. Says nothing about Democrats in general. Much like David Vitter demonstrates that he believes women are prostitutes, but doesn't say anything about the GOP in general.

Why vote? You've got two loaded options. Neither fits my view of what happened, so why vote?

Yet another excuse. It's pretty basic. Either she was treated properly or she wasn't.

Here are your three choices:

1. The treatment of Palin was disgusting......NOT if she's a politician, it is part of the package for men AND women

2. She was spoken of in a fair and respecrful manner...NO because no politicians can expect to spoken of in a fair and respectful manner by the opposition. To demand that for her is to believe in a double standard.

3. Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy...very funny choice after your two leading choices.

I think we see where the hypocrisy lies....with a poll-maker who admits to supporting a double standard for politicians based on their gender.

Interesting that the OP did not want to respond to my explanations of his so-called poll choices.
Actually, if I understand the story correctly she wasn't testifying before Congress. The Democrats wanted her to testify and they tried to pull some shinnanigans. The Republicans would not allow her to because she was a last minute unknown. So a day or so later, the Democrats had their own meeting and invited her to speak.

She didn't testify before Congress is my understanding.

Civic duty my ass, my friend.

I doubt she was even sworn in.


Well then, that CERTAINLY does not equate to a Politician....does it?

so in your weird world it's okay to call a woman the c word because she is a politician,, isn't that interesting?

Just like in that same "weird world" it's okay to call a male politician a faggot, a traitor, a ******, a marxist, a racist, a monkey, etc.

You make my point AGAIN for me, Willow. Thank you. Rep incoming.
Yet another excuse. It's pretty basic. Either she was treated properly or she wasn't.

Here are your three choices:

1. The treatment of Palin was disgusting......NOT if she's a politician, it is part of the package for men AND women

2. She was spoken of in a fair and respecrful manner...NO because no politicians can expect to spoken of in a fair and respectful manner by the opposition. To demand that for her is to believe in a double standard.

3. Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy...very funny choice after your two leading choices.

I think we see where the hypocrisy lies....with a poll-maker who admits to supporting a double standard for politicians based on their gender.

Interesting that the OP did not want to respond to my explanations of his so-called poll choices.

are those your words in blue?
Well then, that CERTAINLY does not equate to a Politician....does it?

so in your weird world it's okay to call a woman the c word because she is a politician,, isn't that interesting?

Just like in that same "weird world" it's okay to call a male politician a faggot, a traitor, a ******, a marxist, a racist, a monkey, etc.

You make my point AGAIN for me, Willow. Thank you. Rep incoming.

who said those things? provide links, and by who I mean someone who has access to the public via the airwaves either radio or tv. last thing I remember of folks being called monkey came from bass the ass and he was calling conservatives monkey,, did you crawl his ass about that? please link it.
Here are your three choices:

1. The treatment of Palin was disgusting......NOT if she's a politician, it is part of the package for men AND women

2. She was spoken of in a fair and respecrful manner...NO because no politicians can expect to spoken of in a fair and respectful manner by the opposition. To demand that for her is to believe in a double standard.

3. Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy...very funny choice after your two leading choices.

I think we see where the hypocrisy lies....with a poll-maker who admits to supporting a double standard for politicians based on their gender.

Interesting that the OP did not want to respond to my explanations of his so-called poll choices.

are those your words in blue?

Indeed they are.
so in your weird world it's okay to call a woman the c word because she is a politician,, isn't that interesting?

Just like in that same "weird world" it's okay to call a male politician a faggot, a traitor, a ******, a marxist, a racist, a monkey, etc.

You make my point AGAIN for me, Willow. Thank you. Rep incoming.

who said those things? provide links, and by who I mean someone who has access to the public via the airwaves either radio or tv. last thing I remember of folks being called monkey came from bass the ass and he was calling conservatives monkey,, did you crawl his ass about that? please link it.

Lots of people.

Examples that we should all know:

1. Glen Beck has called Obama a racist on the air.

2. Glen Beck, Limbaugh, etc. have called Obama un-American, a Marxist on the air.

3. Ann Coulter called John Edwards a faggot on the air.

Three examples right off the bat. If you "claim" you've not heard those I'll dig up the links even tho I won't believe you when you make that claim.

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