Dems do not want secure border

What a stupid and dishonest op/ed from a blog that is always stupid and dishonest.

Which border?

Why not all of them?

Fact is, it has been a Dem president who has deported more than any other president. Its a Dem president who has put more Border Patrol on our southern border than any other president. Its a Dem president who refused to go forward with a R president's wish for amnesty and instead, granted only temporary moratorium on deporting a very few illegals.

EXACTLY what have Repubs done?

Nothing except filibuster against increased security on our borders.

And, in fact, John McCain and John Kyl both refused the repeated requests for increased border Patrol made by then-governor of AZ, Janet Napolitano.

So, again, please post EXACTLY what the Republicans have done.
Republicans don't want a secure border as it will dry up their cheap illegal labor.
Republicans don't want a secure border as it will dry up their cheap illegal labor.

And Dumbos don't want a secure border because it will dry up their voter base.

This is as bad as the blog.

Why are you rw's so afraid to stick to verifiable facts?

I've already listed what the Ds have done and I notice that no one answered my question of

What have the Rs done?

Did anyone see Boehner's latest grunt about an immigration bill?

He said they might get to it sometime but right now, they're still hiding their sequester/shutdown fiasco behind their phony ObamaCare votes.

The Rs have done nothing. Obama has. Because Of President Obama, we have almost ZERO illegals coming from the south.

Refute that.
Republicans don't want a secure border as it will dry up their cheap illegal labor.

neither one of them want to stop this stuff.....if they did it would already be done....

As long as we buy their drugs, sell guns to drug cartels and invite them to come work for us - the government really can't do much.

We really need to look at this in a way that's profitable for us.

We screwed up Mexico's economy with NAFTA. No one knew that NAFTA would cause the bottom to drop out of the major source of money for the Mexican culture - corn. They can no longer grow corn because its cheaper to buy it from us. So, entire states are broke and the men have to find other ways to make money.

Like drugs.

Meanwhile, our agriculture is at a standstill because, as much as Americans whine about Mexicans taking their jobs, ain't no way any American is gonna do the jobs Mexicans do for us.

What we need is what we had years ago - a work program.

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