Did FDR know something was about to happen in late 1941?


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

I was never convinced that FDR let Pearl Harbor happen on purpose. Back then the US had little intelligence abilities. Most felt war was coming at some point was just a matter of when and how. However this McCollumn memo does raise some questions. Whether FDR actually seen this memo seems to be an open question, others did and nothing seems to have been done about it.
This question is one f those that makes the periodic rounds in the threads.
Anyone in 1941 looking at a military map of the Pacific, with China and the Philippines included, who could not predict what the Japanese were likely to do could not call himself a military or geopolitical expert. Japan's history alone would tell one.

I was never convinced that FDR let Pearl Harbor happen on purpose. Back then the US had little intelligence abilities. Most felt war was coming at some point was just a matter of when and how. However this McCollumn memo does raise some questions. Whether FDR actually seen this memo seems to be an open question, others did and nothing seems to have been done about it.
Then you have not done your homework, :rofl: the evidence is overwhelming the motherfucker traiter let it happen to please his motherfucker friend Churchill to get Americans eager to join forces with England to enter the war and support them,the book day of deceit written by a very credible high ranking officer in the military documents it,nobody has ever refuted the evidence in that book.
Then you have not done your homework, :rofl: the evidence is overwhelming the motherfucker traiter let it happen to please his motherfucker friend Churchill to get Americans eager to join forces with England to enter the war and support them,the book day of deceit written by a very credible high ranking officer in the military documents it,nobody has ever refuted the evidence in that book.
While I would not rule that out, our intelligence abilities or lack thereof at that time does give me some pause before pointing the finger. I agree FDR wanted the US in the war and it was going to happen at some point.
All of the radio traffic at the time indicated a buildup toward Australia and point southeast, not toward Pearl. This story has been shot down so many times its a running joke. Just get used to the fact that Japan and Germany lost, and under FDR's leadership they lost quickly, in about 3-4 years, with the U.S. fighting on 3 fronts and providing the supplies for a 4th big front that wouldn't have existed at all without US supply and active on its European fronts.
Then you have not done your homework, :rofl: the evidence is overwhelming the motherfucker traiter let it happen to please his motherfucker friend Churchill to get Americans eager to join forces with England to enter the war and support them,the book day of deceit written by a very credible high ranking officer in the military documents it,nobody has ever refuted the evidence in that book.

^^^Looney Tunes history.
I don't think people took Japan very seriously, they were all supposed to be tiny and myopic.... Nobody thought germany was going to join them like they did, so the Japanese could be pushed a bit they thought. Many thanks once again to the GOP for wrecking the world economy again with a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust, as always followed by chaos refugees militarists civil wars. Thank God we're all socialists now and can handle GOP disasters better.... having unemployment and welfare and money to throw at debt helps...
Then you have not done your homework, :rofl: the evidence is overwhelming the motherfucker traiter let it happen to please his motherfucker friend Churchill to get Americans eager to join forces with England to enter the war and support them,the book day of deceit written by a very credible high ranking officer in the military documents it,nobody has ever refuted the evidence in that book.
the fact langley shill dudley smith dismisses this post proves i hit a home run.:auiqs.jpg:

I was never convinced that FDR let Pearl Harbor happen on purpose. Back then the US had little intelligence abilities. Most felt war was coming at some point was just a matter of when and how. However this McCollumn memo does raise some questions. Whether FDR actually seen this memo seems to be an open question, others did and nothing seems to have been done about it.
Dogbert's Shaggy-Dog Tales

This myth is preached so that sweatshoppers, robber barons, and banksters can discredit the New Deal and return White people to 19th Century wage-slavery.

The first lie in the article was that Japan was a threat to Russia. But the military genius Zhukov had already destroyed that ambition in the decisive battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia in August 1939.
FDR appointed George Marshall as COS over many more senior officers. Marshall never had a combat command and his legacy in the Army was lack luster. Why did FDR pick him at the crucial time in history? Marshall was one of the few who had access to the Japanese decoded "magic" transmissions and he was credited with a near photographic memory. He was uncharacteristically late for work on the morning of 12/7/41 and in subsequent congressional hearings he claimed that he couldn't remember where he was the night before the "Day of Infamy". When he finally arrived at his office he read and reread and re-reread the crucial message that indicated a Japanese attack. Finally the Army message center went down and Marshall sent a Western Union telegram that arrived at the same time as the Japanese bombers.
I don't think people took Japan very seriously, they were all supposed to be tiny and myopic.... Nobody thought germany was going to join them like they did, so the Japanese could be pushed a bit they thought. Many thanks once again to the GOP for wrecking the world economy again with a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust, as always followed by chaos refugees militarists civil wars. Thank God we're all socialists now and can handle GOP disasters better.... having unemployment and welfare and money to throw at debt helps...

I was never convinced that FDR let Pearl Harbor happen on purpose. Back then the US had little intelligence abilities. Most felt war was coming at some point was just a matter of when and how. However this McCollumn memo does raise some questions. Whether FDR actually seen this memo seems to be an open question, others did and nothing seems to have been done about it.
He should have known....He was, after all, supplying the Brits with war material on the down-low, and had deployed mercenary fighter pilots (AVG) in China, to do battle with the Japanese air force, well before 7 Dec '41.

He provoked the U.S entry into WWII, and knew he was doing so.
He should have known....He was, after all, supplying the Brits with war material on the down-low, and had deployed mercenary fighter pilots (AVG) in China, to do battle with the Japanese air force, well before 7 Dec '41.

He provoked the U.S entry into WWII, and knew he was doing so.
That could be the case. No question FDR wanted the US in the war. I am not totally sold he knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked 12-7-1941 though the memo outlined in my op/ed piece does raise some questions.
That could be the case. No question FDR wanted the US in the war. I am not totally sold he knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked 12-7-1941 though the memo outlined in my op/ed piece does raise some questions.
No carriers in Pearl....Only a lineup of obsolete WWI battleships and support ships.

If he didn't know, he wasn't interested in knowing.

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