Dems still burning crosses...oh wait, I mean Romney signs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Sign torched on Republican's yard.

Sadly reminiscent of the way dems used to intimidate those who supported rights for blacks.


Romney sign burning in Leesburg considered arson -
So you consider Romney to be equal to Jesus? He is your messiah? Very telling.
Let the thc cycle out of your body, then come back and we can start over.
I hope the fool who likes to set fires in yards around here carries and understands a ballistics trajectory chart. The one that hit you...that was the warning shot.
I can assure you, I do not find the dem practice of cross burning offensive because it reminds me of Christ.

Dems have just found different fuel for the same purpose...just as burning crosses are a warning and a threat to those who challenge their stranglehold on power, so is this sign burning. It's meant as a warning and a threat to Republicans.

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