Did Somebody Say Gas Prices Were Down ?

Yeah moving is so easy for people.

What an infantile response.
Don't be a dumb ass. Stay where you are for the reasons you like staying there. Lots of people do move, every day for a variety of reason, like crime or high taxes. Some move to get out of heavy gun control states. Whether gas prices in the short term are that important to you or not is up to you.
If you can think of a single other way for an individual to get out of paying your $4.00 to $5.00 Plus prices of fuel, please tell us, but I can't think what it could possibly be, and some people actually do not shop, but simply buy based on experience. I shop. I get fuel credits base on where and how much I spend on groceries. I us Gasbuddy religiously when out of town and plan ahead. Some people just want to bitch, not deal with reality, and not change their buying habits or living habits, for that matter.
Some people live in large shithole cities with high cost of living, high taxes, high crime rate, but think "big city life" is the only life. Well, that is because they are tool shallow and mentally lazy to look outside the box of their existence. We are a mobile society, in the thinking segment, and the job market is pretty good. Suit yourself. Your problem, not mine. Tax rates, cost of living, are lower here than in many places. We don't even have a state income tax. We do not have as big a problem with high crime as any of the big cities on a daily basis and the assholes usually get caught fairly soon. We are in a constitutional carry state. Businesses are still hiring and more companies like FORD moving in and building factories. Of course, I am set, debt free with multiple retirement income streams, not even touching 401Ks since we retired. If it sucks where you live, you mostly likely chose poorly or did something wrong. Gas is showing several $3.07/gal on my end of town and even in the $2.90s on the south side of town, but like I said, I get .50 to .60 off, and don't have a daily commute anyway. I'll let you high rollers deal with the high cost of living.
You saw the post about national prices by state from AAA, around 3.50. Sooooo......the reserve is at the lowest in over 30 years, Poopeypants has only stopped our production so gas prices can only continue up. Sorry if thats too much logic.
Yes, and production steadily climbing. You got the wrong guy. Gas prices are not hurting me, and we have relatively low cost vs lots of other places. They are hurting you because you don't or didn't plan and execute, so you are at the whim of the economy.
Its not to be found.
It is in the states I listed. You chose poorly.
Don't be a dumb ass. Stay where you are for the reasons you like staying there. Lots of people do move, every day for a variety of reason, like crime or high taxes. Some move to get out of heavy gun control states. Whether gas prices in the short term are that important to you or not is up to you.
If you can think of a single other way for an individual to get out of paying your $4.00 to $5.00 Plus prices of fuel, please tell us, but I can't think what it could possibly be and some people actually do not shop, but simply by based on past experience. I shop. I get fuel credits base on where and how much I spend on groceries. I us Gasbuddy religiously when out of town and plan ahead. Some people just want to bitch, not deal with reality, and not change their buying habits or living habits, for that matter.
Some people live in large shithole cities with high cost of living, high taxes, high crime rate, but think "big city life" is the only life. Well, that is because they are tool shallow and mentally lazy to look outside the box of their existence. We are a mobile society, in the thinking segment, and the job market is pretty good. Suit yourself. Your problem, not mine. Tax rates, cost of living, are lower here than in many places. We don't even have a state income tax. We do not have as big a problem with high crime as any of the big cities on a daily basis and the assholes usually get caught fairly soon. We are a constitutional carry state. Businesses are still hiring and more companies like FORD moving in and building factories. Of course, I am set, debt free with multiple retirement income streams, not even touching 401Ks since we retired. If it sucks where you live, you mostly likely chose poorly or did something wrong. Gas is showing several $3.07/gal on on my end of town and even in the $2.90s on the south side of town, but like I said, I get .50 to .60 off, and don't have a daily commute anyway. I'll let you high rollers deal with the high cost of living.

Yeah, a real easy way is to become energy self sufficient again.

So simple a moron can understand.
Yes, and production steadily climbing. You got the wrong guy. Gas prices are not hurting me, and we have relatively low cost vs lots of other places. They are hurting you because you don't or didn't plan and execute, so you are at the whim of the economy.

Ahhhh, yet another progressive showing disdain for the poor and lower middle class.

Your bigotry is showing.
Sure. Lets do it.

Lets start with what role the Fed Govt plays in the price of rent in the country.
I live in Tampa, and all over the Tampa Bay area and beyond, apartment rents are skyrocketing 100-300%. I've seen apartments that were $600/mo, now renting for $2000/mo.
In lesser cases (but still very bad), 2 years ago, I paid $550/mo for a small 1 bdrm. New owner raised that rent to $900. That apartment now rents for $1250.
So I moved to a place with a lower rent. 3 months ago, the new owner there raised that rent from $600 to $850. Luckily, I found a good place to move and I did, for the 2nd time in 3 years.
For some people, they have nowhere to go. There are practically no vacancies, as a result of the Biden airlifts of illegal aliens to here, with them saturated the rent market, the few that there are, are upwards of $1500/month for a 1 bedroom. Yes, this is a crisis, without any doubt, and is the worst of all the Biden inflations, directly caused by him.
Shop or no shop, all these prices are UP ^^^^^^ from Jan. 2021.
Luckily they appear to be going down and production in the oil fields is going up. I can't help you suffer. Find somebody that has to commute, due to where they chose to live and work.
Luckily they appear to be going down and production in the oil fields is going up. I can't help you suffer. Find somebody that has to commute, due to where they chose to live and work.
We can’t all live in New Jersey or Texas ( cheap Gas )
Luckily they appear to be going down and production in the oil fields is going up. I can't help you suffer. Find somebody that has to commute, due to where they chose to live and work.

Gas prices are increasing in the west. Up 75 cents in two weeks.
We can’t all live in New Jersey or Texas ( cheap Gas )
Wow. New Jersey is like here last week, but without my discount. Texas is like here this week but with my .50-.60 cent discount. If I shopped Kroger down there, I'd be at about $2.05/gal. It does look like prices are dropping as oil field production increases.
Ah, right before the election. May not be a longtime drop.
Gotta give you that. I've seen things improve before an election, over the years. How they get the oil companies, and wholesalers to go along with it is beyond me.
I live in Tampa, and all over the Tampa Bay area and beyond, apartment rents are skyrocketing 100-300%. I've seen apartments that were $600/mo, now renting for $2000/mo.
In lesser cases (but still very bad), 2 years ago, I paid $550/mo for a small 1 bdrm. New owner raised that rent to $900. That apartment now rents for $1250.
So I moved to a place with a lower rent. 3 months ago, the new owner there raised that rent from $600 to $850. Luckily, I found a good place to move and I did, for the 2nd time in 3 years.
For some people, they have nowhere to go. There are practically no vacancies, as a result of the Biden airlifts of illegal aliens to here, with them saturated the rent market, the few that there are, are upwards of $1500/month for a 1 bedroom. Yes, this is a crisis, without any doubt, and is the worst of all the Biden inflations, directly caused by him.

While is is politically convenient to blame it on Biden, the data does not really support it. Perhaps in the Tampa you have had that influx, but my little town in Illinois has not and we are seeing the same spike in rent.

Rent has been rising at a steady clip since 2011 and did not slow down one tiny bit during the Trump presidency.


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