Did 'liberals' get a memo to call every business Trump was in a scam?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
This is a) predictable and b) timely. It is as if the entire left wing world is orchestrating one political strategy which is to declare every business Trump has been in a scam. One or two hacks might think this is a good idea but when the entire communi...democrat party moves in the same direction it should make people think that there must be some kind of memo going around telling them to do this.
They must all be getting this via their tinfoil hats.... probably being transmitted from the mothership... CNN.
Not every one . Just the scam ones.

Trump U seems to lead the pack !
This is a) predictable and b) timely. It is as if the entire left wing world is orchestrating one political strategy which is to declare every business Trump has been in a scam. One or two hacks might think this is a good idea but when the entire communi...democrat party moves in the same direction it should make people think that there must be some kind of memo going around telling them to do this.

Most of them have just been called failures, since they were. Trump Steaks, Trump Magazine, Trump Airlines, etc.
Smells a lot like how liberals dragged out a large number of women to falsely accuse Herman Cain of being a 'Slick Willy' then crow he should drop out. As soon as he did the women and accusations mysteriously evaporated. Go figure.
This is a) predictable and b) timely. It is as if the entire left wing world is orchestrating one political strategy which is to declare every business Trump has been in a scam. One or two hacks might think this is a good idea but when the entire communi...democrat party moves in the same direction it should make people think that there must be some kind of memo going around telling them to do this.

I thought that was standard Modus Operandi.
With Mitt Romney, with Bush, with anyone they support or who support them.

Go after any business contacts, any source of money going in OR out.
So all supporters of Trump become suspect and fair game.
Anything he touches. Attack from all sides.

(If he happens to agree on something like LGBT issues he
is "co-opting" that as a Wealthy White Man and that isn't taken seriously.

Like when Bush spoke publicly in one of his addresses about helping people out of prison
to reintegrate back into society to be successful citizens, that is completely ignored!
Because it is only Democrat agenda to help the poor Blacks suffering racist prison problems.
You can't have any Republican or faith-based group saying that. Bush is a hypocrite, remember,
because he did drugs and got out without being stuck with that on his record. And he should not
be waging a war on drugs. Never mind that Obama got his records deferred or expunged also.

Only publicize the bad things about political enemies, not the good points of agreement.
Only publicize the good things about political party leaders, not the points where even their
own party has criticized them. You silence the GOP who were against the Patriot Act for
Constitutional reasons. You silence the Democrats who oppose ACA as far left or
who oppose abortion as prolife Democrats. You only tow the party line, and attack anything to the contrary.

That is the mob mentality we are rewarding every time we elect people based on votes
that are based on these kind of media and political campaigns that rely on HATE and FEAR
not solutions and correcting objections that we actually share in common!
This is a) predictable and b) timely. It is as if the entire left wing world is orchestrating one political strategy which is to declare every business Trump has been in a scam. One or two hacks might think this is a good idea but when the entire communi...democrat party moves in the same direction it should make people think that there must be some kind of memo going around telling them to do this.
Aren't all forms of gambling "scams?"

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