Despite Their Claims To Defend Individual Rights, Repubs Oppose Majority Rule


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The GOP's opposition to majority rule is apparent on many issues, but is especially true when elections don’t go their way.

Kendal Unruh is a high school government teacher in Englewood, Colorado and was a supporter of Ted Cruz’s campaign. She is also a delegate to the GOP and “wants to change the rules and unbind and free every delegate so they're not committed to support Trump on the first ballot.” She is not the only member of the Republican Party who wants to go against the will of the majority (of Republican voters).

As we’ve seen during the past seven-and-a-half years, the Congressional Republicans oppose majority rule when their chosen candidates and oppressing policies are rejected by well over half of the voting public.

During the Obama Presidency, the Republicans in the House and the Senate became the G"NO"P, and proved to the U.S. voters they refused to respect and would obstruct the voters’ choice for President, his policies, his appointees, etc. They consistently “changed the rules” to accomplish these goals.

Unruh is another example of the Republican Party’s opposition to majority rule, as she has joined with others in her party to “change the rules” so as to prevent the candidate chosen by the majority of rank-and-file GOP voters from receiving the 2016 nomination.

Just as several Red State legislatures and governors have “changed the rules” to cheat certain groups of voters of their rights, Unruh and other Republicans plan to cheat the millions of Trump supporters.

Unruh stupidly stated, "If he is the face of our party, he will actually destroy our party. He should have just run as a Democrat.” The Donald knew his offensive rants would appeal to only a handful of Democrats. However, he knew very well the Republican Party had already spent decades cultivating conservatives’ eagerness to support needless wars, their racism, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia, and xenophobia. The idiotic statement by Unruh makes it most apparent that she is blind to the fact that most Democrats have denounced Trump’s racism, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and his desire to start more useless wars.

The results of the Republican Primaries proved Trump’s campaign to court the right wing, instead of liberals and conscientious moderates, to be a sound decision.

The coming Republican National Convention will be the finale of the 2016 Republican Clown Show. It will be worth watching to see the antics of Trump, his supporters, and those trying to replace him with a different clown. But which clown will they choose? Carson? Bush? Cruz? Kasich? Walker? Fiorina?(no way, she's female) Huckabee? Or?

Colorado woman among delegates leading newest effort to block Trump from nomination

Despite the firm belief of right-wingers to the contrary, denial of facts in no way refutes them, and changing or avoiding the subject does not win the debate.

First, majority rule is not a defense of individual rights.

Second, the Republican Party is a private organization; it can make its own rules.
Judges say differently. The party power will be attacked in court next year, both GOP and dem.

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