Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for "Show Trials"


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for "Show Trials"
Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for “show trials” to criminalize, imprison all Trump supporters across America
Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for "Show Trials" to criminalize, imprison all Trump supporters across America Posted on September 5, 2018 in Activism , Political Violence , Politics , President Donald Trump.... The Real Fascists: Icons of the so-called #NeverTrump "Resistance" are growing increasingly unhinged as Trump Derangement Syndrome continues to rob them of their ability to think and act rationally. Trump supporters aren't the Nazis here; the Left, with its Brown Shirt tactics of political violence and intimidation, harken back to Hitler's Nazi regime. If we think the #NeverTrump faction has been violent thus far, just wait to see what happens if Republicans hold all of Congress and POTUS Trump gets reelected in 2020. The derangement will lead to social chaos.

Bill Kristol a "Never Trumper"? Hmmm..., I wonder if anyone remembers back about 20 years ago when Kristol was a co-founder of Project for the New American Century aka PNAC a neo-conservative group. It appears that Democrats have adopted neo-con ideas into their ideology and have joined together with them to oppose the Trump administration. Kristol has become part of the DC swamp.
Despite it all Trump has done more for America and it's citizens in two years than three previous presidents. As they say, politics make strange bedfellows. The author points out that now we have two of them “conservative” Bill Kristol and anti-Putin Russian chess master Garry Kasparov that have begun fantasizing openly about holding "Show Trials" for all of POTUS and Trump supporters before throwing them in prison (or worse). I guess Kasparov got the idea from the Stalinist Soviet Union. Hmm..., where did Kristol and the Progressive Dem Left get those ideas? Perhaps from the same place?
Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for "Show Trials"
Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for “show trials” to criminalize, imprison all Trump supporters across America

Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for "Show Trials" to criminalize, imprison all Trump supporters across America Posted on September 5, 2018 in Activism , Political Violence , Politics , President Donald Trump.... The Real Fascists: Icons of the so-called #NeverTrump "Resistance" are growing increasingly unhinged as Trump Derangement Syndrome continues to rob them of their ability to think and act rationally. Trump supporters aren't the Nazis here; the Left, with its Brown Shirt tactics of political violence and intimidation, harken back to Hitler's Nazi regime. If we think the #NeverTrump faction has been violent thus far, just wait to see what happens if Republicans hold all of Congress and POTUS Trump gets reelected in 2020. The derangement will lead to social chaos.

Bill Kristol a "Never Trumper"? Hmmm..., I wonder if anyone remembers back about 20 years ago when Kristol was a co-founder of Project for the New American Century aka PNAC a neo-conservative group. It appears that Democrats have adopted neo-con ideas into their ideology and have joined together with them to oppose the Trump administration. Kristol has become part of the DC swamp.
Despite it all Trump has done more for America and it's citizens in two years than three previous presidents. As they say, politics make strange bedfellows. The author points out that now we have two of them “conservative” Bill Kristol and anti-Putin Russian chess master Garry Kasparov that have begun fantasizing openly about holding "Show Trials" for all of POTUS and Trump supporters before throwing them in prison (or worse). I guess Kasparov got the idea from the Stalinist Soviet Union. Hmm..., where did Kristol and the Progressive Dem Left get those ideas? Perhaps from the same place?

This is just nonsense, badly copied, badly written.
I ordered a Diet Pepsi ten minutes ago. Are they going to ask me to leave?
Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for "Show Trials"
Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for “show trials” to criminalize, imprison all Trump supporters across America

Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for "Show Trials" to criminalize, imprison all Trump supporters across America Posted on September 5, 2018 in Activism , Political Violence , Politics , President Donald Trump.... The Real Fascists: Icons of the so-called #NeverTrump "Resistance" are growing increasingly unhinged as Trump Derangement Syndrome continues to rob them of their ability to think and act rationally. Trump supporters aren't the Nazis here; the Left, with its Brown Shirt tactics of political violence and intimidation, harken back to Hitler's Nazi regime. If we think the #NeverTrump faction has been violent thus far, just wait to see what happens if Republicans hold all of Congress and POTUS Trump gets reelected in 2020. The derangement will lead to social chaos.

Bill Kristol a "Never Trumper"? Hmmm..., I wonder if anyone remembers back about 20 years ago when Kristol was a co-founder of Project for the New American Century aka PNAC a neo-conservative group. It appears that Democrats have adopted neo-con ideas into their ideology and have joined together with them to oppose the Trump administration. Kristol has become part of the DC swamp.
Despite it all Trump has done more for America and it's citizens in two years than three previous presidents. As they say, politics make strange bedfellows. The author points out that now we have two of them “conservative” Bill Kristol and anti-Putin Russian chess master Garry Kasparov that have begun fantasizing openly about holding "Show Trials" for all of POTUS and Trump supporters before throwing them in prison (or worse). I guess Kasparov got the idea from the Stalinist Soviet Union. Hmm..., where did Kristol and the Progressive Dem Left get those ideas? Perhaps from the same place?
We Already Have Show Trials
Kids That Know Durp About The Supreme Court
Were Testifying In SCOTUS Hearing

Repeating Lefty Talking Points
Scripted And Brought In By Booker ??

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