Democrats Want To Give Only The Super Rich Tax Breaks

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Democrats are demanding the inclusion of big tax breaks focusing only on the richer with the new push for BBB. What do democrats have against the little guy? Why ignore the 99% in favor of the richest when it comes to doling out tax cuts? They claim they want to tax the richer more but they actually want to give the richer tax breaks.

So much for "tax the rich more".

But then again, if the average homeowner in New Jersey is paying $9,000 in property taxes alone, then SALT is a huge burden on the middle class, not the rich.

I would be okay with raising the SALT ceiling from $10,000 to something higher.
Yes, Democrats have always given the super-rich tax cuts. Everyone knows that.
Yep, then their rich friends and unions "give back". Every single thing the dems do is with some sort of slush fund in mind.....Dems can't be trusted with a nickel of the tax-payer's money.

LOL....At least the gop's rich friends make shit that will kill our enemies. ;)
Democrats are demanding the inclusion of big tax breaks focusing only on the richer with the new push for BBB. What do democrats have against the little guy? Why ignore the 99% in favor of the richest when it comes to doling out tax cuts? They claim they want to tax the richer more but they actually want to give the richer tax breaks.

Democrats always do the stuff they accuse others of
Of course they will. They don't care about average Americans, that obvious considering everything they do shits allover them. They only care about making and keeping their power and money.

The rich are the ones that push their agendas and donate money to them. Why they would ever punish them is beyond me. They don't want to hurt the ones that keep them rolling in money and keep them in control.

Even the "tax the rich" was bullshit they tried to trick what they thought was "dumb Americans" into believing so they would vote for them and believe democrats we're on their side.

Face it, all of last year all democrats did was shit on America and Americans and taunted us. They do not care.
Wow! Talk about Projecting! That brainwashing you idiots underwent has really taken its toll on truth. You know, the thing we used to have once in a while before Trump.

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