Devin Nunes says he'll hold Jeff Session in contempt

Nunes should be hiding in disgrace. What a despicable human.
Whatever it takes to get good ol boy Sessions out of there. He is the epitomy of the Swamp.
True, Sessions has been spreading evil his entire life, and few things would be better for the nation than for him to never have a role in government again.
They'll do anything to keep the Presidential dirt from airing prime time in America

WAPO/NYT/CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS have been trying to do that since Trump became the candidate.
In response Trumps favorable numbers keep going up.
Keep it up all you LIB mutts. When Nov. rolls around President Trump's numbers will be in the high sixties.
After Mueller's witch hunt ends President Trump's numbers will be in the low eighties.
Seriously, if there's anyone here who doesn't recognize a billionaire globalists exists rubbing elbows with foreign dignitaries for his own gain , you're seriously naive

It would be better to change our election funding laws ,at least we'd be aware of the influences we're being subjected to

WAPO/NYT/CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS have been trying to do that since Trump became the candidate.
In response Trumps favorable numbers keep going up.
Keep it up all you LIB mutts. When Nov. rolls around President Trump's numbers will be in the high sixties.
After Mueller's witch hunt ends President Trump's numbers will be in the low eighties.

you're absolutely right

his disapproval ratings will jump at least 10 points by november, and i expect the low 80s is a reasonable number by the time the impeachment evidence is laid out for the dem controlled house in january 2019.

you're remarkably astute for a trumpling :thup:


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Seriously, if there's anyone here who doesn't recognize a billionaire globalists exists rubbing elbows with foreign dignitaries for his own gain , you're seriously naive

It would be better to change our election funding laws ,at least we'd be aware of the influences we're being subjected to


If people knew who . the GLOBALIST really were, they would see how TRUMP has NOTHING to do with them, and he knows how to play them. The sheep are clueless , the misinformed are clueless, and the weak mind fall victim to the hatred for Trump just as the REAL GLOBALIST have inteneded.

Nunes for AG.

First action would be to indict Hillary, Comey and the entire Mule's Team
Over my dead body. Somehow or other, Nunes for AG or any other responsible position in government would be over my dead body.


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