Democrats once said: “ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country”

Lies...Conservatives hate seeing anyone die...we just like the idea of extending FREEDOM to people...the freedom to control their own destiny...sometimes their destiny leads them to death. Do you hate the idea of having the freedom to control your own destiny through your own choices?
Let me want the freedom to choose right up until that point where you’ve made the wrong choice and THEN you want taxpayer I right?
(we’ve probably reached that point where you’ll want to pretend you didn’t see this post...I’ll understand)
Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose.....

Baaaa, Negged for a very corny ass quote.

Hey.......Its good enough for me and Bobby McGee

Yeah? And where is ol’buba mac now, eh?
Still topping the charts

Only because he is black.
WOW....mind blowing isn’t it? That’s 180 degrees the opposite of today’s Democratic ideology isn’t it? Do you think we will ever again hear that “tone” from Democrats?
Correction. A Democrat said that. As in one, single solitary man. A handful of others have had similar statements or philosophies but yeah....
Looking at what has become of the party, it's hard to imagine a Democrat getting away with saying that. Democrats were certainly fine with it at the time. Today? Different party.
Oh, how the Republican party has changed.
Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln are rolling over in their graves. Even Richard Nixon is rolling over in his grave at the embarrassment of what the Republican party has turned into.

View attachment 502949
Oh how the Mexicrat Party has changed.
WOW....mind blowing isn’t it?
That’s 180 degrees the opposite of today’s Democratic ideology isn’t it?
Do you think we will ever again hear that “tone” from Democrats?

Another half-a-fag straw man.

Do you fondle its little straw balls?

So, you did not mention, address, or do anything even remotely close to even come close to replying his statement or comment in any real way? Can't even expand on his statement or do anything to add to the conversation? And all you can do is just throw out some random insult that isn't even about the topic?

But atleast if nothing else you get to leave the thread with a cheap sense of self satisfaction and think you're somehow witty and savvy.

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