DeVos to end federal common core

It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Come on man, you honestly believe that bureaucrats in Washington are better at deciding what kid's education needs are than the teachers and parents in the particular system? Most absurd Socialist idea I've heard in a long time. Do away with the department of education and let the states and local governments educate their kids.

The problem with allowing states to choose what kids learn has led to children being disadvantaged or too high of an advantage when transferring schools that are in another state or district.

How did you come to that conclusion? Please provide a link which shows the statistics backing your assertion that this is a problem.

In reality, if you are at a school which leaves you behind when you move to another, then you're lucky you moved to a better school.

If a school produces substandard students then the parents need to insist their school board improves. Vouchers will equalize the opportunity fo low income kids to get better education instead of being stuck in poor performing schools.
Well I hope she has come up with something better to replace it with. I say get rid of the testing but the standards and objectives from common core need to stay.

Common standards are in line with top achieving countries. Kids in America find it challenging because they're not use to being challenged. But if you take those same common standards to U.K or Japan, they could achieve them easily.

Japan has an excellent system which would be nearly impossible to duplicate in the US. Consider that Japan has had very little immigration and hence don't have cultural diversity to del with. They also have a population that values education.

The U.K. System is devolved, so it is handled at local and state levels.
As I understood common core its goal was to standardize what subjects would be taught in each grade level making it easier for the military and others that move from school to school. My sister ran into this problem and complained that she was constantly turning in her homework on Monday mornings that had been assigned the Friday before.

Yes I agree, we moved in the middle of 9th grade, in my new school I was in 11th grade, great point.
Well I hope she has come up with something better to replace it with. I say get rid of the testing but the standards and objectives from common core need to stay.

Common standards are in line with top achieving countries. Kids in America find it challenging because they're not use to being challenged. But if you take those same common standards to U.K or Japan, they could achieve them easily.

Japan has an excellent system which would be nearly impossible to duplicate in the US. Consider that Japan has had very little immigration and hence don't have cultural diversity to del with. They also have a population that values education.

The U.K. System is devolved, so it is handled at local and state levels.

All schools in UK follow a set of national objectives and currriculm which is similar to common core. Local officials cannot decide what to teach. The national curriculum does. They also have standard testing but not so many in one year. They have a standardized test at the end of year 2, 6,9,11 and 12/13. Plus many schools do optional testing between those year groups.
Education is about raising all kids upon so they go onto post high school education. That leads to higher wages for all. We don't need more blue collar workers.
I sure hope you said that sarcastically, since not all kids are equipped for higher education. While we may not need them, some people are going to be blue collar workers because that is how they are equipped and sometimes what they prefer. There is nothing wrong with manual labor or a "menial" job like janitor or trash collector. Try living in a society without them. Work needs to be respected as honest work, and NOT everyone is capable of college level work. A lot of people aren't. The colleges have constantly had to dumb down their content and offer a full range of remedial courses for freshman. It's ridiculous. Focus on raising standards in HIGH SCHOOL education, including more trade options, and leave the poor kids alone!
Fatcats, and Their Fatkittens, Love Mice

The only way to get the most talented to study for college and in college is to pay college students a salary higher than they can expect "working" (as if schoolwork isn't work). As it is, high school graduates with the most talent have a worse next 4 to 10 years than the students who don't have the talent to belong in college. The present class-biased indentured servitude attracts only sneering rich kids living off an allowance and sneered at working-class students with no self-respect who are willing to live like dependent teenagers until they graduate.

So, as long it doesn't offer the talented a natural incentive, it is generic. Most graduates, with their inflated grades, had no more right to be in college than they had to be on the college football team, which is based on talent and which is naturally rewarded with expensive housing, expensive food, and expensive entertainment--the equivalent of $500 a week plus free tuition.
When you make public schools For Profit, you ruin them.....

I don't know...a lot of private schools do pretty well...

I would imagine, but in Mi , its not the norm. Its very corrupt in MI.

Wait Mi, why pick those schools....oh wait Devoss is from there,

I bet you have no proof.

She pushed for the charter schools in Mi in the 90's. You'd have to look it up or take my word for it. Do not be lazy now.

Heres a link for today
And a record number of charter schools run by for-profit companies that rake in taxpayer money and refuse to detail how they spend it, saying theyā€™re private and not subject to disclosure laws. Michigan leads the nation in schools run by for-profits.

Michigan spends $1B on charter schools but fails to hold them accountable

When you make public schools For Profit, you ruin them, and Betsy DeVos began all this in MI in the 90's.
When you make public schools For Profit, you ruin them.....

I don't know...a lot of private schools do pretty well...

I would imagine, but in Mi , its not the norm. Its very corrupt in MI.

Wait Mi, why pick those schools....oh wait Devoss is from there,

I bet you have no proof.

She pushed for the charter schools in Mi in the 90's. You'd have to look it up or take my word for it. Do not be lazy now.

Heres a link for today
And a record number of charter schools run by for-profit companies that rake in taxpayer money and refuse to detail how they spend it, saying theyā€™re private and not subject to disclosure laws. Michigan leads the nation in schools run by for-profits.

Michigan spends $1B on charter schools but fails to hold them accountable

When you make public schools For Profit, you ruin them, and Betsy DeVos began all this in MI in the 90's.

Well change some regulations and hold people accountable, public or private.
I would have no problem with requiring them to disclose like public schools.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart

As if the toothless white trash in red states weren't stupid and illiterate enough...

Stupid voters make loyal repubs.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart

As if the toothless white trash in red states weren't stupid and illiterate enough...

Stupid voters make loyal repubs.

Oh look, another racist democrat.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart

As if the toothless white trash in red states weren't stupid and illiterate enough...

Stupid voters make loyal repubs.

Oh look, another racist democrat.

Hazel has some issues going to let her simmer in her own hatred
Education is about raising all kids upon so they go onto post high school education. That leads to higher wages for all. We don't need more blue collar workers.
I sure hope you said that sarcastically, since not all kids are equipped for higher education. While we may not need them, some people are going to be blue collar workers because that is how they are equipped and sometimes what they prefer. There is nothing wrong with manual labor or a "menial" job like janitor or trash collector. Try living in a society without them. Work needs to be respected as honest work, and NOT everyone is capable of college level work. A lot of people aren't. The colleges have constantly had to dumb down their content and offer a full range of remedial courses for freshman. It's ridiculous. Focus on raising standards in HIGH SCHOOL education, including more trade options, and leave the poor kids alone!
Fatcats, and Their Fatkittens, Love Mice

The only way to get the most talented to study for college and in college is to pay college students a salary higher than they can expect "working" .....

There are s lot of stupid ideas on this thread.
Well I hope she has come up with something better to replace it with. I say get rid of the testing but the standards and objectives from common core need to stay.

Common standards are in line with top achieving countries. Kids in America find it challenging because they're not use to being challenged. But if you take those same common standards to U.K or Japan, they could achieve them easily.

Japan has an excellent system which would be nearly impossible to duplicate in the US. Consider that Japan has had very little immigration and hence don't have cultural diversity to del with. They also have a population that values education.

The U.K. System is devolved, so it is handled at local and state levels.

All schools in UK follow a set of national objectives and currriculm which is similar to common core. Local officials cannot decide what to teach. The national curriculum does. They also have standard testing but not so many in one year. They have a standardized test at the end of year 2, 6,9,11 and 12/13. Plus many schools do optional testing between those year groups.

True, but they deal with about 20% of the population as the US which makes it somewhat manageable. It's like California and Texas having the same system except the UK is much closer geographically.
Teaching to the test is the problem

OK, smart ass! Why don't you tell me why teaching to the test is wrong?

I'll bet you a horse turd to a donut and let you hold the stakes in your mouth.

Anyone talking about "teaching to the test" is a certifiable educational wannabe whose own education was obviously a disaster.

There is nothing that pisses educators off more than wannabees.
I read the Federalist article. (Thanks, Sassy). The objections, though, pretty much state the misconceptions I already knew about. At least I think they're misconceptions. Our state adapted the Common Core used in K-12 for Adult Education, which is how I've gotten to know them. The "New Math" has been confusing kids and parents since the 1980's, anyway, if not before. It seems like almost all the complaints in the article from the Federalist has to do with the fact that parents don't get how to do the New Math. I can relate to that--I was always challenged enough trying to do the OLD math. Done right, though, it is supposed to explain to kids WHY numbers can do what they do. The Common Core itself is supposed to help kids learn the habits of mind to learn on their feet and be flexible in their methods, using a number of different techniques. This is supposed to make them successful employees in the age of innovation, when the only constant will be change.

Getting rid of the Common Core at the federal level is okay with me. It won't change how the SAT or ACT is structured though, so it's not going to change how Math is taught. It is not going to stop states that have already adopted it from using it, either. It may make a lot of parents happy, but they'll be celebrating the destruction of something that never actually existed in the way they believe it did.

Oh but they did change math with common core. Do a little research on that.

No. They did NOT! Schools bought the stupid curriculums peddled by the textbook companies that were aligned with Common Core standards. Common Core does not tell you how to teach math. I have taught, Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II over the past 5 years with Common Core and this idiotic concept that a standard dictates how you teach simply will not die!

Do you know who wrote the curriculums for my classes? The teachers who teach the class! No one from the state, district, or anywhere else has an input.
A lot of you are equating Common Core with the whole standardized test nightmare. We have to give them in Adult Ed, to please the Feds, since the Feds give us a lot of our money. Now, as tax payers, it is reasonable to want some evidence that we are actually teaching people something, so it seems reasonable to give the tests measuring performance (and hopefully improvement). BUT it becomes a game and a lot of pressure to see the scores go up, regardless what the student is here for or wants to achieve. Scores equal $$$ from the government.
So I get that. In high school, some students have to take three standardized test batteries in one year. That's way too much. And school board members are salivating to get the results, to put their own political spin on them.
We all want accountability but how do you measure student competency without them?

That is incorrect.
You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Yes, because until 1980 when the federal Department of Education was created in D.C. our school system was in complete shambles, right? Oh, no, wait. Actually, it was quite the opposite. We had one of those most successful public education systems in the world where kids actually learned something. Now, 30 something years later, not only are we spending three times as much money on public education, the results have declined drastically and we rank almost dead last among the First World.

But hey, you're right, clown, let's keep the status quo in place. The dumber the populace, the more dependency they'll need on the elites. You really shouldn't be calling anybody else an imbecile.

Do you know what changed? Special education and also actually setting expectations for minority students.

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