Did Mueller KNOW One of His Key Witnesses Had 'Illegal child Art/Photo' Issues Dating Back to 1980s?

What is 'uncomfortable' is your incredible display of stupidity, your inability to read, and your limitless partisanship....

You think you can stick to the thread topic now, or are you going to continue to obfuscate and attempt to hijack the threat / divert attention from the thread topic?

I was hoping for an uncomfortable question and I didn't see one.

So, did Mueller know? I would presume at some point he'd look at his record.

Did Trump know?

In an investigation you don't get to choose the witnesses and as pointed out to you before, they usually aren't angels.
So, NO, you could not answer the question without attempting to divert attention to President Trump again, which is not the topic of this thread

It seems like it would kill you to have to answer a question without trying to slip an attack in on President Trump.

I am glad, though, that you admitted Mueller stooped to pressuring a proven political hack and repeat child porn convict into agreeing to testify in what seems to be a pay-off of a reduced sentence.

This, on top of learning Mueller once again hid evidence of INNOCENSE while attempting to prosecute someone, is just the proverbial icing on the cake proving Mueller was the 'Insurance Policy' running the exposed witch hunt.
"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Of course he knew. I mean, people who keep kiddie porn collections for nearly 40 years are more than likely advertising the fact to everyone they meet. That's why it takes nearly 40 years to get caught.
Ummmm.....it did not take 40 years for this scumbag to be 'caught'. He was caught back in the 80s....
Yes he knew, just like he knew The Dossier was fake and knew there was no collusion 18 months ago.

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?

Anyone surprised at the type of people in the Trump orbit?

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?
I do not have to defend the President for doing anything that was not illegal, as opposed to Mueller whose 'key' witness in his witch hunt turns out to be a repeat child porn convict....

If we criticized the President for hanging out with proven criminals and sex offenders we would probably have to start with the fact that at one time he hung around another punished sex offender - Bill Clinton, who was Impeached after having his law license stripped as a result of being found Guilty of deceit and attempt to mislead the court / judge during his sexual harassment law suit.

Funny, back in the day the Clintons did not only NOT have a problem with Trump but they also used to beg and kiss his ass for campaign and 'charity' 'contributions'.


"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Makes one wonder why the Trump campaign was meeting with him...

LOLOLOLOLOL, this guy is tied much CLOSER to the Clintons, you buffoons, lol, or didn't you know that! (of course you didn't)

Not only are his ties much closer with the Clintons, his legal representation is...…...wait for it...…..you aren't going to believe it...……….. KATHERINE RHUMLER!

Who is she, you ask?

Why, she is Obama's White House counsel, lololol. In fact, these charges against Nader are quite old, 18 months I believe.

Wait, wait, you don't think for an instant, that they pushed this stuff back because Nader was telling LIES to Mueller do you, to get himself off the hook?!?!?!?!

But wait, how could this deal be cut you say?

Probably through Jeanie Rea, the Clinton Foundation lawyer whoooooooooooooo, wasssssssssssss, on the Special Counsels task force, lol!

And oh yeah, Katherine Rhumler, and heir WISEMAN, have business dealing together, did you know that.........that are still ongoing!!!!!!!!!!

Say it isn't so Whosure, you have to be lying to us to save the Donald!

Nope, nope, and double NOPE! I have not mis stated one, single, thing! I am willing to bet on it, (as every Leftist on this board attempts to prove my facts el-wrongo, but fails) and the Lefties won't!

Let me tell EVERYONE what is becoming obvious----------->if you believe coincidences are just coincidences, that is fine. If you UNDERSTAND that massive amounts of coincidences are really NOT coincidences, then you finally have a clue! Once you understand these rules, you now know, the TRUTH is gonna screw the DNC. It is as plain as the nose on your face, what the hell was going on.

Now the Left is gonna tell you their favorite, "any day now, lol," along with, "you haven't proven anything." But what they fail to understand is--------------------> other countries need/want the United States trade, and protection. They know the role they played in this, even though you Leftists don't want to believe it!

Think they want America and regular Americans to know what they did?

Of course not, but they will, WHEN BARR releases the documents-) So they needed a way out! How do we do this, and make Trump happy so as we all get our way?

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Steele, Steele-) Have you seen he is going to spill the beans-) Downer is next-)

See Leftists, you aren't going to escape, and what is soooooooo damn rewarding, is watching you crow over something you think is hurting us, only to your chagrin, find out is killing you, lol. To do this, you have to watch MSNBC, and FOX, (which I do)to find out who was/is telling the truth, and we are coming up aces folks, hehehehehehehehe.

Your water boy, MOTHER Zucker, can't save you now, lol. Steele is gonna talk, Priestep is talking, Paige is talking, and the lot of your heroes are gonna be out of office. I wouldn't want to be you, knowing what is coming, but you are to damn blind to see the forest, through the trees. I almost feel sorry for you.......notice I said ALMOST-)

It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod

Yeah, but it is only fascinating how they needed to eject one, isn't it-)
"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Of course he knew. I mean, people who keep kiddie porn collections for nearly 40 years are more than likely advertising the fact to everyone they meet. That's why it takes nearly 40 years to get caught.
Ummmm.....it did not take 40 years for this scumbag to be 'caught'. He was caught back in the 80s....

Fake news.
What is 'uncomfortable' is your incredible display of stupidity, your inability to read, and your limitless partisanship....

You think you can stick to the thread topic now, or are you going to continue to obfuscate and attempt to hijack the threat / divert attention from the thread topic?

I was hoping for an uncomfortable question and I didn't see one.

So, did Mueller know? I would presume at some point he'd look at his record.

Did Trump know?

In an investigation you don't get to choose the witnesses and as pointed out to you before, they usually aren't angels.
So, NO, you could not answer the question without attempting to divert attention to President Trump again, which is not the topic of this thread

It seems like it would kill you to have to answer a question without trying to slip an attack in on President Trump.

I am glad, though, that you admitted Mueller stooped to pressuring a proven political hack and repeat child porn convict into agreeing to testify in what seems to be a pay-off of a reduced sentence.

This, on top of learning Mueller once again hid evidence of INNOCENSE while attempting to prosecute someone, is just the proverbial icing on the cake proving Mueller was the 'Insurance Policy' running the exposed witch hunt.

I think mentioning Trump is relevant to the question you are asking. Are you saying Trump's standards should be lower than Mueller's? Especially since Trump chose Nader and Mueller only had Nader to deal with because of the choices Trump made.

I know you're not going to like the answer, but every time you ask it just demonstrates the low set of standards you hold Trump to compared to everyone else.
It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod

....Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Weinstein, Clapper, Brennan, Baker....all buds, mentors, proteges, and pals...
Yes he knew, just like he knew The Dossier was fake and knew there was no collusion 18 months ago.

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?

Anyone surprised at the type of people in the Trump orbit?

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?
I do not have to defend the President for doing anything that was not illegal, as opposed to Mueller whose 'key' witness in his witch hunt turns out to be a repeat child porn convict....

If we criticized the President for hanging out with proven criminals and sex offenders we would probably have to start with the fact that at one time he hung around another punished sex offender - Bill Clinton, who was Impeached after having his law license stripped as a result of being found Guilty of deceit and attempt to mislead the court / judge during his sexual harassment law suit.

Funny, back in the day the Clintons did not only NOT have a problem with Trump but they also used to beg and kiss his ass for campaign and 'charity' 'contributions'.


"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Makes one wonder why the Trump campaign was meeting with him...

LOLOLOLOLOL, this guy is tied much CLOSER to the Clintons, you buffoons, lol, or didn't you know that! (of course you didn't)

Not only are his ties much closer with the Clintons, his legal representation is...…...wait for it...…..you aren't going to believe it...……….. KATHERINE RHUMLER!

Who is she, you ask?

Why, she is Obama's White House counsel, lololol. In fact, these charges against Nader are quite old, 18 months I believe.

Wait, wait, you don't think for an instant, that they pushed this stuff back because Nader was telling LIES to Mueller do you, to get himself off the hook?!?!?!?!

But wait, how could this deal be cut you say?

Probably through Jeanie Rea, the Clinton Foundation lawyer whoooooooooooooo, wasssssssssssss, on the Special Counsels task force, lol!

And oh yeah, Katherine Rhumler, and heir WISEMAN, have business dealing together, did you know that.........that are still ongoing!!!!!!!!!!

Say it isn't so Whosure, you have to be lying to us to save the Donald!

Nope, nope, and double NOPE! I have not mis stated one, single, thing! I am willing to bet on it, (as every Leftist on this board attempts to prove my facts el-wrongo, but fails) and the Lefties won't!

Let me tell EVERYONE what is becoming obvious----------->if you believe coincidences are just coincidences, that is fine. If you UNDERSTAND that massive amounts of coincidences are really NOT coincidences, then you finally have a clue! Once you understand these rules, you now know, the TRUTH is gonna screw the DNC. It is as plain as the nose on your face, what the hell was going on.

Now the Left is gonna tell you their favorite, "any day now, lol," along with, "you haven't proven anything." But what they fail to understand is--------------------> other countries need/want the United States trade, and protection. They know the role they played in this, even though you Leftists don't want to believe it!

Think they want America and regular Americans to know what they did?

Of course not, but they will, WHEN BARR releases the documents-) So they needed a way out! How do we do this, and make Trump happy so as we all get our way?

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Steele, Steele-) Have you seen he is going to spill the beans-) Downer is next-)

See Leftists, you aren't going to escape, and what is soooooooo damn rewarding, is watching you crow over something you think is hurting us, only to your chagrin, find out is killing you, lol. To do this, you have to watch MSNBC, and FOX, (which I do)to find out who was/is telling the truth, and we are coming up aces folks, hehehehehehehehe.

Your water boy, MOTHER Zucker, can't save you now, lol. Steele is gonna talk, Priestep is talking, Paige is talking, and the lot of your heroes are gonna be out of office. I wouldn't want to be you, knowing what is coming, but you are to damn blind to see the forest, through the trees. I almost feel sorry for you.......notice I said ALMOST-)

It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod

Yeah, but it is only fascinating how they needed to eject one, isn't it-)

No one is being ejected...it is all just red meat for the faithful.

Impeachment = "lock her up"
It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod

....Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Weinstein, Clapper, Brennan, Baker....all buds, mentors, proteges, and pals...

weird that people working for the same Department would be buds and mentor others. :290968001256257790-final:

now you are getting desperate dude.
"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Of course he knew. I mean, people who keep kiddie porn collections for nearly 40 years are more than likely advertising the fact to everyone they meet. That's why it takes nearly 40 years to get caught.
Ummmm.....it did not take 40 years for this scumbag to be 'caught'. He was caught back in the 80s....

Fake news.

You wish, lol. Gee, wonder why, lololol!

Hey, you don't think after the Special Counsel closed shop, the DOJ under Barr got him do you-)

Think that is the last one, hehehehehehehehehehe!

Your side is cooked. Your like a lobster that thinks it is just taking a warm bath, hahahahahaha! Enjoy. Want a bar of soap-)
Yes he knew, just like he knew The Dossier was fake and knew there was no collusion 18 months ago.

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?

Anyone surprised at the type of people in the Trump orbit?

Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?
I do not have to defend the President for doing anything that was not illegal, as opposed to Mueller whose 'key' witness in his witch hunt turns out to be a repeat child porn convict....

If we criticized the President for hanging out with proven criminals and sex offenders we would probably have to start with the fact that at one time he hung around another punished sex offender - Bill Clinton, who was Impeached after having his law license stripped as a result of being found Guilty of deceit and attempt to mislead the court / judge during his sexual harassment law suit.

Funny, back in the day the Clintons did not only NOT have a problem with Trump but they also used to beg and kiss his ass for campaign and 'charity' 'contributions'.


"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Makes one wonder why the Trump campaign was meeting with him...

LOLOLOLOLOL, this guy is tied much CLOSER to the Clintons, you buffoons, lol, or didn't you know that! (of course you didn't)

Not only are his ties much closer with the Clintons, his legal representation is...…...wait for it...…..you aren't going to believe it...……….. KATHERINE RHUMLER!

Who is she, you ask?

Why, she is Obama's White House counsel, lololol. In fact, these charges against Nader are quite old, 18 months I believe.

Wait, wait, you don't think for an instant, that they pushed this stuff back because Nader was telling LIES to Mueller do you, to get himself off the hook?!?!?!?!

But wait, how could this deal be cut you say?

Probably through Jeanie Rea, the Clinton Foundation lawyer whoooooooooooooo, wasssssssssssss, on the Special Counsels task force, lol!

And oh yeah, Katherine Rhumler, and heir WISEMAN, have business dealing together, did you know that.........that are still ongoing!!!!!!!!!!

Say it isn't so Whosure, you have to be lying to us to save the Donald!

Nope, nope, and double NOPE! I have not mis stated one, single, thing! I am willing to bet on it, (as every Leftist on this board attempts to prove my facts el-wrongo, but fails) and the Lefties won't!

Let me tell EVERYONE what is becoming obvious----------->if you believe coincidences are just coincidences, that is fine. If you UNDERSTAND that massive amounts of coincidences are really NOT coincidences, then you finally have a clue! Once you understand these rules, you now know, the TRUTH is gonna screw the DNC. It is as plain as the nose on your face, what the hell was going on.

Now the Left is gonna tell you their favorite, "any day now, lol," along with, "you haven't proven anything." But what they fail to understand is--------------------> other countries need/want the United States trade, and protection. They know the role they played in this, even though you Leftists don't want to believe it!

Think they want America and regular Americans to know what they did?

Of course not, but they will, WHEN BARR releases the documents-) So they needed a way out! How do we do this, and make Trump happy so as we all get our way?

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Steele, Steele-) Have you seen he is going to spill the beans-) Downer is next-)

See Leftists, you aren't going to escape, and what is soooooooo damn rewarding, is watching you crow over something you think is hurting us, only to your chagrin, find out is killing you, lol. To do this, you have to watch MSNBC, and FOX, (which I do)to find out who was/is telling the truth, and we are coming up aces folks, hehehehehehehehe.

Your water boy, MOTHER Zucker, can't save you now, lol. Steele is gonna talk, Priestep is talking, Paige is talking, and the lot of your heroes are gonna be out of office. I wouldn't want to be you, knowing what is coming, but you are to damn blind to see the forest, through the trees. I almost feel sorry for you.......notice I said ALMOST-)

It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod

Yeah, but it is only fascinating how they needed to eject one, isn't it-)

No one is being ejected...it is all just red meat for the faithful.

Impeachment = "lock her up"

Yeah, but the difference is------------>some of these people are going to jail for CONSPIRACY.

Hilly? I doubt it, in fact I would bet against it.

But, lets see how many they tag! And you know what, they BETTER, cause if not, they WILL LOSE! We aren't like the Leftists. You tell us a fairytale, and we are staying home.

We expect the Left to lie to us. If our people lie to us on something like this, they are no better!
I think mentioning Trump is relevant to the question you are asking.
OF COURSE you think attacking the President is relevant, especially if it distracts from the thread topic, which is Mueller stooping to pressure / offering a lesser sentence to an arrested repeat child porn convict in exchange for his false testimony against the President ..

You sought to hijack the thread by smearing the President with insinuations of wrong-doing with someone who has closer ties to the Clintons than Trump.


Not only can you not read thread titles or stick to thread topics, you prove you are ignorant about the past and the associations of your beloved Clintons...
Yeah, but the difference is------------>some of these people are going to jail for CONSPIRACY.

Hilly? I doubt it, in fact I would bet against it.

But, lets see how many they tag! And you know what, they BETTER, cause if not, they WILL LOSE! We aren't like the Leftists. You tell us a fairytale, and we are staying home.

We expect the Left to lie to us. If our people lie to us on something like this, they are no better!

Nobody of any consequence is going to jail, that is just a wet dream. They never do.

They know you will never vote for a Dem, so they do not have to keep their word
"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."
Probably Mueller guessed that everyone associated with Tramp was a sleazy slime-ball pervert.
Yes he knew, just like he knew The Dossier was fake and knew there was no collusion 18 months ago.

Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?

Anyone surprised at the type of people in the Trump orbit?

I do not have to defend the President for doing anything that was not illegal, as opposed to Mueller whose 'key' witness in his witch hunt turns out to be a repeat child porn convict....

If we criticized the President for hanging out with proven criminals and sex offenders we would probably have to start with the fact that at one time he hung around another punished sex offender - Bill Clinton, who was Impeached after having his law license stripped as a result of being found Guilty of deceit and attempt to mislead the court / judge during his sexual harassment law suit.

Funny, back in the day the Clintons did not only NOT have a problem with Trump but they also used to beg and kiss his ass for campaign and 'charity' 'contributions'.


Makes one wonder why the Trump campaign was meeting with him...

LOLOLOLOLOL, this guy is tied much CLOSER to the Clintons, you buffoons, lol, or didn't you know that! (of course you didn't)

Not only are his ties much closer with the Clintons, his legal representation is...…...wait for it...…..you aren't going to believe it...……….. KATHERINE RHUMLER!

Who is she, you ask?

Why, she is Obama's White House counsel, lololol. In fact, these charges against Nader are quite old, 18 months I believe.

Wait, wait, you don't think for an instant, that they pushed this stuff back because Nader was telling LIES to Mueller do you, to get himself off the hook?!?!?!?!

But wait, how could this deal be cut you say?

Probably through Jeanie Rea, the Clinton Foundation lawyer whoooooooooooooo, wasssssssssssss, on the Special Counsels task force, lol!

And oh yeah, Katherine Rhumler, and heir WISEMAN, have business dealing together, did you know that.........that are still ongoing!!!!!!!!!!

Say it isn't so Whosure, you have to be lying to us to save the Donald!

Nope, nope, and double NOPE! I have not mis stated one, single, thing! I am willing to bet on it, (as every Leftist on this board attempts to prove my facts el-wrongo, but fails) and the Lefties won't!

Let me tell EVERYONE what is becoming obvious----------->if you believe coincidences are just coincidences, that is fine. If you UNDERSTAND that massive amounts of coincidences are really NOT coincidences, then you finally have a clue! Once you understand these rules, you now know, the TRUTH is gonna screw the DNC. It is as plain as the nose on your face, what the hell was going on.

Now the Left is gonna tell you their favorite, "any day now, lol," along with, "you haven't proven anything." But what they fail to understand is--------------------> other countries need/want the United States trade, and protection. They know the role they played in this, even though you Leftists don't want to believe it!

Think they want America and regular Americans to know what they did?

Of course not, but they will, WHEN BARR releases the documents-) So they needed a way out! How do we do this, and make Trump happy so as we all get our way?

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Steele, Steele-) Have you seen he is going to spill the beans-) Downer is next-)

See Leftists, you aren't going to escape, and what is soooooooo damn rewarding, is watching you crow over something you think is hurting us, only to your chagrin, find out is killing you, lol. To do this, you have to watch MSNBC, and FOX, (which I do)to find out who was/is telling the truth, and we are coming up aces folks, hehehehehehehehe.

Your water boy, MOTHER Zucker, can't save you now, lol. Steele is gonna talk, Priestep is talking, Paige is talking, and the lot of your heroes are gonna be out of office. I wouldn't want to be you, knowing what is coming, but you are to damn blind to see the forest, through the trees. I almost feel sorry for you.......notice I said ALMOST-)

It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod

Yeah, but it is only fascinating how they needed to eject one, isn't it-)

No one is being ejected...it is all just red meat for the faithful.

Impeachment = "lock her up"

Yeah, but the difference is------------>some of these people are going to jail for CONSPIRACY.

Hilly? I doubt it, in fact I would bet against it.

But, lets see how many they tag! And you know what, they BETTER, cause if not, they WILL LOSE! We aren't like the Leftists. You tell us a fairytale, and we are staying home.

We expect the Left to lie to us. If our people lie to us on something like this, they are no better!
After wasting e years and dividing the nation to conduct a witch hunt over fake Russian Colusion, which page testified the FBI already knew before the official investigation was opened and Mueller was appointed....

After the Drmocrats shamelessly falsely accused the President of being a 'traitor' and voted to hold the US AG in Contempt for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW....

The voters are already going to strip Pelosi of her Speaker position and take the House away from the Democrats because they sided with illegals / human traffickers, etc... Over the American people to shut down the govt to keep the illegal invasion going AND because they chose Impeachment and vengeful political theatrics over legislating these last 2 years...

Mueller was their last hope to take down Trump and prove they were 'right', but once again it has blown up in their faces....
Yeah, but the difference is------------>some of these people are going to jail for CONSPIRACY.

Hilly? I doubt it, in fact I would bet against it.

But, lets see how many they tag! And you know what, they BETTER, cause if not, they WILL LOSE! We aren't like the Leftists. You tell us a fairytale, and we are staying home.

We expect the Left to lie to us. If our people lie to us on something like this, they are no better!

Nobody of any consequence is going to jail, that is just a wet dream. They never do.

They know you will never vote for a Dem, so they do not have to keep their word

I will just not vote, like a bunch of my neighbors, and some are Democrats.

We are all watching, and the election isn't going to be decided on who shows up, but who stays home. With these two narratives, BOTH can NOT be true, but that doesn't mean either is true.

So they better put up, or shut up, both sides. And if neither produces, it might be the perfect time for an independent, because MOST Americans are pissed. Nobody wants to be played.
Probably Mueller guessed that everyone associated with Tramp was a sleazy slime-ball pervert.
Ah, the same lie you butt-hurt snowflakes have been pushing since it was announced Trump defeated Hillary on election night....

It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod

....Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Weinstein, Clapper, Brennan, Baker....all buds, mentors, proteges, and pals...

weird that people working for the same Department would be buds and mentor others. :290968001256257790-final:

now you are getting desperate dude.
I think mentioning Trump is relevant to the question you are asking.
OF COURSE you think attacking the President is relevant, especially if it distracts from the thread topic, which is Mueller stooping to pressure / offering a lesser sentence to an arrested repeat child porn convict in exchange for his false testimony against the President ..

You sought to hijack the thread by smearing the President with insinuations of wrong-doing with someone who has closer ties to the Clintons than Trump.


Not only can you not read thread titles or stick to thread topics, you prove you are ignorant about the past and the associations of your beloved Clintons...

Yeah, this is SOP. You work with the little guys to get the big fish. Regardless of Nader's past. Be that working with Clinton, Trump or his own legal issues, he just happens to be where he is because of Trump.

According to your logic if Ken Star leaned on....well, Nader to get to Clinton you would be defending Clinton. I don't think you would have had a problem with that.
LOLOLOLOLOL, this guy is tied much CLOSER to the Clintons, you buffoons, lol, or didn't you know that! (of course you didn't)

Not only are his ties much closer with the Clintons, his legal representation is...…...wait for it...…..you aren't going to believe it...……….. KATHERINE RHUMLER!

Who is she, you ask?

Why, she is Obama's White House counsel, lololol. In fact, these charges against Nader are quite old, 18 months I believe.

Wait, wait, you don't think for an instant, that they pushed this stuff back because Nader was telling LIES to Mueller do you, to get himself off the hook?!?!?!?!

But wait, how could this deal be cut you say?

Probably through Jeanie Rea, the Clinton Foundation lawyer whoooooooooooooo, wasssssssssssss, on the Special Counsels task force, lol!

And oh yeah, Katherine Rhumler, and heir WISEMAN, have business dealing together, did you know that.........that are still ongoing!!!!!!!!!!

Say it isn't so Whosure, you have to be lying to us to save the Donald!

Nope, nope, and double NOPE! I have not mis stated one, single, thing! I am willing to bet on it, (as every Leftist on this board attempts to prove my facts el-wrongo, but fails) and the Lefties won't!

Let me tell EVERYONE what is becoming obvious----------->if you believe coincidences are just coincidences, that is fine. If you UNDERSTAND that massive amounts of coincidences are really NOT coincidences, then you finally have a clue! Once you understand these rules, you now know, the TRUTH is gonna screw the DNC. It is as plain as the nose on your face, what the hell was going on.

Now the Left is gonna tell you their favorite, "any day now, lol," along with, "you haven't proven anything." But what they fail to understand is--------------------> other countries need/want the United States trade, and protection. They know the role they played in this, even though you Leftists don't want to believe it!

Think they want America and regular Americans to know what they did?

Of course not, but they will, WHEN BARR releases the documents-) So they needed a way out! How do we do this, and make Trump happy so as we all get our way?

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Steele, Steele-) Have you seen he is going to spill the beans-) Downer is next-)

See Leftists, you aren't going to escape, and what is soooooooo damn rewarding, is watching you crow over something you think is hurting us, only to your chagrin, find out is killing you, lol. To do this, you have to watch MSNBC, and FOX, (which I do)to find out who was/is telling the truth, and we are coming up aces folks, hehehehehehehehe.

Your water boy, MOTHER Zucker, can't save you now, lol. Steele is gonna talk, Priestep is talking, Paige is talking, and the lot of your heroes are gonna be out of office. I wouldn't want to be you, knowing what is coming, but you are to damn blind to see the forest, through the trees. I almost feel sorry for you.......notice I said ALMOST-)

It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod

Yeah, but it is only fascinating how they needed to eject one, isn't it-)

No one is being ejected...it is all just red meat for the faithful.

Impeachment = "lock her up"

Yeah, but the difference is------------>some of these people are going to jail for CONSPIRACY.

Hilly? I doubt it, in fact I would bet against it.

But, lets see how many they tag! And you know what, they BETTER, cause if not, they WILL LOSE! We aren't like the Leftists. You tell us a fairytale, and we are staying home.

We expect the Left to lie to us. If our people lie to us on something like this, they are no better!
After wasting e years and dividing the nation to conduct a witch hunt over fake Russian Colusion, which page testified the FBI already knew before the official investigation was opened and Mueller was appointed....

After the Drmocrats shamelessly falsely accused the President of being a 'traitor' and voted to hold the US AG in Contempt for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW....

The voters are already going to strip Pelosi of her Speaker position and take the House away from the Democrats because they sided with illegals / human traffickers, etc... Over the American people to shut down the govt to keep the illegal invasion going AND because they chose Impeachment and vengeful political theatrics over legislating these last 2 years...

Mueller was their last hope to take down Trump and prove they were 'right', but once again it has blown up in their faces....

Don't be so confident, the Left spins like hell, but when you look at it, it isn't logical.

Facts can be spun, but our job should be NOT to present facts, but rather to show logically, how phony they are. They can't stand that, because everyone starts laughing at them, lol. Not a good way to get cred, when they are a laughingstock, now is it!



THIS IS REALLY MY ECONOMY! What are Obama and Biteme smoking, and can we have some for the weekend-)

WE ONLY HAVE 12 YEARS TO CHANGE OUR WAYS or we are all GOING TO DIE! But your deal takes 10 years to implement, so after all that pain, we only have 2 years to live!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Easy, you need to LAUGH at these people. MOST OF THEM ARE STUPID! Especially the ones who post this crap. They have no clue how to defend the position, they are parrots! Why do you think when you ask them questions, for which they have no answers, the 1st thing they say is------> your a RACIIIIIIST! Look on this board, seriously. How many threads are we call some kind of IST, as soon as we ask a question, or make a point, lol!

These people are PHONY, and actually pretty dumb, take my word for it. Once you know how to really yank their chain, you see how weak they really are. This information is GOLDEN, for when you debate a Leftist in front of people, because the Leftist, COLLAPSES. You won't ever convince the Leftist, but everyone who was watching, knows you won, and if on the fence, falls on YOUR side!
"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Makes one wonder why the Trump campaign was meeting with him...
Not as much as Mueller reaching out to / pressuring a repeat child porn convict into agreeing to a deal to testify....

Mueller was really desperate to take Trump down...

Sadly, near everyone in the President' s Mafioso orbit are scumbags like this guy George Nader....

... didn't they initially arrest him on the way to Trump' s 1 year anniversary party at Mara Lago at the airport in Washington DC, the international airport where it landed? If memory serves, he also was working with Elliot Broidy, the RNC finance chairman.... THAT heavy set old guy that had the trist with the young bombshell that got pregnant and had an abortion?

Birds of a feather, flock together!!!

Eric Prince, Betsy DeVos's brother met in the Seychelles with him, a UAE guy and a Russian operative in the Seychelles to set up a back channel of communication for TRUMPs campaign with Russia that our gvt would not know about??
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