Dems can't specify when life begins

Strangely those Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies can't orar unable to tell us the definition of a woman, or when life begins in the womb, But they certain can tell us that there is "Climate Change" and that's sett;ed science (whatever that is).
They're all ignorant snake oil salesmen with low IQ's without a sense of logic. They've become babbling idiots.
Lefties lecture us about the theory of man made climate change and call us "deniers" when we disagree. On the other hand they can't tell the difference between a male and female human and they won't acknowledge the absolute scientific fact that life begins at conception.
Lefties lecture us about the theory of man made climate change and call us "deniers" when we disagree. On the other hand they can't tell the difference between a male and female human and they won't acknowledge the absolute scientific fact that life begins at conception.
Scientifically speaking, life began billions of years ago. Conception doesn’t begin life. The egg was alive before conception. The sperm was alive before conception.

Life doesn’t begin at conception. It’s a scientific fact.
Some parts of the bible suggest conception, even pre-conception... figures like the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 49:1–2; the Persian King Cyrus (Isaiah 44:24); the prophet Jeremiah (1:5); and the apostle Paul (Galatians 1:5) are described as being called into their roles before they were born. This is many Christian groups forbid any form of birth control whatsoever.

If we go back to the beginning and Genesis 2:7, it is when the Lord breathed his own breath into the dusty form that would become Adam that it becomes a living being (Psalm 104:29, Job 34:14–15). For this reason, many Jewish and Christian groups consider the moment that a baby draws its first breath to be the moment that it becomes a living being.

Then again, according to Genesis 9:4, the blood is the source of life (Leviticus 17:10–14). Ancient Jews knew that those without a functional circulatory system could not live, and this is likely why blood sacrifice played such an important role in so many ancient cultures.

So... Conception, pre-conception, first breath, self contained functional circulatory system...

Seems like relying on The Bible could... confusing and complicated. But what else can we expect from a book written by man?
Because there is no answer. Life began a few billion years ago and has never ceased.


You can't make LIFE from NOTHING, and you certainly cannot make LIFE from DEATH!!

Life begats life.................


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