A Look At The Future....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....under the Biden Democrat Regime.

This is your street, your neighborhood as memorialized by the rioters, and described by the Washington Post.

1. "Floyd memorial at stake as Minneapolis leaders seek to reopen intersection where he died
[The following is the glorified result of the no-go zone where the death of George Floyd took place. It is now, it seems, a holy site for the Militant Secularist religious folks.]

2. "Floyd’s killing in May after he was pinned to the asphalt by a White police officer’s knee hangs like an emotional weight on this community, a diverse and deeply progressive neighborhood of working-class people where handmade signs demanding justice for his death decorate front lawns. For Austin, 35, it’s why she wakes up early to join a handful of neighbors who carefully tend to a makeshift memorial that draws hundreds of people weekly from all over the world to the corner of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue to grieve and protest. Rarely a day goes by that Austin doesn’t see someone in tears here.

3. “Some are grieving the pain and suffering of what it means to be Black in the United States of America. That pain runs deep, and that pain has brought them here, to this place.”
But an emotional debate over what should happen to 38th and Chicago has sharply divided this community, pitting neighbor against neighbor over the future of a street corner where the viral video of Floyd’s excruciating final moments propelled millions of Americans into the streets in historic protests.
Questions about what to do with this space — the epicenter of a national reckoning over race, social justice and policing — have reignited tensions between local residents and a city that has long struggled with those very issues.

4. City leaders want to remove the barriers that have closed the intersection to vehicles, to help boost local businesses and address the dramatic uptick in crime there. But many local residents fear that will mean breaking down a memorial that serves as a potent reminder of the calls for justice and police reform that they say have gone unanswered.
“This isn’t just a place of grief. This is a place of protest,” Austin said.

5. A city council committee is expected to consider two proposals on Oct. 21 that would reopen the intersection but keep closed the northbound lane of Chicago Avenue, preventing cars from driving over the spot where Floyd was killed."

I have not the slightest doubt that the Democrats/Progressives/Wokesters wish to see just such a site in every neighborhood, municipality and city in the county.
It is only fair, and would document what an evil place America is.

Trump has it in the bad. No need for trepidation. In the end it really doesn't matter in the scheme of things. Let me know when all this political stuff is actually important.
....under the Biden Democrat Regime.

This is your street, your neighborhood as memorialized by the rioters, and described by the Washington Post.

1. "Floyd memorial at stake as Minneapolis leaders seek to reopen intersection where he died
[The following is the glorified result of the no-go zone where the death of George Floyd took place. It is now, it seems, a holy site for the Militant Secularist religious folks.]

2. "Floyd’s killing in May after he was pinned to the asphalt by a White police officer’s knee hangs like an emotional weight on this community, a diverse and deeply progressive neighborhood of working-class people where handmade signs demanding justice for his death decorate front lawns. For Austin, 35, it’s why she wakes up early to join a handful of neighbors who carefully tend to a makeshift memorial that draws hundreds of people weekly from all over the world to the corner of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue to grieve and protest. Rarely a day goes by that Austin doesn’t see someone in tears here.

3. “Some are grieving the pain and suffering of what it means to be Black in the United States of America. That pain runs deep, and that pain has brought them here, to this place.”
But an emotional debate over what should happen to 38th and Chicago has sharply divided this community, pitting neighbor against neighbor over the future of a street corner where the viral video of Floyd’s excruciating final moments propelled millions of Americans into the streets in historic protests.
Questions about what to do with this space — the epicenter of a national reckoning over race, social justice and policing — have reignited tensions between local residents and a city that has long struggled with those very issues.

4. City leaders want to remove the barriers that have closed the intersection to vehicles, to help boost local businesses and address the dramatic uptick in crime there. But many local residents fear that will mean breaking down a memorial that serves as a potent reminder of the calls for justice and police reform that they say have gone unanswered.
“This isn’t just a place of grief. This is a place of protest,” Austin said.

5. A city council committee is expected to consider two proposals on Oct. 21 that would reopen the intersection but keep closed the northbound lane of Chicago Avenue, preventing cars from driving over the spot where Floyd was killed."

I have not the slightest doubt that the Democrats/Progressives/Wokesters wish to see just such a site in every neighborhood, municipality and city in the county.
It is only fair, and would document what an evil place America is.

Thank you for another fine post, PC. :)
6. "Officials said the barriers around the memorial and lack of police presence have fueled a sense of lawlessness in the area, including carjackings, muggings and shootings — some in broad daylight.

At least 15 people have been shot in the blocks around the Floyd memorial since June, according to police, part of a larger wave of violence across Minneapolis this summer. More than 400 people have been shot since the beginning of the year — the highest total in five years, according to the city — with most of those incidents coming after Floyd’s May 25 death.

Many residents in the neighborhood have vowed not to call the police unless absolutely necessary, worried they might put their Black neighbors in jeopardy from a department that has long been accused of racism and excessive force. But even when neighbors do call, they say police often don’t respond. "

Must be those racist police shooting all those good folks.
That stuff is bad but it doesn't affect me so I don't worry too much about it. I'm not voting for either candidate. My morals don't permit it.
7. When you vote for the radical Marxist party, this is what you are bequeathing to yourself and your family:

“Nothing is sacred,” Nelson said. “This place has become a haven for murder and violence. Police aren’t around. Gang members feel like they can do anything they want and get away with it. . . . They hide behind the barricades and know that no one is going to come for them.

The iconic Floyd mural has been defaced twice in two months. Someone set fire to a community health pop-up site for visitors and residents, many of whom don’t have health care. The fire, which destroyed the medical tent and donated supplies, was put out by neighbors, who didn’t call the police or fire department. ”

When you vote for the Rousseau's "nobles savages," what you get is rule by savages.
What about those of us who cannot morally(because of our Christian principles) vote for either party because of their corruption?
....under the Biden Democrat Regime.

This is your street, your neighborhood as memorialized by the rioters, and described by the Washington Post.

1. "Floyd memorial at stake as Minneapolis leaders seek to reopen intersection where he died
[The following is the glorified result of the no-go zone where the death of George Floyd took place. It is now, it seems, a holy site for the Militant Secularist religious folks.]

2. "Floyd’s killing in May after he was pinned to the asphalt by a White police officer’s knee hangs like an emotional weight on this community, a diverse and deeply progressive neighborhood of working-class people where handmade signs demanding justice for his death decorate front lawns. For Austin, 35, it’s why she wakes up early to join a handful of neighbors who carefully tend to a makeshift memorial that draws hundreds of people weekly from all over the world to the corner of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue to grieve and protest. Rarely a day goes by that Austin doesn’t see someone in tears here.

3. “Some are grieving the pain and suffering of what it means to be Black in the United States of America. That pain runs deep, and that pain has brought them here, to this place.”
But an emotional debate over what should happen to 38th and Chicago has sharply divided this community, pitting neighbor against neighbor over the future of a street corner where the viral video of Floyd’s excruciating final moments propelled millions of Americans into the streets in historic protests.
Questions about what to do with this space — the epicenter of a national reckoning over race, social justice and policing — have reignited tensions between local residents and a city that has long struggled with those very issues.

4. City leaders want to remove the barriers that have closed the intersection to vehicles, to help boost local businesses and address the dramatic uptick in crime there. But many local residents fear that will mean breaking down a memorial that serves as a potent reminder of the calls for justice and police reform that they say have gone unanswered.
“This isn’t just a place of grief. This is a place of protest,” Austin said.

5. A city council committee is expected to consider two proposals on Oct. 21 that would reopen the intersection but keep closed the northbound lane of Chicago Avenue, preventing cars from driving over the spot where Floyd was killed."

I have not the slightest doubt that the Democrats/Progressives/Wokesters wish to see just such a site in every neighborhood, municipality and city in the county.
It is only fair, and would document what an evil place America is.

Take down statues of Confederate Soldiers, who fought for the Democrats back in the civil war, now they want to put up statues of criminals/felons as their new representatives. Just cant get more lunatic than that...
The thread title sums everything up perfectly.

That is, indeed, the future of this country. Minneapolis writ large.

In the 1960s, we never dreamed that all the idealistic reforms would lead to such lawlessness.

How some liberals can say with a straight face that this country has a bright future is surreal.
The thread title sums everything up perfectly.

That is, indeed, the future of this country. Minneapolis writ large.

In the 1960s, we never dreamed that all the idealistic reforms would lead to such lawlessness.

How some liberals can say with a straight face that this country has a bright future is surreal.

And they are winning:

"We can see that all elements of the socialist ideal--the abolition of private property, family, hierarchies; the hostility toward religion--could be regarded as a manifestation of one basic principle: the suppression of individuality.... All this is inspired by one principle--the destruction of individuality or, at least, its suppression to the point where it would cease to be a social force. "
Igor Shafarevich
The Socialist Phenomenon
The Socialist Phenomenon
A couple of bad eggs doesn't mean the defeat of a nation. No wr do not want the 50s back. Those were not good times.
A couple of bad eggs doesn't mean the defeat of a nation. No wr do not want the 50s back. Those were not good times.
Wow, back in the 1950s you had KKK leader Robert Byrd along with Al Gore's father, and LBJ voting against civil rights, but the rest of the country was doing quite well, even the blacks who didnt live in the shithole Democrat cities. But those fucking Democrats hated on blacks and whites who supported blacks, just like their daddies did back in the late 1800s...
I have not the slightest doubt that the Democrats/Progressives/Wokesters wish to see just such a site in every neighborhood, municipality and city in the county.
It is only fair, and would document what an evil place America is.
Does white supremacy qualify as an evil in your America?
If so, why do you systemically blame its victims for their place in society?
I have not the slightest doubt that the Democrats/Progressives/Wokesters wish to see just such a site in every neighborhood, municipality and city in the county.
It is only fair, and would document what an evil place America is.
Does white supremacy qualify as an evil in your America?
If so, why do you systemically blame its victims for their place in society?

There's no white supremacy.

The group with the highest income, highest educational accomplishments, lowest interaction with the police.....

.....isn't white

But, based on your posts there is a surfeit of stupidity.
Maybe it’s time for you to have a brain scan….it’s possible the squirrel has died.
Last edited:
There's no white supremacy.

The group with the highest income, highest educational accomplishments, lowest interaction with the police.....
Now tell us which race was in charge of the Federal Housing Administration in 1934 when it furthered segregation efforts by refusing to insure mortgages in and near African American neighborhoods.

Were you home-schooled?
....under the Biden Democrat Regime.

This is your street, your neighborhood as memorialized by the rioters, and described by the Washington Post.

1. "Floyd memorial at stake as Minneapolis leaders seek to reopen intersection where he died
[The following is the glorified result of the no-go zone where the death of George Floyd took place. It is now, it seems, a holy site for the Militant Secularist religious folks.]

2. "Floyd’s killing in May after he was pinned to the asphalt by a White police officer’s knee hangs like an emotional weight on this community, a diverse and deeply progressive neighborhood of working-class people where handmade signs demanding justice for his death decorate front lawns. For Austin, 35, it’s why she wakes up early to join a handful of neighbors who carefully tend to a makeshift memorial that draws hundreds of people weekly from all over the world to the corner of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue to grieve and protest. Rarely a day goes by that Austin doesn’t see someone in tears here.

3. “Some are grieving the pain and suffering of what it means to be Black in the United States of America. That pain runs deep, and that pain has brought them here, to this place.”
But an emotional debate over what should happen to 38th and Chicago has sharply divided this community, pitting neighbor against neighbor over the future of a street corner where the viral video of Floyd’s excruciating final moments propelled millions of Americans into the streets in historic protests.
Questions about what to do with this space — the epicenter of a national reckoning over race, social justice and policing — have reignited tensions between local residents and a city that has long struggled with those very issues.

4. City leaders want to remove the barriers that have closed the intersection to vehicles, to help boost local businesses and address the dramatic uptick in crime there. But many local residents fear that will mean breaking down a memorial that serves as a potent reminder of the calls for justice and police reform that they say have gone unanswered.
“This isn’t just a place of grief. This is a place of protest,” Austin said.

5. A city council committee is expected to consider two proposals on Oct. 21 that would reopen the intersection but keep closed the northbound lane of Chicago Avenue, preventing cars from driving over the spot where Floyd was killed."

I have not the slightest doubt that the Democrats/Progressives/Wokesters wish to see just such a site in every neighborhood, municipality and city in the county.
It is only fair, and would document what an evil place America is.

The one thing wrong.....Floyd wasn't killed....he died from a drug overdose...the cops had nothing to do with his death.....he was already dead when they showed up with 2X the lethal dose of Fentanyl in his system....even if paramedics had been right there, he would have died....
There's no white supremacy.

The group with the highest income, highest educational accomplishments, lowest interaction with the police.....
Now tell us which race was in charge of the Federal Housing Administration in 1934 when it furthered segregation efforts by refusing to insure mortgages in and near African American neighborhoods.

Were you home-schooled?

There's no white supremacy.

The group with the highest income, highest educational accomplishments, lowest interaction with the police.....

I notice you didn't dispute that.

So....there's no white supremacy....but certainly plenty of stupidity: raise your paw.

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