Deregulation Nation

How much of our booming economy will you attribute to this?

I'll give Daffy Don some credit where credit is due, he's put a dent into our insane Federal Regulatory Regime, he's managed to cut the size of the federal register down by nearly 1/3 since he's been in office and that has had a significant positive impact on real GDP growth, GOOD JOB.

… however IMHO he needs to pick up the pace and organize a regulatory review that eliminates unnecessary and counter productive (i.e. costs exceed benefits) regulations so that we get to a federal register that is half the size it is right now by 2020. :)

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." -- Ronald Reagan
Cutting or increasing regulation for the purpose of cutting or increasing regulation is a dumb idea that only partisans can back.

Instead of this blind, stupid back-and-forth between hyper-regulation and hyper-deregulation, we should be deleting ineffective regulation and creating smart and efficient regulation that protects consumers without creating too much drag on the dynamic elements of capitalism, regulation on which both business and government can depend to remain and not be constantly deleted or added to based on the whims of a bunch of corrupt politicians.

But that would absolutely require all concerned, from all parts of the spectrum, from both the public and private worlds, to check their ego at the door and work together like normal, intelligent adults to INNOVATE.

So fuck that idea. That's beyond us.

How much of our booming economy will you attribute to this?

The lions share of our boom is from reducing regulations. The conventional wisdom before Trump was that regulations place a 2 trillion dollar downward pressure on economic activity. We're seeing just a fraction of what it could be but let us be careful here. Some regulation IS necessary.

How much of our booming economy will you attribute to this?

Deregulation screws the consumer.

Regulation screws the consumer. Why do you imagine the average price of housing in California is $800,000

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.

To put it prospective for you; Housing in Toronto is more expensive than housing in Calgary.

Indices Difference
Consumer Prices in Toronto are 13.87% higher than in Calgary
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Toronto are 24.34% higher than in Calgary
Rent Prices in Toronto are 50.63% higher than in Calgary
Restaurant Prices in Toronto are 4.71% higher than in Calgary
Groceries Prices in Toronto are 22.27% higher than in Calgary
Local Purchasing Power in Toronto is 32.73% lower than in Calgary

The reason why housing prices are high in California has nothing to do with regulations.

Capitalism is the reason. Supply and demand.

The demand for housing in the state causes the prices of housing to be high.

There are good jobs in California that pay high wages. Such as Silicon Valley. So California attracts more people. Demand is high so the cost is high.

While other states that don't have the high wage jobs in don't attract many people so there's very low demand and price of real estate is lower.

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.
Cutting or increasing regulation for the purpose of cutting or increasing regulation is a dumb idea that only partisans can back.

Instead of this blind, stupid back-and-forth between hyper-regulation and hyper-deregulation, we should be deleting ineffective regulation
That's what Daffy Don has been doing, well that and eliminating regulatory redundancy and those whose costs outweigh their benefits.

and creating smart and efficient regulation that protects consumers without creating too much drag on the dynamic elements of capitalism.
LOL, boy you've really bought into the politician speak bullshit, huh? Can you possibly be as naïve as you sound? Do you understand who contributes the lions share of the content for the vast majority of regulation that finds it's way into the Federal Register? (hint: the organizations that are the ostensibly the targets of said regulation, it's the most efficient way to stifle competition, provide yourself cover from civil and criminal litigation and to protect your bottom line)

Nobody in Washington gives a FUCK about protecting you from anything so when some politician starts yammering at you about "smart and efficient" anything, what he's really saying is, "more covert and efficient ways to allow politicians and their pals to plunder your liberty and your property".
Why do we keep playing pick a side???? there are silly regulations, useless regulations, there are excellent regulations use full regulations we don't need to take an ax to regulations so company's can make more profit. Can we just look at them in terms of benefit to the general population? & make changes based on that?

I've never met a regulation that I didn't like.
Cutting or increasing regulation for the purpose of cutting or increasing regulation is a dumb idea that only partisans can back.

Instead of this blind, stupid back-and-forth between hyper-regulation and hyper-deregulation, we should be deleting ineffective regulation
That's what Daffy Don has been doing, well that and eliminating regulatory redundancy and those whose costs outweigh their benefits.

and creating smart and efficient regulation that protects consumers without creating too much drag on the dynamic elements of capitalism.
LOL, boy you've really bought into the politician speak bullshit, huh? Can you possibly be as naïve as you sound? Do you understand who contributes the lions share of the content for the vast majority of regulation that finds it's way into the Federal Register? (hint: the organizations that are the ostensibly the targets of said regulation, it's the most efficient way to stifle competition, provide yourself cover from civil and criminal litigation and to protect your bottom line)

Nobody in Washington gives a FUCK about protecting you from anything so when some politician starts yammering at you about "smart and efficient" anything, what he's really saying is, "more covert and efficient ways to allow politicians and their pals to plunder your liberty and your property".
Being neck-deep in the financial services industry as a profession, having seen and lived through the causes and effects of the Meltdown, living this stuff every day, getting my information directly from the source(s) at all times, I disagree.
Oh snap! There was that terrible yellow water in Colorado I think? Who caused that? Oh wait, it was the actual EPA that fucked up that water.

So, a private company leaves behind billions of gallons of toxic water that the EPA spills while attempting to clean it up, and the toxic water is the EPAs fault? Really?

I bet you are the kind of guy that would catch their house on fire and then sue the fire department for the water damage from when they put out the fire.

The past is the past. The EPA spilled the sludge into the Colorado River. End of story.

Where did the sludge come from? And it was the Animas River, not the Colorado. :290968001256257790-final:
The sludge was put there 100 years ago, before we had laws against pollution, before we had an EPA, before we even knew this stuff was dangerous.

And people like you are wanting to move us back to those “better times”.

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Can you say Robber Barons Mac?


How much of our booming economy will you attribute to this?

Deregulation screws the consumer.

Regulation screws the consumer. Why do you imagine the average price of housing in California is $800,000

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.

To put it prospective for you; Housing in Toronto is more expensive than housing in Calgary.

Indices Difference
Consumer Prices in Toronto are 13.87% higher than in Calgary
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Toronto are 24.34% higher than in Calgary
Rent Prices in Toronto are 50.63% higher than in Calgary
Restaurant Prices in Toronto are 4.71% higher than in Calgary
Groceries Prices in Toronto are 22.27% higher than in Calgary
Local Purchasing Power in Toronto is 32.73% lower than in Calgary

Your theory breaks down if we look at Tokyo, where the cost of housing is quite cheap by American standards.

But they are not cheap by Japanese standards

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How much of our booming economy will you attribute to this?

Deregulation screws the consumer.

Regulation screws the consumer. Why do you imagine the average price of housing in California is $800,000

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.

To put it prospective for you; Housing in Toronto is more expensive than housing in Calgary.

Indices Difference
Consumer Prices in Toronto are 13.87% higher than in Calgary
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Toronto are 24.34% higher than in Calgary
Rent Prices in Toronto are 50.63% higher than in Calgary
Restaurant Prices in Toronto are 4.71% higher than in Calgary
Groceries Prices in Toronto are 22.27% higher than in Calgary
Local Purchasing Power in Toronto is 32.73% lower than in Calgary

Your theory breaks down if we look at Tokyo, where the cost of housing is quite cheap by American standards.

Fact remain clearly on my side if you compare and contrast apples to apples.
How many deaths will be attributed to eliminated safety and environmental regulations?
It's been near 7 months so how many deaths have been attributed to the deregulation?


With 160m in the workforce...

that is 10,000 people per year since 1960. That was regulation...
Huh . . . . . dumbass. Your chart shows that the creation of OSHA had no effect on reducing workplace deaths.

You obviously don't know how to read a chart.
No, you don't know how to read a chart, dumbass. The downward slope was steeper before OSHA was created than afterwards. That means at best that OSHA did nothing to reduce workplace deaths.
Cutting or increasing regulation for the purpose of cutting or increasing regulation is a dumb idea that only partisans can back.

Instead of this blind, stupid back-and-forth between hyper-regulation and hyper-deregulation, we should be deleting ineffective regulation
That's what Daffy Don has been doing, well that and eliminating regulatory redundancy and those whose costs outweigh their benefits.

and creating smart and efficient regulation that protects consumers without creating too much drag on the dynamic elements of capitalism.
LOL, boy you've really bought into the politician speak bullshit, huh? Can you possibly be as naïve as you sound? Do you understand who contributes the lions share of the content for the vast majority of regulation that finds it's way into the Federal Register? (hint: the organizations that are the ostensibly the targets of said regulation, it's the most efficient way to stifle competition, provide yourself cover from civil and criminal litigation and to protect your bottom line)

Nobody in Washington gives a FUCK about protecting you from anything so when some politician starts yammering at you about "smart and efficient" anything, what he's really saying is, "more covert and efficient ways to allow politicians and their pals to plunder your liberty and your property".
Being neck-deep in the financial services industry as a profession, having seen and lived through the causes and effects of the Meltdown, living this stuff every day, getting my information directly from the source(s) at all times, I disagree.

What does being in the financial services industry have to do with understanding the prevailing regulatory system? Are you the CEO of Goldman Sachs? if not being in the financial services industry doesn't lend you any deeper understanding of the existing U.S. regulatory regime, it confers some expertise in pushing numbers around a screen and being able to count without using your fingers and toes and maybe some understanding of how low and for how long you have to grovel for tax payer bail outs when your industry fucks up with other peoples money.

When you start throwing around verbatim politician quotes like "smart and efficient regulation" it just belies the fact that you've bought into the bullshit and don't understand that the regulatory power lies with those that have legions of lobbyists and truckloads of campaign money, which isn't YOU. The vast majority of regulation that is penned by unelected bureaucrats and dictated by lobbyists and think tankers isn't created with "smart and efficient" in mind, nor is it created to benefit you.

Smart and efficient.. give me a break, we can't even manage FAIR and UNIFORM and that's not the fault of the miscreants in Washington that's the fault of the sheeple most of whom don't have a clue as to what the Federal Register is, what's in it , who actually authors regulation or the fact that their elected "representatives" have completely abrogated their Constitutional responsibilities when it comes to bringing them into being.

How much of our booming economy will you attribute to this?

Deregulation screws the consumer.

Regulation screws the consumer. Why do you imagine the average price of housing in California is $800,000

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.

To put it prospective for you; Housing in Toronto is more expensive than housing in Calgary.

Indices Difference
Consumer Prices in Toronto are 13.87% higher than in Calgary
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Toronto are 24.34% higher than in Calgary
Rent Prices in Toronto are 50.63% higher than in Calgary
Restaurant Prices in Toronto are 4.71% higher than in Calgary
Groceries Prices in Toronto are 22.27% higher than in Calgary
Local Purchasing Power in Toronto is 32.73% lower than in Calgary

Your theory breaks down if we look at Tokyo, where the cost of housing is quite cheap by American standards.

But they are not cheap by Japanese standards

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Yes they are.

How much of our booming economy will you attribute to this?

Deregulation screws the consumer.

Regulation screws the consumer. Why do you imagine the average price of housing in California is $800,000

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.

To put it prospective for you; Housing in Toronto is more expensive than housing in Calgary.

Indices Difference
Consumer Prices in Toronto are 13.87% higher than in Calgary
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Toronto are 24.34% higher than in Calgary
Rent Prices in Toronto are 50.63% higher than in Calgary
Restaurant Prices in Toronto are 4.71% higher than in Calgary
Groceries Prices in Toronto are 22.27% higher than in Calgary
Local Purchasing Power in Toronto is 32.73% lower than in Calgary

The reason why housing prices are high in California has nothing to do with regulations.

Capitalism is the reason. Supply and demand.

The demand for housing in the state causes the prices of housing to be high.

There are good jobs in California that pay high wages. Such as Silicon Valley. So California attracts more people. Demand is high so the cost is high.

While other states that don't have the high wage jobs in don't attract many people so there's very low demand and price of real estate is lower.

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.

Right. Location in blue states where taxes and regulation are sky high means housing is expensive.
Oh snap! There was that terrible yellow water in Colorado I think? Who caused that? Oh wait, it was the actual EPA that fucked up that water.

So, a private company leaves behind billions of gallons of toxic water that the EPA spills while attempting to clean it up, and the toxic water is the EPAs fault? Really?

I bet you are the kind of guy that would catch their house on fire and then sue the fire department for the water damage from when they put out the fire.

The past is the past. The EPA spilled the sludge into the Colorado River. End of story.

Where did the sludge come from? And it was the Animas River, not the Colorado. :290968001256257790-final:
The sludge was put there 100 years ago, before we had laws against pollution, before we had an EPA, before we even knew this stuff was dangerous.

And people like you are wanting to move us back to those “better times”.

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Nope. The problem occurred on government land. accidents like that don't happen on private land. I want the government to sell off or give away any land it owns that it isn't using for a government purpose. You would too if you were a real libertarian, but you're actually a lib who worships regulation.

How much of our booming economy will you attribute to this?

Deregulation screws the consumer.

Regulation screws the consumer. Why do you imagine the average price of housing in California is $800,000

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.

To put it prospective for you; Housing in Toronto is more expensive than housing in Calgary.

Indices Difference
Consumer Prices in Toronto are 13.87% higher than in Calgary
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Toronto are 24.34% higher than in Calgary
Rent Prices in Toronto are 50.63% higher than in Calgary
Restaurant Prices in Toronto are 4.71% higher than in Calgary
Groceries Prices in Toronto are 22.27% higher than in Calgary
Local Purchasing Power in Toronto is 32.73% lower than in Calgary

Your theory breaks down if we look at Tokyo, where the cost of housing is quite cheap by American standards.

Fact remain clearly on my side if you compare and contrast apples to apples.

Bullshit. If you look were the cost of housing is high, it's always in a blue state. High taxes and massive regulation.
Deregulation screws the consumer.
Regulation screws the consumer. Why do you imagine the average price of housing in California is $800,000

Three reasons: Location, Location, Location.

To put it prospective for you; Housing in Toronto is more expensive than housing in Calgary.

Indices Difference
Consumer Prices in Toronto are 13.87% higher than in Calgary
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Toronto are 24.34% higher than in Calgary
Rent Prices in Toronto are 50.63% higher than in Calgary
Restaurant Prices in Toronto are 4.71% higher than in Calgary
Groceries Prices in Toronto are 22.27% higher than in Calgary
Local Purchasing Power in Toronto is 32.73% lower than in Calgary
Your theory breaks down if we look at Tokyo, where the cost of housing is quite cheap by American standards.

But they are not cheap by Japanese standards

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Yes they are.

Yeah, ok...

In Tokyo a condo averages 516000 yen per sq meter and in Osaka it is 315,000!

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