Democrats Loved Jonathan Gruber Before They Forgot Who He Was

You can't debate or refute so you pull out the tried and tired faux racism charges (aka RACE CARD). What is it with you people? Are you that weak and limited of substance that you must fire back any criticism of a sitting President as being racist? Or, who is really the racist here? Do you feel that because of the President's race, he ought to be exempt from any criticism nor should he be accountable? Is that it?

No, but I think the criticism should actually be valid.

1) Don't criticize him for things that you were all for when Republicans did them.
2) When he comes around to your view, don't decide to change views again.
3) Don't wait for him to make a decision before you decide what you're against.

You know, simple stuff non-racists do when they disagree with people.
Republicans loved ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare".

Progressives run both parties.

Here is the troubling thing, politicians lie to voters continually, to the point where they simply expect it.

So the question begs, what good is democracy? If voters are voting for lies, then democracy is dead.

It would appear that both Gruber and Obama think that voters are incapable of voting for what is "good", so they must be deceived into voting for what is "good".
At no time has obama once known what his people are doing, he has never given them an order to do anything.

So why are we surprised he knows nothing about his landmark anti-freedom bill?

It's the same with any scandal he is confronted with, if he did not watch the 6 o'clock news like the rest of us, he would know virtually nothing about anything.
And all this time i thought Joey hated the rich...go figure:eusa_eh:

How many people did he employ? Over how many years? Six million over 20 years really isn't that impressive. Especially if he's paying his staff out of that.

LOL...You're a joke He didn't actually employ anyone. The federal government paid them...How many millions of people do American corporations employ again? Maybe you should argue with yourself :cuckoo:
You can't debate or refute so you pull out the tried and tired faux racism charges (aka RACE CARD). What is it with you people? Are you that weak and limited of substance that you must fire back any criticism of a sitting President as being racist? Or, who is really the racist here? Do you feel that because of the President's race, he ought to be exempt from any criticism nor should he be accountable? Is that it?

No, but I think the criticism should actually be valid.

1) Don't criticize him for things that you were all for when Republicans did them.
2) When he comes around to your view, don't decide to change views again.
3) Don't wait for him to make a decision before you decide what you're against.

You know, simple stuff non-racists do when they disagree with people.

Specious, incoherent, no form, no substance. Show me where Republicans were for the employer mandate and single payer system?
Progressives run both parties.

Here is the troubling thing, politicians lie to voters continually, to the point where they simply expect it.

So the question begs, what good is democracy? If voters are voting for lies, then democracy is dead.

It would appear that both Gruber and Obama think that voters are incapable of voting for what is "good", so they must be deceived into voting for what is "good".

I think you are asking the wrong questions.

We vote for liars because if they told us the truth, we'd never vote for them. Mondale told the truth in 1984- taxes would have to go up. He lost 49 states. Reagan, Bush-41 and Clinton all raised taxes without ever saying that was their plan.

So the question isn't who is lying to me. Politicians lie. Bosses lie. Everyone fucking lies.

The question is, are the results favorable after all the lying is done?
LOL...You're a joke He didn't actually employ anyone. The federal government paid them...How many millions of people do American corporations employ again? Maybe you should argue with yourself

Are you a little slow today, booby? Your argument is that he was rich because his FIRM got millions.

So how many people worked for that firm over how many years? Because, really, 5 million in revenues over a six year period puts him up there with a pizza place.
LOL...You're a joke He didn't actually employ anyone. The federal government paid them...How many millions of people do American corporations employ again? Maybe you should argue with yourself

Are you a little slow today, booby? Your argument is that he was rich because his FIRM got millions.

So how many people worked for that firm over how many years? Because, really, 5 million in revenues over a six year period puts him up there with a pizza place.
What firm? He's an MIT professor, a useless academic, one those smart people you libs love so much...Does he have a business? What business idiot? :dunno:
Nixon, Reagan and Bush would be out on their asses if they tried a lame defense like Barry, Harry and Nancy are trying to pull. The sad fact is that Gruber is right about the mainstream low information radical left being too stupid to understand what's going on.
Nixon, Reagan and Bush would be out on their asses if they tried a lame defense like Barry, Harry and Nancy are trying to pull. The sad fact is that Gruber is right about the mainstream low information radical left being too stupid to understand what's going on.

Yeah cant argue with fact:eusa_eh:
Progressives run both parties.

Here is the troubling thing, politicians lie to voters continually, to the point where they simply expect it.

So the question begs, what good is democracy? If voters are voting for lies, then democracy is dead.

It would appear that both Gruber and Obama think that voters are incapable of voting for what is "good", so they must be deceived into voting for what is "good".

I think you are asking the wrong questions.

We vote for liars because if they told us the truth, we'd never vote for them. Mondale told the truth in 1984- taxes would have to go up. He lost 49 states. Reagan, Bush-41 and Clinton all raised taxes without ever saying that was their plan.

So the question isn't who is lying to me. Politicians lie. Bosses lie. Everyone fucking lies.

The question is, are the results favorable after all the lying is done?

Not so. If you give the bank your money they say they will give you a certain percentage of interest and that they will not take it. In fact, when your money is on the line lying actually becomes a crime.....except when it comes to political lies. Somehow that is exempt.

Of course, these folks are understandably above the law, because they are the law.
What firm? He's an MIT professor, a useless academic, one those smart people you libs love so much...Does he have a business? What business idiot?

I'm not the one making the contention. Professors, though, usually have staffs, their universities usually want a cut of any grants they get.

I'm not surprised you consider academics "useless". Probably went to a University with your big Star of David T-Shirt and found people mocking you.
Not so. If you give the bank your money they say they will give you a certain percentage of interest and that they will not take it. In fact, when your money is on the line lying actually becomes a crime.....except when it comes to political lies. Somehow that is exempt.

Of course, these folks are understandably above the law, because they are the law.

are you saying the banks didn't lie without accountability? did you miss the whole 2008 debacle?
Nixon, Reagan and Bush would be out on their asses if they tried a lame defense like Barry, Harry and Nancy are trying to pull. The sad fact is that Gruber is right about the mainstream low information radical left being too stupid to understand what's going on.

Really? You mean like when Reagan said he had absolutely no idea that Ollie North was selling weapons to Iran and diverting the proceeds to drug-dealing Contras?

Ollie North? Never met the guy!

What firm? He's an MIT professor, a useless academic, one those smart people you libs love so much...Does he have a business? What business idiot?

I'm not the one making the contention. Professors, though, usually have staffs, their universities usually want a cut of any grants they get.

I'm not surprised you consider academics "useless". Probably went to a University with your big Star of David T-Shirt and found people mocking you.

Gruber Got 24 Times the Average ‘Stupid’ American’s Salary for Obamacare Work

According to government data, the nearly $6 million in confirmed taxpayer dollars that Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber was paid from 2009 to 2014 – about $1 million per year – is roughly 24 times the average salary earned by full-time American workers in the same general time frame.

The average annual full-time U.S. salary was about $41,600 in those years, which multiplied 24 times is $998,400, or nearly $1 million a year.

Gruber Got 24 Times the Average Stupid American s Salary for Obamacare Work CNS News

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