dems may win in nov ...


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
anyone that claims that their party will win in nov is spouting hope not facts ....the truth is the election is going to be close . and with republicans under assault from hollywood, pro athletes ,the msm, and big tech it would not be a surprise if the left wins ! but if you dems win could you do us all a favor .....when jobs leave the country and china starts to resume their theft from the American people , and crime skyrockets because of the assault on police and law and order and the economy weakens because of backbreaking taxes and regs and islamic terrorism begins to rear its ugly head once again and fuel and energy costs once again rise please please dont complain and whine like leftist usually do ! just be happy in the misery socialism causes . and if by chance you do lose please refrain from the violence that leftist have been committing against people that love this country ! ...thank you.
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Wow. Passive aggression. That's a new one. Stick to what you know best, actual aggression.
anyone that claims that their party will win in nov is spouting hope not facts ....the truth is the election is going to be close . and with republicans under assault from hollywood, pro athletes ,the msm, and big tech it would not be a surprise if the left wins ! but if you dems win could you do us all a favor .....when jobs leave the country and china starts to resume their theft from the American people , and crime skyrockets because of the assault on police and law and order and the economy weakens because of backbreaking taxes and regs and islamic terrorism begins to rear its ugly head once again and fuel and energy costs once again rise please please dont complain and whine like leftist usually do ! just be happy in the misery socialism causes . and if by chance you do lose please refrain from the violence that leftist have been committing against people that love this country ! ...thank you.'ve spent the last 4 years complaining. When you stop, perhaps others will too.

...they have the youngsters that don't know shit about real life and get their propaganda from social media....when they get older, they will learn
Me and the family have voted, and so has alot of people we know, and yes by what we saw at the vote stations (what appeared to be Trump voters by Democrat profiling standards however that might be), the new data doesn't surprise me at all.
Some are saying that they will be voting on November 3rd, because they want to see what happens in as far as the attempt at voter suppression by the radical leftist at the poles.
...they have the youngsters that don't know shit about real life and get their propaganda from social media....when they get older, they will learn

Boy, oh boy, will they ever learn!

When those silly and foolish youths start having more real life experiences with the folks for whom their hearts bled so profusely, they will realize what a terrible mistake they made back in 2020.
...they have the youngsters that don't know shit about real life and get their propaganda from social media....when they get older, they will learn

Boy, oh boy, will they ever learn!

When those silly and foolish youths start having more real life experiences with the folks for whom their hearts bled so profusely, they will realize what a terrible mistake they made back in 2020.
They want to be suppressed and led by the nose. They can't even think for themselves. They won't even realize the gravity of their mistake later on.
...they have the youngsters that don't know shit about real life and get their propaganda from social media....when they get older, they will learn

Boy, oh boy, will they ever learn!

When those silly and foolish youths start having more real life experiences with the folks for whom their hearts bled so profusely, they will realize what a terrible mistake they made back in 2020.
They want to be suppressed and led by the nose. They can't even think for themselves. They won't even realize the gravity of their mistake later on.

"They want to be suppressed and led by the nose. They can't even think for themselves."""

You got that right.

...they have the youngsters that don't know shit about real life and get their propaganda from social media....when they get older, they will learn

Boy, oh boy, will they ever learn!

When those silly and foolish youths start having more real life experiences with the folks for whom their hearts bled so profusely, they will realize what a terrible mistake they made back in 2020.
They want to be suppressed and led by the nose. They can't even think for themselves. They won't even realize the gravity of their mistake later on.

"They want to be suppressed and led by the nose. They can't even think for themselves."""

You got that right.

Now show us a picture of a Biden rally... Rotflmbo.
If Biden wins in November, its curtains for the American democratic process. Everyone with common sense should fear their dominance. That's exactly what this is about, domination. Democrats don't share, they don't coexist, that's the last thing they want. They create a hegemony in every state or city, they treat their supporters as peons or serfs and destroy true political diversity. Look at California, that says it all. Time to push back, friends.
How many of you knew it was the Carter and Clinton administrations that followed through on trade with China?

So if you like A LOT of cheap stuff and jobs are unimportant to you, give them props.

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