DeSantis will never be President

Whatever. Doesn't change the facts. There are just as many Democrat idiots as there are Republican ones. You had to be an idiot to not realize that having him come in for a mug shot was going to have opposite effect they were looking for.
Not really

That scowling mug shot will be his legacy
The only way the current traitor can get back in is by cheating again…only this time it’ll have to be more blatant, if that’s even possible…

There was no cheating. Time for you to move on and accept Trump lost.
And he will lose again next year (I don't care what any polls say 14 months out) if you don't throw your support behind some other Republican. :)
There was no cheating. Time for you to move on and accept Trump lost.
And he will lose again next year (I don't care what any polls say 14 months out) if you don't throw your support behind some other Republican. :)
Look at the lib, demanding to tell me who to vote for….laughable…
There was no cheating. Time for you to move on and accept Trump lost.
And he will lose again next year (I don't care what any polls say 14 months out) if you don't throw your support behind some other Republican. :)
Trump lost. Biden "won", but...
There was "election interference".
The FBI paid Twitter to censor the laptop story. See Musk's Twitter Files.
The FBI buried the laptop investigation
Google "Zuckerbucks"
The 51 traitors lied when they said the laptop was "Russian Disinformation"
Mail-in ballots are too easy to cheat with, that's why France bans them.
If you look at the total number of votes, 2020 cheating was obvious. There was about 20m too many votes based on past elections
Trump lost. Biden "won", but...
There was "election interference".
The FBI paid Twitter to censor the laptop story. See Musk's Twitter Files.
The FBI buried the laptop investigation
Google "Zuckerbucks"
The 51 traitors lied when they said the laptop was "Russian Disinformation"
Mail-in ballots are too easy to cheat with, that's why France bans them.
If you look at the total number of votes, 2020 cheating was obvious. There was about 20m too many votes based on past elections
View attachment 826448
that's such nonsense propaganda.....

20 million more citizens voting, during a year when 10% were unemployed, with an idiot, undemocratic asshole like Trump as president, having covid spreading rallies throughout the nation,

DROVE registered voters to the polls and to voting.... AND it was predicted to have 20 million more voting citizens.... It was not unexpected.

Registered citizens voting, is NOT unconstitutional.... Not via voting early, not via voting absentee, nor voting in person....

Trump lost his OWN election, Citizens were sick of him....and his constant bolstering of himself as the Chosen One, through his perpetual lying and deceit and promotion of dividing this Nation.

We voted him out. He lost, fair and square, because the American people VOTED the SCUMBAG OUT!I

Only for the scumbag Chief to lie, cheat, and and try to steal my, and 81 million other Americans, VOTE from them with his Big Lie!

That bastard, criminal and thief, can kiss my grits! If he ever repented, I'd be with him...but he has no shame, no moral compass and has ZERO LOVE FOR THIS he stands.
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that's such nonsense propaganda.....
20 million more citizens voting, during a year when 10% were unemployed, with an idiot, undemocratic asshole like Trump as president, having covid spreading rallies throughout the nation,
DROVE registered voters to the polls and to voting.... AND it was predicted to have 20 million more voting citizens.... It was not unexpected.
Registered citizens voting, is NOT unconstitutional.... Not via voting early, not via voting absentee, nor voting in person....
Trump lost his OWN election, Citizens were sick of him....and his constant bolstering of himself as the Chosen One, through his perpetual lying and deceit and promotion of dividing this Nation. We voted him out. He lost, fair and square, because the American people VOTED the SCUMBAG OUT!I
Only for the scumbag Chief to lie, cheat, and and try to steal my, and 81 million other Americans, VOTE from them with his Big Lie!
That bastard, criminal and thief, can kiss my grits! If he ever repented, I'd be with him...but he has no shame, no moral compass and has ZERO LOVE FOR THIS he stands.
1. I know math is racist, but two standard deviations in vote counts means cheating. NFW there could be that big a difference from the norm legitimately.
2. Yes it was unexpected. There was NO prediction of 20m more voters. Total votes was fairly constant with the 1% gain in population.
3. Your tirade about Trump actually fits Biden and the Biden Crime Family better.
4. Biden is toast. Just look at the polls. Tell me you really want 83-86 year old Biden to get a 2nd term.
5. After Biden's 1st term, we'll see who voters prefer. Trump or old joe.
Trump lost. Biden "won", but...
There was "election interference".
The FBI paid Twitter to censor the laptop story. See Musk's Twitter Files.
The FBI buried the laptop investigation
Google "Zuckerbucks"
The 51 traitors lied when they said the laptop was "Russian Disinformation"
Mail-in ballots are too easy to cheat with, that's why France bans them.
If you look at the total number of votes, 2020 cheating was obvious. There was about 20m too many votes based on past elections
View attachment 826448
No. There wasn't any election interference. That came after when Trump attempted mightly to overturn the results.
As far as the laptop goes, it is inconsequential. No one gives a shit..except you members of Alt-Right Nation. And no judge
in their right mind will accept it as evidence with the amount of tampering and misinformation surrounding it.

Mail-in voting has been used by states for years with no issues on either side...until the savior lost his re-election bid.
Why do you think that was? And what about this man drives your unending devotion and worship?

The number of votes cast in 2020 has been explained to you adnauseum. No point in going over it again.
Mail-in voting will be the way of the future. Here's an idea. Put up better candidates, and you might find yourselves starting to win elections again. :)
No. There wasn't any election interference. That came after when Trump attempted mightly to overturn the results.
As far as the laptop goes, it is inconsequential. No one gives a shit..except you members of Alt-Right Nation. And no judge
in their right mind will accept it as evidence with the amount of tampering and misinformation surrounding it.

Mail-in voting has been used by states for years with no issues on either side...until the savior lost his re-election bid.
Why do you think that was? And what about this man drives your unending devotion and worship?

The number of votes cast in 2020 has been explained to you adnauseum. No point in going over it again.
Mail-in voting will be the way of the future. Here's an idea. Put up better candidates, and you might find yourselves starting to win elections again. :)
Mail-in votes with legitimate excuses only, like for members of the military was used,
not mass mailings to anyone and everyone.

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