DHS Warns Of Newly Reactivated al-Qaeda Ahead Of 9/11 Anniversary


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
What’s going on in DC is not incompetence. In just 6 months America has fallen into the crapper. It’s the deliberate destruction of America and Joe and his handlers are leading the charge.

The military should have known about the consequences. The question is, how many more decades in Afghanistan would be needed to "secure" the country?

The real global war today and in the near future will be fought via economic might, soft power expansion and in the South China Sea.

If a nation building exercize hasn't succeeded after 20 years, it's never going to succeed at all in my opinion.
The military should have known about the consequences. The question is, how many more decades in Afghanistan would be needed to "secure" the country?

The real global war today and in the near future will be fought via economic might, soft power expansion and in the South China Sea.

If a nation building exercize hasn't succeeded after 20 years, it's never going to succeed at all in my opinion.
1. AFG would NEVER be a modern democracy, that was simply stupidity.
2. Yep, China is the rising power. Maybe we need to move more factories there and let them steal more intellectual property?
3. Right again, nation-building is an exercise in stupidity.
The military should have known about the consequences. The question is, how many more decades in Afghanistan would be needed to "secure" the country?

The real global war today and in the near future will be fought via economic might, soft power expansion and in the South China Sea.

If a nation building exercize hasn't succeeded after 20 years, it's never going to succeed at all in my opinion.
Our military is busy enforcing proper pronoun use.
How to win a war.

  • Bomb the fuck out of the enemy
  • IF there need's to be "boots on the ground" kill the enemy
  • LEAVE them bleeding in the rubble
  • If the same people start to rearm - bomb the fuck out of them again.
Occupation is for morons and always leads to defeat.

Dubya had a fantasy of being the "great liberator" who built "democracy." Dubya was and is a fucking moron.

Obama just didn't give a fuck - he hates America but has no care of Afghanistan at all.
Every week doj, fbi,, cdc, dhs, etc always have a new "emergency" or "warning" about something. For the past year there is always the end of mankind warning right around the corner that never actually happens.

The whole fear mongering thing is getting out of hand and I'm desensitized to it now because our country now is constantly emitting either fear or hatred. Political, social, economical, racial, environmental pressure is just out of control.

Government pushes it for more control and to make people scared for power, media constantly shovels it out to get more viewers to increase advertising dollars, small groups do it to blame others for their shortcomings, and a lot of organizations do it with their hand out for grant money to "study it".

Even like covid, no one wants to stop fear mongering it because covid allows for a lot of political power and influence, even companies making sanitizers to those dumb mask and social distance signs for stores are making millions off fear.

Fear and anger are tools wielded against now. And terrorism is back on the menu because people are getting burnt out on our regular hot buttons and they need to keep the fear flowing.

Basically I don't believe shit they say anymore because they can just make claims with no actual proof
1. AFG would NEVER be a modern democracy, that was simply stupidity.
2. Yep, China is the rising power. Maybe we need to move more factories there and let them steal more intellectual property?
3. Right again, nation-building is an exercise in stupidity.

Somalia had it all: Warlords, terrorists, famine, Americans dragged through the streets.
Somalia was stabilized enough so that it doesn't consitute a danger to the world.
Somalia had it all: Warlords, terrorists, famine, Americans dragged through the streets.
Somalia was stabilized enough so that it doesn't consitute a danger to the world.

Somalia was never a danger to the world, until Ilan Omar was imported.

Somalia is worse today than prior to Bill Clinton's moronic foray into Mogadishu
The military should have known about the consequences. The question is, how many more decades in Afghanistan would be needed to "secure" the country?

The real global war today and in the near future will be fought via economic might, soft power expansion and in the South China Sea.

If a nation building exercize hasn't succeeded after 20 years, it's never going to succeed at all in my opinion.

Indeed the bought and paid for newly made Generals in the Pentagon after the Obama purge are well aware of the damage they've caused....

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