Did Mueller KNOW One of His Key Witnesses Had 'Illegal child Art/Photo' Issues Dating Back to 1980s?

Projection kid. You're a hack to the enth degree. Fact, Mueller deposed a pedophile.

You're not paying attention. sad.

I ALWAYS pay attention son, ALWAYS. You're a hack, nothing more.

So, someone calls you a hack and your reply is to call everyone else a hack? That's creative.

Dirty people get rolled by the government to get the bigger fish. It happens all the time.

You support the Pedo...hmmmmm……...

No. Trump hired him, does he support the pedo?

You do, and I'm pretty sure I know why.
No one gives a shit with anything you post. You're a hack on steroids, taken in, in a combination pill which includes 10 mg of stupid pills.

Projection kid. You're a hack to the enth degree. Fact, Mueller deposed a pedophile.

You're not paying attention. sad.

I ALWAYS pay attention son, ALWAYS. You're a hack, nothing more.

So, someone calls you a hack and your reply is to call everyone else a hack? That's creative.

Dirty people get rolled by the government to get the bigger fish. It happens all the time.

The problem you have is that I'm not a pud and I didn't vote for Rump....sorry chump.

I wouldn't call you 'a pud' and I don't care who you voted for.
You're not paying attention. sad.

I ALWAYS pay attention son, ALWAYS. You're a hack, nothing more.

So, someone calls you a hack and your reply is to call everyone else a hack? That's creative.

Dirty people get rolled by the government to get the bigger fish. It happens all the time.

You support the Pedo...hmmmmm……...

No. Trump hired him, does he support the pedo?

You do, and I'm pretty sure I know why.

Sadly, near everyone in the President' s Mafioso orbit are scumbags like this guy George Nader....
SADLY, snowflakes have to continue to lie to ease their butt-hurt from the still stinging Hillary loss they still try to deny, attempting to manufacture the 'guilt' that Mueller and his team of hand-picked DNC/Hillary donors / supporters and lawyers failed to deliver.

Ironic - Hillary could not win a rigged election, and Mueller could not successfully carry out a rigged political coup. :p

You claim President TRUMP is surrounded by 'mafioso' SCUMBAGS and criminals?


Bill and Hillary are more connected with Nader than Trump. Bill is a documented career sexual predator who sexually harassed and assaulted and raped women his web political life while Hillary played the part of enabler and victim intimidator / silencer.

Obama was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alensky - quoted him during his 1st Inauguration, was mentored by a racist, anti-American, hate-spewed Reverend, and announced his intention to run for President frpm the living room of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

After promising to have the smoothest transtlition into the WH ever his ability to keep that promised was delayed months because he could not seem to find a Democrat who had paid their taxes to fill any of his administration positions. His Secretary of the TREASURY was little Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geittner.

Obama's Director of the NIA - Clapper - is a repeat Perjured, having been caught lying to Congress about spying on the American people twice. Democrats actually called him back before Congress to 'amend' his testimony to avoid being indicted for Perjury.

Obama's Director of the CIA was caught illegally spying on reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC JUSTICES. After being caught illegally spying on US Senators like Diane Feinstein he was able to avoid prison because the Democrats and GOP worked put a deal where all he had to do was appear before Congress, admit what he had done, and promise not to do it again.

Obama's 1st Director of the FBI - Mueller - accepted money from a Russian Oligarch to conduct a rescue operation, was caught hiding Russian crimes here in the US dating back to 2009 and did so again in 2014. .Heller was hailed before a FISA Court to try to explain 75 FISA Court Abuses in his FBI. As a prosecutor, Mueller sent 4 innocent men to prison by hiding evidence proving their innocence. As a Special Counsel he was just busted again for hiding evidence and for making a deal with a repeat child porn convict for being a 'witness' against Trump for a lighter sentence.

Barry's Secretary of State was a career criminal who had taken the Sect of State job after getting her ass kicked by Barry in the 2008 Democratic Presidential primaries with the promise that 2016 would be 'her turn'.

Besider running a Influence Peddling operation / the Clinton Foundation out of the State Department the only noteworthy 'accomplishments' as Secretary of State was 1) Presenting a Russian Ambassador a plastic 'reset' prop - that had a plaque that ignorant stated the Russian word for 'overcharge' on it - as Hillary giggled like a school girl & 2) Abandoning Americans to needlessly at the hands of terrorists - Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in 1 day on 9/11/01 - who Obama had helped take over their own country, using our military to do so. Of course the most important events in her miserably corrupt life was ha ing to be protected from her crimes by Obama so she could continue to run for President.

Mueller's protege, Comey, has proven to be a chip of his old mentor's block, have g proven to have engaged in FISA Court abuses, conspiracy, perjury, leaking classified, and illegally aiding and a abetting Hillary get away with her proven crimes.

Barry, himself, has both violated the Constitution (passing his DACA edict he admitted he did not have the authority to do...The Recess Appointments he was ruled to be in violation for...negotiating his own personal treaty with Iran and having it ratified before the UN before the US Congress got to see it,etc...) and Rule of law (found in Contempt of Court by judges numerous times for disobeying their rulings - such as his Deep Water Drilling Ban...) multiple times. The 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' used our military to help Al Qaeda kill Kadaffi and tale over Libya then committed an International War Crime by invading Syria without that sovereign nation's invitation or permission to come in.

During his 8 years in office he aided, financed/funded, supplied, armed, protected, defended, aided and abetted terrorists - Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas...not to mention armed Mexican Drug Cartels.... As President his administration set a new Presidential administration record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA.

And NOW his administration has been exposed for protecting Hillary from indictment / prosecution so she could continue running for President and for running the largest criminal scandal in US history - the attempted political coup of an elected President....

...and snowflakes try to claim eating pizza with someone and defeating Hillary in 2016 makes him the largest threat to this country we have ever known.....

Sadly, near everyone in the President' s Mafioso orbit are scumbags like this guy George Nader....
SADLY, snowflakes have to continue to lie to ease their butt-hurt from the still stinging Hillary loss they still try to deny, attempting to manufacture the 'guilt' that Mueller and his team of hand-picked DNC/Hillary donors / supporters and lawyers failed to deliver.

Ironic - Hillary could not win a rigged election, and Mueller could not successfully carry out a rigged political coup. :p

You claim President TRUMP is surrounded by 'mafioso' SCUMBAGS and criminals?


Bill and Hillary are more connected with Nader than Trump. Bill is a documented career sexual predator who sexually harassed and assaulted and raped women his web political life while Hillary played the part of enabler and victim intimidator / silencer.

Obama was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alensky - quoted him during his 1st Inauguration, was mentored by a racist, anti-American, hate-spewed Reverend, and announced his intention to run for President frpm the living room of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

After promising to have the smoothest transtlition into the WH ever his ability to keep that promised was delayed months because he could not seem to find a Democrat who had paid their taxes to fill any of his administration positions. His Secretary of the TREASURY was little Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geittner.

Obama's Director of the NIA - Clapper - is a repeat Perjured, having been caught lying to Congress about spying on the American people twice. Democrats actually called him back before Congress to 'amend' his testimony to avoid being indicted for Perjury.

Obama's Director of the CIA was caught illegally spying on reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC JUSTICES. After being caught illegally spying on US Senators like Diane Feinstein he was able to avoid prison because the Democrats and GOP worked put a deal where all he had to do was appear before Congress, admit what he had done, and promise not to do it again.

Obama's 1st Director of the FBI - Mueller - accepted money from a Russian Oligarch to conduct a rescue operation, was caught hiding Russian crimes here in the US dating back to 2009 and did so again in 2014. .Heller was hailed before a FISA Court to try to explain 75 FISA Court Abuses in his FBI. As a prosecutor, Mueller sent 4 innocent men to prison by hiding evidence proving their innocence. As a Special Counsel he was just busted again for hiding evidence and for making a deal with a repeat child porn convict for being a 'witness' against Trump for a lighter sentence.

Barry's Secretary of State was a career criminal who had taken the Sect of State job after getting her ass kicked by Barry in the 2008 Democratic Presidential primaries with the promise that 2016 would be 'her turn'.

Besider running a Influence Peddling operation / the Clinton Foundation out of the State Department the only noteworthy 'accomplishments' as Secretary of State was 1) Presenting a Russian Ambassador a plastic 'reset' prop - that had a plaque that ignorant stated the Russian word for 'overcharge' on it - as Hillary giggled like a school girl & 2) Abandoning Americans to needlessly at the hands of terrorists - Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in 1 day on 9/11/01 - who Obama had helped take over their own country, using our military to do so. Of course the most important events in her miserably corrupt life was ha ing to be protected from her crimes by Obama so she could continue to run for President.

Mueller's protege, Comey, has proven to be a chip of his old mentor's block, have g proven to have engaged in FISA Court abuses, conspiracy, perjury, leaking classified, and illegally aiding and a abetting Hillary get away with her proven crimes.

Barry, himself, has both violated the Constitution (passing his DACA edict he admitted he did not have the authority to do...The Recess Appointments he was ruled to be in violation for...negotiating his own personal treaty with Iran and having it ratified before the UN before the US Congress got to see it,etc...) and Rule of law (found in Contempt of Court by judges numerous times for disobeying their rulings - such as his Deep Water Drilling Ban...) multiple times. The 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' used our military to help Al Qaeda kill Kadaffi and tale over Libya then committed an International War Crime by invading Syria without that sovereign nation's invitation or permission to come in.

During his 8 years in office he aided, financed/funded, supplied, armed, protected, defended, aided and abetted terrorists - Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas...not to mention armed Mexican Drug Cartels.... As President his administration set a new Presidential administration record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA.

And NOW his administration has been exposed for protecting Hillary from indictment / prosecution so she could continue running for President and for running the largest criminal scandal in US history - the attempted political coup of an elected President....

...and snowflakes try to claim eating pizza with someone and defeating Hillary in 2016 makes him the largest threat to this country we have ever known.....

You hijacked your own thread, with gobbledygook! :lol:

So, besides being caught with child pornography on his phones, what do you actually know about this George Nader guy and how he was connected to the Russia cyber attack and attack on our democracy, and the ability for us Americans to pick our own leaders without foreigners doing it for us?

Also, what happened with him losing his plea agreement? Was he lying to the special counsel and got caught?
Yeah, but the difference is------------>some of these people are going to jail for CONSPIRACY.

Hilly? I doubt it, in fact I would bet against it.

But, lets see how many they tag! And you know what, they BETTER, cause if not, they WILL LOSE! We aren't like the Leftists. You tell us a fairytale, and we are staying home.

We expect the Left to lie to us. If our people lie to us on something like this, they are no better!

Nobody of any consequence is going to jail, that is just a wet dream. They never do.

They know you will never vote for a Dem, so they do not have to keep their word

I will just not vote, like a bunch of my neighbors, and some are Democrats.

We are all watching, and the election isn't going to be decided on who shows up, but who stays home. With these two narratives, BOTH can NOT be true, but that doesn't mean either is true.

So they better put up, or shut up, both sides. And if neither produces, it might be the perfect time for an independent, because MOST Americans are pissed. Nobody wants to be played.
Yea..if you think Trump is doing a good job...stay home.

If not...staying home gets him re-elected
Sadly, near everyone in the President' s Mafioso orbit are scumbags like this guy George Nader....

... didn't they initially arrest him on the way to Trump' s 1 year anniversary party at Mara Lago at the airport in Washington DC, the international airport where it landed? If memory serves, he also was working with Elliot Broidy, the RNC finance chairman.... THAT heavy set old guy that had the trist with the young bombshell that got pregnant and had an abortion?

Birds of a feather, flock together!!!

Eric Prince, Betsy DeVos's brother met in the Seychelles with him, a UAE guy and a Russian operative in the Seychelles to set up a back channel of communication for TRUMPs campaign with Russia that our gvt would not know about??

Yea great people around Trump
Deflection, does your statement apply to Barry as well?

oh, my dear one.... it is YOU that is deflecting and off topic of this thread.... while calling ME the person who is deflecting!

I ain't gonna play your game, sorry!

Sorry honey, you too afraid to admit that Barry ran with terrorists, racists and pedophiles. You need to grow up.

You need to grow up and stop kissing the ass of the man-child trump.

I didn't vote for him kid, you're an abject partisan who is willing to support a pedophile if you think it will "get" Rump. I can only think of one reason you'd support that.

Huh, explain your idiot-gram.
uhhh, yeah... 8 years of his presidency, ya'll pointed it out on a daily basis! :D

Deflection, does your statement apply to Barry as well?

oh, my dear one.... it is YOU that is deflecting and off topic of this thread.... while calling ME the person who is deflecting!

I ain't gonna play your game, sorry!

Sorry honey, you too afraid to admit that Barry ran with terrorists, racists and pedophiles. You need to grow up.

You need to grow up and stop kissing the ass of the man-child trump.

I didn't vote for him kid, you're an abject partisan who is willing to support a pedophile if you think it will "get" Rump. I can only think of one reason you'd support that.

No, you cannot think of only one reason, you exaggerate. Thinking is not your forte, kid. You rely on emotions and the latest rage - callous conservatism, hate and fear.

You may or may not have voted for trump, you lack credibility; but I suspect you are quite proud of trump, given his latest effort to govern, seen here:

Trump administration cutting education, recreation, legal help at migrant children shelters
Here is the extent of Nader and Trump, nothing. He made lots of claims to Dmitriev, but produced nothing.
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