Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi?


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
I suspect this is the real reason why the Islamic Video Maker excuse was developed: Hillary's server was hacked and exposed the location and security arrangements for Ambassador Stevens.

US intelligence officials so far have determined that at least four — and as many as 305 — of the more than 30,000 e-mails Clinton and her aides have printed out and turned over to investigators were classified at the time they were written.

They include a 2011 message from Clinton’s top aides that contains military intelligence from United States Africa Command gleaned from satellite images of troop movements in Libya, along with the travel and protection plans for Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was later killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. Another staff e-mail sent to Clinton in 2012 contained investigative data about Benghazi terrorist suspects wanted by the FBI.

Blog: Did a hacked Hillary email set up the ambush of Ambassador Christopher Stevens?

Hillary's email defense is 'total BS': former State Dept. officials
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
Right on cue, a Clinton apologist appears to deflect attention away from Hillary's damage to national security.

The only mystery is who is paying PMH: James Carville or Lanny Davis.
Right on cue, a Clinton apologist appears to deflect attention away from Hillary's damage to national security.

The only mystery is who is paying PMH: James Carville or Lanny Davis.
There's little need to apologize when one has done no wrong. Your Benghazi dirty sock, when thrown fairly, won't stick to the wall...
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.
So it would seem...
If anyone could imagine something that isn't there, it's Republicans. Good job!
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.

You reek of Hillary's flop sweat.

I'm sure that in Conservative conspiracy land that it not only caused Benghazi but Ebola, gay marriage and Obamacare

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