Democrats Use This Tried And Tested Tactic To Win


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

So how did they do it? It's simple, take a position they know their opposition will reject, no matter how silly it is, and use it to make them look like they are against specific special interest groups.

Here's an example:

Let's say for example you come up with an idea to raise taxes to 100%. (The other day some liberal actually said that 91% is possible) :oops:

Sounds stupid doesn't it? Well, believe it or not Obama believes this is a plausible idea. Remove all profit. The key to it is to go after folks that are supported by the opposition.

During the 08' Democratic Party debates Obama was asked if he knew that raising taxes would cause a decrease in revenues would he still do it? He said of course. The point isn't to raise revenues but to punish a target special interest group, more commonly known as "The Rich".

Point is what Obama is doing is driving a wedge between one group and another group. :argue:He knows that Republicans believe that raising taxes on job producers only causes more unemployment. Obama doesn't care. He simply wants to inflict "Social Justice" on the rich. He doesn't want to pay down the debt. His goal is to punish. He knows the GOP will fight him tooth and nail and all the while appear like they're for the rich. No, they aren't specifically for the rich. They support job creation. It just looks like they're supporting the rich. No poor man ever hired anyone, so they have to support the folks with the cash that makes job growth possible.

As with every key special interest group Obama hasn't lifted a finger himself to help any of them directly except maybe unions. Not women, not blacks, not Hispanics. All he's done is shown them how much against them the GOP is. He has to lie his ass off to make this point but that never stopped him before. The GOP knows how damaging Obama's programs can be so they fight him. If they simply pulled the same stunt Democrats did when McCain tried to forge an amnesty bill it might fall apart. The Dems pulled a disappearing act. They let McCain do the dirty work and he and the GOP that fought him got the blame. The Democrats stayed out of it.:eusa_whistle:

In summary, Democrats like to come up with pie-in-the-sky ideas they know the GOP will fight because their ideas are reckless and expensive but the Democrats end up being praised and rewarded as a result. It can't work if the media doesn't support this nonsense mind you. That is the greatest tool they have in this fight. They start what are called "availability cascades", a term Cass Sunstein invented, better know as a bold-faced lie They repeat this bold-faced lie over and over again till it becomes a reality in the minds of supporters to the detriment of the Repugs. "Tax-cuts for the rich". "War on Women". "Equal pay". "Free Birth Control". "Global Warming". "The rich can afford to pay a little more". "The GOP is more white and more male every day". "Shovel-ready Jobs". "Green Energy". "Clean Coal Technology". "Tax-cuts for millionaires and billionaires (those who make over $200k):eusa_liar:

It's all a load of horse dung but that's how they do it. They play on their target's worst human traits. Unbending rightwingers, prejudice blacks, Hispanics, white liberals with an axe to grind. Envy, racism, bigotry, and hatred for those who are better off then they are. And the strange thing is it works almost every time. :stupid:All you need to do is forget about truth, honesty and leave your principles at the door. Democrats in Washington believe the ends justify the means. It's easy for them. The results are obvious.:thanks:
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If low taxes on "job creators" actually "created jobs" then why didn't they create a TON of them to stop the Great Recession and get McCain elected?

Because job creators are a conservative fiction and liberals aren't stooopid like conservatives are.

Easy peasy.

Regards from Rosie
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If low taxes on "job creators" actually "created jobs" then why didn't they create a TON of them to stop the Great Recession and get McCain elected?

Because job creators are a conservative fiction and liberals aren't stooopid like conservatives are.

Easy peasy.

Regards from Rosie

Guess you fell for this Democrat tactic.

The answer to your question is that the Bush tax-cuts were working but then when the Dems took back Congress by using the tactics discussed in the OP on Jan 1 2007 they put a stop to any benefits the tax-cuts made. Then they started monkeying with banking regulations, raising excise taxes, and raising the minimum wage driving up overhead for businesses. It's more complex than that, but basically the Democrats encouraged the bad economy by claiming it was bad before it was. Chuck Schumer even went so far as to encourage people into running on a bank asking them to withdraw their deposits just to get even with the greedy bastards. All of that talk about huge bonuses being paid to CEOs really pissed a lot of people off.

Then they extended unemployment benefits because they knew what they were doing would eventually cause massive unemployment. Get more people on the public dole and dependent on you and they vote for you in elections. Poverty to win elections. It's why California went from being the richest state in the union to the poorest and solidified it's standing as a Blue State.
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The latest attempt to use this trick is when Marco Rubio was asked how old he thought the Earth was.

His answer was essentially that it's not important what he thinks. However regardless what he says it will be used against him. Whether he says 6000 years or 4.5 billion. He's going to catch hell from somebody. The media is already working on our candidates trying to sully their image.

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