Democrats Want To Ban Trump, Even In Death

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Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Former President Donald Trump may escape conviction on impeachment for a second time, but a California Democrat announced legislation Wednesday that would ban the government from commemorating him in any way.

Rep. Linda T. Sanchez dubbed her bill the No Glory for Hate Act, and said it would prohibit the president’s name from adorning “even a park bench” funded by taxpayers.

The ban would apply to any park, street, military base, monument or other structure. And while it doesn’t mention Mr. Trump — that could be illegal — he is the target. It only applies to a president who has been twice impeached by the House.

It would also ban federal funding being used by a state to name something after Mr. Trump.

And her bill would also block Mr. Trump from receiving a pension and revoke the staff and office expenses ex-presidents are entitled to.

For good measure, she also bans burial at Arlington National Cemetery.

Ms. Sanchez’s office said she began working on the bill on Jan. 6, as she and other members of Congress were barricaded in their offices while a pro-Trump mob ravaged the Capitol. Her office said she was armed “with only the baseball bats she plays the congressional baseball game with.”

“We should never glorify the hatred Donald Trump personified as president. This bill ensures that there is no glory for hate – not a building, statue, or even a park bench,” she said.

More than a dozen fellow Democrats signed on to her legislation.

“I can’t imagine sending students in Southern California – or anywhere in America – to a school named in honor of a traitorous president,” Ms. Sanchez said.

She along with all Democrats at 10 Republicans voted two weeks ago to impeach Mr. Trump. He was first impeached in late 2019.

The Senate will hear arguments on the new impeachment case starting Feb. 9, though an early test vote this week signaled he’s likely to be acquitted again.

That’s sent some lawmakers looking for another punishment they believe they can get through Congress.

Former President Donald Trump may escape conviction on impeachment for a second time, but a California Democrat announced legislation Wednesday that would ban the government from commemorating him in any way.

Rep. Linda T. Sanchez dubbed her bill the No Glory for Hate Act, and said it would prohibit the president’s name from adorning “even a park bench” funded by taxpayers.

The ban would apply to any park, street, military base, monument or other structure. And while it doesn’t mention Mr. Trump — that could be illegal — he is the target. It only applies to a president who has been twice impeached by the House.

It would also ban federal funding being used by a state to name something after Mr. Trump.

And her bill would also block Mr. Trump from receiving a pension and revoke the staff and office expenses ex-presidents are entitled to.

For good measure, she also bans burial at Arlington National Cemetery.

Ms. Sanchez’s office said she began working on the bill on Jan. 6, as she and other members of Congress were barricaded in their offices while a pro-Trump mob ravaged the Capitol. Her office said she was armed “with only the baseball bats she plays the congressional baseball game with.”

“We should never glorify the hatred Donald Trump personified as president. This bill ensures that there is no glory for hate – not a building, statue, or even a park bench,” she said.

More than a dozen fellow Democrats signed on to her legislation.

“I can’t imagine sending students in Southern California – or anywhere in America – to a school named in honor of a traitorous president,” Ms. Sanchez said.

She along with all Democrats at 10 Republicans voted two weeks ago to impeach Mr. Trump. He was first impeached in late 2019.

The Senate will hear arguments on the new impeachment case starting Feb. 9, though an early test vote this week signaled he’s likely to be acquitted again.

That’s sent some lawmakers looking for another punishment they believe they can get through Congress.

The hate of Trump continues, it is a pathological condition liberals needs treated.
Former President Donald Trump may escape conviction on impeachment for a second time, but a California Democrat announced legislation Wednesday that would ban the government from commemorating him in any way.

Rep. Linda T. Sanchez dubbed her bill the No Glory for Hate Act, and said it would prohibit the president’s name from adorning “even a park bench” funded by taxpayers.

The ban would apply to any park, street, military base, monument or other structure. And while it doesn’t mention Mr. Trump — that could be illegal — he is the target. It only applies to a president who has been twice impeached by the House.

It would also ban federal funding being used by a state to name something after Mr. Trump.

And her bill would also block Mr. Trump from receiving a pension and revoke the staff and office expenses ex-presidents are entitled to.

For good measure, she also bans burial at Arlington National Cemetery.

Ms. Sanchez’s office said she began working on the bill on Jan. 6, as she and other members of Congress were barricaded in their offices while a pro-Trump mob ravaged the Capitol. Her office said she was armed “with only the baseball bats she plays the congressional baseball game with.”

“We should never glorify the hatred Donald Trump personified as president. This bill ensures that there is no glory for hate – not a building, statue, or even a park bench,” she said.

More than a dozen fellow Democrats signed on to her legislation.

“I can’t imagine sending students in Southern California – or anywhere in America – to a school named in honor of a traitorous president,” Ms. Sanchez said.

She along with all Democrats at 10 Republicans voted two weeks ago to impeach Mr. Trump. He was first impeached in late 2019.

The Senate will hear arguments on the new impeachment case starting Feb. 9, though an early test vote this week signaled he’s likely to be acquitted again.

That’s sent some lawmakers looking for another punishment they believe they can get through Congress.

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