Dems own the rioting, and that will cost them


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
It's all on them. Republicans hold peaceful Trump rallies. Conservatives hold respectful protests at city hall for liberty and freedom. Many bring their sidearms, no one gets hurt, there is not even trash, craziness or graffiti.

Democrats show up burning down city blocks, destroying businesses, stealing, looting, rioting, burning, flipping over cars, taking over police stations, commandeering whole city blocks, blocking highways, bombs, fires, violence, bricks, broken glass, destruction, graffiti, death and murder.

Conservatives improve a region. Democrats tear it down and destroy it for many years. Democrats: the new national, American White n*gg*rs.
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
The Democrats don't just own the rioting and all the destruction it is causing, but it is an essential part of the Democrats' election strategy to create as much misery in America as they can hoping voters will blame President Trump for it.
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
The Democrats don't just own the rioting and all the destruction it is causing, but it is an essential part of the Democrats' election strategy to create as much misery in America as they can hoping voters will blame President Trump for it.

What a feeble strategy. Voters ain't stupid.
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
The Democrats don't just own the rioting and all the destruction it is causing, but it is an essential part of the Democrats' election strategy to create as much misery in America as they can hoping voters will blame President Trump for it.

What a feeble strategy. Voters ain't stupid.
Yes they are. They voted for trump, didn't they?
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
The Democrats don't just own the rioting and all the destruction it is causing, but it is an essential part of the Democrats' election strategy to create as much misery in America as they can hoping voters will blame President Trump for it.

What a feeble strategy. Voters ain't stupid.
Yes they are. They voted for trump, didn't they?

That makes them smart. Very, very smart.
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
You may be wrong here.

Tucker Carlson touched on this and it makes a great deal of sense.

Right way/Wrong way.

Democrats benefit when Americans are unhappy and think that the country is going in the wrong direction. Before the covid nonsense, over 40% of Americans thought the country was going the right direction. People don't vote for change when things are going pretty well, as they were before the Covid crackdown.

Now, only 22% think that. People who are unhappy vote for change.

Carlson explains it very well here.

"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.

You just named a slew of discredited idiots. Tom Cotton, Rasmussen, and American Spectator. LoL!!

  • Overall, we rate the American Spectator Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that consistently favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing techniques and a lack of disclosure with funding.

The polls you listed are bogus. It's all about HOW you ask the question.

As for a 40% black approval rating for tRump? LoL - I am making this wager with any and all comers. Trump gets 15% of the black vote and I leave USMB forever. If he doesn't, you leave USMB for a month. Seems fair to me!

Donnie n Billy's Secret police aren't attacking peaceful protesters far far away from Federal Buildings? BULLSHIT!
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
You may be wrong here.

Tucker Carlson touched on this and it makes a great deal of sense.

Right way/Wrong way.

Democrats benefit when Americans are unhappy and think that the country is going in the wrong direction. Before the covid nonsense, over 40% of Americans thought the country was going the right direction. People don't vote for change when things are going pretty well, as they were before the Covid crackdown.

Now, only 22% think that. People who are unhappy vote for change.

Carlson explains it very well here.

Could be you and Carlson are right, I can see where uninformed people will vote for change when things turn to shit. That's why Trump got elected over Hillary in 2016, people wanted a change. But will they be smart enough or willing to look at what's really going on, and find out why things are turning to shit. Some will, some won't IMHO. The Dems are the ones who are allowing the nightly riots to continue. And they are trying to paint Trump as the reason why so many people died or got sick from COVID-19, like he mismanaged t so he deserves the blame. Personally, I don't see any Trump mismanagement at all, certainly not nearly s bad as what Como did in NY. Maybe somebody will do a thread on COVID mismanagement and we can talk about it.

Anyway, I've been wrong before, nothing new there. I hope I'm not wrong this time, because if not then the Far Left will be running this country for at least the next 2 years and that will be disastrous IMHO. Is there a 'Silent Majority' out there that will vote for Trump and the GOP in November, like they did in 2016? There's gotta be plenty of disaffected Dems out there that do not like where their Party is going right now, so we'll see.
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
The Democrats don't just own the rioting and all the destruction it is causing, but it is an essential part of the Democrats' election strategy to create as much misery in America as they can hoping voters will blame President Trump for it.
The problem for democrats now is Trump is sending them help and they are refusing it. So they now own it. The US Constitution Article 1 Section 8 requires that Trump be responsible for the implementation OF laws within the US AND IS RESPONSIBLE IF IT IS NOT. Under this Article Trump can send US Law Enforcement officers to deal with the unlawful acts and abandonment of the people by Democrats. Trump can also hold them accountable under Federal Statute.

Its coming....
"The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:"

I think those numbers are probably fairly accurate, most people are sick and tired of this shit, night after night of violence and destruction of property. And BTW many of those people are black, there's quite backlash IMHO of black voters who will not support the Dems come November. Some won't vote for Trump cuz they don't like him either, but some will or just not vote at all and either way that ain't good for the Dems. The desire for safety and security is a primary need for everybody, right after air, food, water,and shelter. And it is apparent to just about everybody that the Dems are primarily responsible for the lack thereof. Trump wants to restore law and order, the Dems don't, it's as simple as that.

It's not like we have the police and federal agents attacking peaceful protesters. The ones getting attacked are the ones doing the rioting, looting, and burning, or they are damaging somebody's property including that of the federal gov't. Which is against federal law, your right not protest does not include damaging anybody's property. At that oint you ain;t a peaceful protester any more, you are engaged in criminal activity that you should be arrested for. But the local and state authorities aren't doing that, which is as much as anything else their primary responsibility. So, in comes Trump, and that is to his credit.

A recent Rasmussen Report says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent. He got 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. I ain't saying those numbers are legit, maybe they are something of an outlier. But I do think they are a rising trend that is substantially higher than 2016. So, it kinda begs the question of when the freakin' Dems are finally going to stop this nightly shitshow. They can do it, all they gotta do is call up the state Nat'l Guard and throwing people in jail. Maybe they see that as a capitulation to Trump, an admission that he was right. IMHO, if they don't they're going to lose to Trump in November, and they might also lose the House and some mayoral and governatorial races too.
You may be wrong here.

Tucker Carlson touched on this and it makes a great deal of sense.

Right way/Wrong way.

Democrats benefit when Americans are unhappy and think that the country is going in the wrong direction. Before the covid nonsense, over 40% of Americans thought the country was going the right direction. People don't vote for change when things are going pretty well, as they were before the Covid crackdown.

Now, only 22% think that. People who are unhappy vote for change.

Carlson explains it very well here.

Could be you and Carlson are right, I can see where uninformed people will vote for change when things turn to shit. That's why Trump got elected over Hillary in 2016, people wanted a change. But will they be smart enough or willing to look at what's really going on, and find out why things are turning to shit. Some will, some won't IMHO. The Dems are the ones who are allowing the nightly riots to continue. And they are trying to paint Trump as the reason why so many people died or got sick from COVID-19, like he mismanaged t so he deserves the blame. Personally, I don't see any Trump mismanagement at all, certainly not nearly s bad as what Como did in NY. Maybe somebody will do a thread on COVID mismanagement and we can talk about it.

Anyway, I've been wrong before, nothing new there. I hope I'm not wrong this time, because if not then the Far Left will be running this country for at least the next 2 years and that will be disastrous IMHO. Is there a 'Silent Majority' out there that will vote for Trump and the GOP in November, like they did in 2016? There's gotta be plenty of disaffected Dems out there that do not like where their Party is going right now, so we'll see.
Which is why it becomes even more imperative that they are exposed at every intersection.

Write the truth in letters to the editor.

Get a cheap video making software and start flooding youtube with information on the Democrats doing just this.

If millions are doing this, the media won't be able to suppress it all.

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