Democrats on Ukraine: Do Dems love and expect freedom again?

It's not even a leftist position, some dumbfucks like you took it as such because some Russian trolls made it popular in order to make the West sick.

It shouldn't even be political. No one would have taken such a crackpot stance even in the 1990s, never mind the 1950s.
Hahaha…how is “it” not a leftist position?
Only the Left believes that Father Government has the right to deprive American’s of the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Remember, it was you filthy fucks who made EVERYTHING political while the mean orange guy was POTUS. You fucked yourselves by poking the bear…now the bear wants your disgusting sorry asses til the end.
Hahaha…how is “it” not a leftist position?
Only the Left believes that Father Government has the right to deprive American’s of the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Remember, it was you filthy fucks who made EVERYTHING political while the mean orange guy was POTUS. You fucked yourselves by poking the bear…now the bear wants your disgusting sorry asses til the end.
You didn't even answer to what I wrote, just spewing nonsense that has been drilled into your head. I'm afraid you've been brainwashed. Not much I can do, but maybe one day you'll figure it out. Or not.

I don't have a problem with you being redneck though.
You didn't even answer to what I wrote, just spewing nonsense that has been drilled into your head. I'm afraid you've been brainwashed. Not much I can do, but maybe one day you'll figure it out. Or not.

I don't have a problem with you being redneck though.
I didn’t see a question to answer…just your pathetic projection.
Nonetheless, I addressed your retarded bullshit.
Do you have an actual question you’d like to ask? You have my permission to do so…I always take great pride in schooling ignorant fools.
A “redneck” versus what….a gender confused chick with a dick, a pole puffing faggot, a rug muncher, a butch feminazi, a degenerate lowlife beggar, a criminal, a wetback….Yeah, I’ll take “redneck” all day every day….Thanks
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I didn’t see a question to answer…just your pathetic projection.
Nonetheless, I addressed your retarded bullshit.
Do you have an actual question you’d like to ask? You have my permission to do so…I always take great pride in schooling ignorant fools.
A “redneck” versus what….a gender confused chick with a dick, a pole puffing faggot, a rug muncher, a butch feminazi, a degenerate lowlife beggar, a criminal, a wetback….Yeah, I’ll take “redneck” all day every day….Thanks
How do you know I'm not a redneck? Ok, I'm not, but I have had redneck friends.
After years of championing loss of freedom/liberty Democrats seem to be coming back around with their support for Ukraine and their freedom.
For years Dems have been begging Father Government to revoke their 2nd Amendment right, they have fought against free speech and for speech suppression under the guise of “misinformation/disinformation”, they celebrated as conservative voices were “cancelled”, they happily supported government imposed vaccine mandates, mask mandates and lockdowns.
Now here we are….it seems like all Democrats are behind Ukraine in their fight for freedom and liberty….they’re celebrating their willingness to die for freedom.
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What the fuck??????

This is why we call it the Free-Dumb Caucus. Public health and safety measures during a pandemic are NOT "government oppression", nor is it "tyranny". That, right there, is Russian propaganda and bullshit.

You clowns tried this same bullshit in Canada, and the Canadian people told you to go fuck yourselves. We ELECTED TRUDEAU. 90% of us are vaxxed. We didn't elect a bunch of anti-vax idiots to honk their horns and get drunk all night.

Imagine, we could have three times the number of deaths, and people with lasting symptoms, and our hospitals overwhelmed for months just like you, but we were smarter than that.

Furthermore, your saying this is also why Putin thinks the USA is "divided" and can easily be taken over by Donald Trump again.
This is why we call it the Free-Dumb Caucus. Public health and safety measures during a pandemic are NOT "government oppression", nor is it "tyranny". That, right there, is Russian propaganda and bullshit.
Hahahaha….you poor programmed Father Government loving statists.
Appropriate ”public health and safety measures“ are speed limits, intoxication limits while driving and the like….Government depriving citizens of earning a living, forcing citizens to wear a silly face diaper that doesn’t work and take medicine they don’t want in their bodies is nothing short of tyranical.
Granted, if I were a Father Government loving statist like you I wouldn’t perceive such as tyranny either.
I will laugh because you made a comparison that was absolutely insane. These don’t exist anywhere near the same universe.

Ukraine is under existential threat from a foreign government seeking to overthrow its properly elected government and replace it with foreign cutouts to turn a sovereign nation into a vassal.

What does that have to do with migrant workers?
We are under invasion as well, just not with a military.

Our invasion at our southern border is one where the poorest of the poor in the nations from the south are streaming in to tax our resources, and bankrupt the country, also to displace our economic system.

Every bit as dangerous if you ask me.
We are under invasion as well, just not with a military.

Our invasion at our southern border is one where the poorest of the poor in the nations from the south are streaming in to tax our resources, and bankrupt the country, also to displace our economic system.

Every bit as dangerous if you ask me.
Why would anyone ask you given you’re completely off your rocker?

No, it’s not every bit as dangerous as a fucking army with fucking artillery and fucking cluster bombs.
Hahahaha….you poor programmed Father Government loving statists.
Appropriate ”public health and safety measures“ are speed limits, intoxication limits while driving and the like….Government depriving citizens of earning a living, forcing citizens to wear a silly face diaper that doesn’t work and take medicine they don’t want in their bodies is nothing short of tyranical.
Granted, if I were a Father Government loving statist like you I wouldn’t perceive such as tyranny either.

We don't have a "Father Government", we have a "Servant Government". Their job is to management government resources with our best interests at heart, in an honest and ethical manner. Trudeau gets an A+ in the former, and an F in the latter, and that is why he currently heads a "minority government", and not a landslide majority.

When the pandemic hit, the federal Liberal government, and the 7 Conservative held provinces all put aside the usual partisan bickering and worked together coordinating resources, and strategies that resulted in 1/3 of the death and disease in Canada compared to the USA, and one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. Trudeau bought so much vaccine it's a public embarassment. We're swimming in the stuff.

Canada never ran out of PPE, our hospitals were never "overwhelmed", although it was a near thing after Christmas 2020, and early 2021, until we got sufficient supplies of vaccine, and started getting shots in arms. Our Conservative province of Alberta tried the US approach of no mask mandates and no lockdowns and before the election last fall, admitted that such tactics had utterly failed the people of Alberta, and the that their hospitals were now overwhelmed. They changed tactics.

The convoy failed because your average Canadian may be fed up with lockdowns and masks, but we know they worked. The convoy just an excuse for out of work truckers to go on a drunken two week cross country road trip, and scam money from the gullible.

Notice how there's always a fund raising arm to these "Free-dumb" initiatives.
We are under invasion as well, just not with a military.

Our invasion at our southern border is one where the poorest of the poor in the nations from the south are streaming in to tax our resources, and bankrupt the country, also to displace our economic system.

Every bit as dangerous if you ask me.


After years of championing loss of freedom/liberty Democrats seem to be coming back around with their support for Ukraine and their freedom.
For years Dems have been begging Father Government to revoke their 2nd Amendment right, they have fought against free speech and for speech suppression under the guise of “misinformation/disinformation”, they celebrated as conservative voices were “cancelled”, they happily supported government imposed vaccine mandates, mask mandates and lockdowns.
Now here we are….it seems like all Democrats are behind Ukraine in their fight for freedom and liberty….they’re celebrating their willingness to die for freedom.
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Moron, we've always supported freedom in Ukraine, so did Republicans.

Reasonable emergency restrictions during a deadly, historic pandemic does not change that.

But now one side has lost their god-damn fucking mind.

2 million in one year....That's an invasion....What we should do is pass them right on through to your country, then we'd see what you think about it....
What is the end result and when can we expect to see it?
The end result is America in insolvency over benefits exploited by the illegal invaders...When? We are seeing some of this now, only the beginning, but continued, this would end up in a United States looking more like Venezuela than America....
After years of championing loss of freedom/liberty Democrats seem to be coming back around with their support for Ukraine and their freedom.
For years Dems have been begging Father Government to revoke their 2nd Amendment right, they have fought against free speech and for speech suppression under the guise of “misinformation/disinformation”, they celebrated as conservative voices were “cancelled”, they happily supported government imposed vaccine mandates, mask mandates and lockdowns.
Now here we are….it seems like all Democrats are behind Ukraine in their fight for freedom and liberty….they’re celebrating their willingness to die for freedom.
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Your echo chamber has a really hard time trying to paint democrats as being different than Repubs, they are not, both are authoritarians and make laws that control the populace.
The end result is America in insolvency over benefits exploited by the illegal invaders...When? We are seeing some of this now, only the beginning, but continued, this would end up in a United States looking more like Venezuela than America....
Wait, is that the end result in Ukraine? You said they were the same. Because as far as I can tell, the end result of Ukraine is a bit worse than “insolvency”.

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