DeSantis haul

You seem desperate to claim it was fucked up.
Not at all. Noting that it was fucked up is just that. Twitter fucked up. It’s just a fact.
Substance over style
Nope. Just noting a fact.
Everyone is talking about it.
Nah. Mostly just the libtard trolls. It deeply matters to them for propaganda purposes. I just respond to their ignorance.
Netted him 9 million.

I believe I already noted he had gotten quite the haul. I just know I said that someplace. 🤔
Twitter screwed up. Sometimes P.A. Systems don’t work. Sometimes fire-alarms sound. Shit happens. The failure of Twitter to handle the volume of viewers is entirely on Twitter.

The extent to which it undercut the moment for DeSantis is all but inconsequential.
Thats his hope anyway...

Not a bad day.

Good haul.

I see DeSantis as a great alternative to Trump should Trump be unable to complete the mission.
DeSantis would act more like your typical President. He is a very efficient Governor who is willing to fight for what he believes in. He also is a winner who accomplishes a lot.

In my opinion DeSantis is the best Governor Florida has had in the half century I have lived here. He would make a great President if for some reason the Swamp figures out how to stop Trump from running.
Plus, let’s face facts. He has already established an ability to govern.

The R side of the race has a strong bench.
The D side of the race has no bench at all.

And he has a much better record of picking decent people to stand by him and fight for him. Trump, not so much.
Even the progs are laughing at DeSantis.


Avowed ‘Never Trumper’ Jennifer Rubin Gleefully Celebrates Trump’s Strong Polling Performance​

Story by Isaac Schorr • Yesterday 8:34 AM

Avowed ‘Never Trumper’ Jennifer Rubin Gleefully Celebrates Trump’s Strong Polling Performance
Avowed ‘Never Trumper’ Jennifer Rubin Gleefully Celebrates Trump’s Strong Polling Performance© Provided by Mediaite
Washington Post columnist and avowed “Never Trumper” Jennifer Rubin celebrated Donald Trump’s strong performance in Republican primary polling on Friday morning, even mustering a mirthful digital cackle to celebrate the former president’s prospects.
“Bhahahhahahahhahahah,” added Rubin to the Yahoo News headline “No bump for DeSantis from 2024 launch as Trump continues to climb.”
The article cites a recent Yahoo/YouGov poll conducted from May 25-30 that shows Trump garnering the support of 53% of potential Republican primary voters, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) in a distant second place with 25%. That marked a five-point improvement for Trump and three-point drop for DeSantis from early May.
Were the primary to be between just the two leading candidates, Trump would prevail, 55%-31%.

DeSantis announced his campaign on May 24, but his kick-off event with Elon Musk on Twitter Spaces was marred by technical difficulties. Still, early polling rarely reflects the final results of presidential primaries, as Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Newt Gingrich might attest.


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