Democrats Hung Themselves


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Maybe the 20 nutjobs calling themselves candidates for the Democratic party nomination are figuring to soften up their stances, once they get the nomination, and start squaring off against Trump. They can say anything now (and they are), to appeal to equally nuts Democrat primary voters.

They'll have to do that (whoever wins), since the great massive red country surely will not accept their ludicrous proposals. Every one of them raised their hand when asked who would decriminalize crossing the US border without authorization from immigration authorities.

Media outlets are saying Elizabeth Warren may have come away the winner. That's makes no sense. First she says she would decriminalize illegal border crossing (currently a crime). Then she proposes to give reparations$$ to descendants of slavery (who never suffered slavery or from Jim Crow laws), and make those who never enslaved anyone, pay for it.

Then this crazy woman, who may still be posing as an American Indian, proposes to give reparations$$ to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transexuals, or whatever other perverts she can find who she thinks might represent VOTES.

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden proposes to reunite separated criminal illegal aliens with their kids. Wouldn't this be unfair to AMERICAN criminals behind bars, if they don't get reunited with THEIR kids. Well, sure it would. So how would Joe fix that ?

My guess is that he would go ahead and open up all the prisons, let everyone out who's a parent, and reunite all parents with their kids. Would Joe care if the crime rate were to skyrocket ? Probably not, nor would any of the other candidates who are all insulated from crime in low crime neighborhoods, get chauffered in bullet-proof limousines, have fences around their bodyguard-protected estates, etc.

What would be the focus of the candidates, if they let all prisoners out to be reunited with their kids. One guess >> VOTES.
Maybe the 20 nutjobs calling themselves candidates for the Democratic party nomination are figuring to soften up their stances, once they get the nomination, and start squaring off against Trump. They can say anything now (and they are), to appeal to equally nuts Democrat primary voters.

They'll have to do that (whoever wins), since the great massive red country surely will not accept their ludicrous proposals. Every one of them raised their hand when asked who would decriminalize crossing the US border without authorization from immigration authorities.

Media outlets are saying Elizabeth Warren may have come away the winner. That's makes no sense. First she says she would decriminalize illegal border crossing (currently a crime). Then she proposes to give reparations$$ to descendants of slavery (who never suffered slavery or from Jim Crow laws), and make those who never enslaved anyone, pay for it.

Then this crazy woman, who may still be posing as an American Indian, proposes to give reparations$$ to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transexuals, or whatever other perverts she can find who she thinks might represent VOTES.

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden proposes to reunite separated criminal illegal aliens with their kids. Wouldn't this be unfair to AMERICAN criminals behind bars, if they don't get reunited with THEIR kids. Well, sure it would. So how would Joe fix that ?

My guess is that he would go ahead and open up all the prisons, let everyone out who's a parent, and reunite all parents with their kids. Would Joe care if the crime rate were to skyrocket ? Probably not, nor would any of the other candidates who are all insulated from crime in low crime neighborhoods, get chauffered in bullet-proof limousines, have fences around their bodyguard-protected estates, etc.

What would be the focus of the candidates, if they let all prisoners out to be reunited with their kids. One guess >> VOTES.

None of these candidates has what it takes to beat Trump. None.

As I have said many times, early next year they will bring in the Big Celebrity. Oprah or Michelle O or something. You might think that they would too have to be nailed down to policy positions--but not really. Both of these women could spew nebulous crap about nothing and legions would vote for them because "Not Trump" and "OPRAH!!!"

I will guarantee the DNC is recruiting these women hard right now
Joe Biden proposes to reunite separated criminal illegal aliens with their kids.

The very fact that Biden is making this an issue shows what a farce the whole thing is at this stage. That the ONE THING they could all agree upon was how to treat people who weren't even citizens and not even voting in the election shows just how out of touch these people are with the American people, not that we don't sympathize with some of the illegal's plight, but it doesn't even make the top 1000 of issues to the actual voter.

But then, the fact that the moderators and entire venue were wholly 100% supportive of these people makes the entire debate worthless. Put these people up against a real microscope, the likes of Mark Levin or the like to ask real questions, such as why the DNA of 30% of these kids don't even match that of their "parents."
I was very proud of my fellow Democrats in the debate. What a change when you have intelligent people debating.
I was very proud of my fellow Democrats in the debate. What a change when you have intelligent people debating.

Enjoy your anti-human, anti-American, anti-truth private Idaho. While I realize you're not alone living there, telling each other the sky is always yellow, sooner or later you're just gonna have to admit two plus two equals four and human biology is not a social construct. It's almost like you all are staring at something in the distance which never existed, could never exist, and yet none among you will admit what you're all seeing is just reflective hallucinations of "real" reality. You do realize you along with many others are speaking very obviously the opposite of what is really happening? Doesn't that bother you?
Anyone who is smart would use this opportunity to get their name out,
and possibly get some ideas out in public as to how to solve social, environmental
and economic problems IN REAL LIFE, not through politics or relying on election to office.

REAL solutions will work and attract support WITHOUT being forced.

Look at Jimmy Carter's HABITAT FOR HUMANITY.
That program has changed more lives, social conditions and economics

Had Carter been like Obama and tried to make this the "Law of the Land"
that EVERYONE will be forced to fund housing for neighbors in need,
Habitat would have been rejected and failed as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Real progressive solutions empower locally owned and managed
development -- from the grassroots up, NOT FROM THE TOP DOWN.

Whoever acknowledges this is real, and the rest are just playing politics.
I was very proud of my fellow Democrats in the debate. What a change when you have intelligent people debating.

I'm sure you were. You can pull the video from any democratic debate in my life from the 1960s on, and you'll find the exact same topics, the exact same concerns, and the EXACT same promises, which somehow never get done, with the exact same excuses, and with the exact same group of idiots like you still swallowing it whole proud of it all.

You've said it a thousand times about Trump: HE'S NOT YOUR PRESIDENT, he doesn't ACT like a president, he doesn't TALK like a president, he is an embarrassment to you; you don't care what any of these people actually get done so long as they LOOK the role and talk and ACT the role, you are perfectly happy with things just as they are.
I was very proud of my fellow Democrats in the debate. What a change when you have intelligent people debating.

I am also amazed at the greater number of leaders willing to come forward.

When I look at the myriad of social issues, and DIVERSITY of representation it's going to take for democratic participation to address them INCLUSIVELY, clearly this cannot be done "top down" from a centralized federal govt position.

I hope the Progressive donors and supporters have the sense to invest resources in CREATING JOBS for all these aspiring leaders with ability to put solutions together -- from the grassroots up.

It takes a COLLABORATIVE teamwork approach to solve social and economic issues with such growing diversity in population.

The really smart Democratic and Progressive leaders will start investing in cooperative economic and political systems, to get more done effectively instead of wasting resources competing against others for the same job.
Maybe the 20 nutjobs calling themselves candidates for the Democratic party nomination are figuring to soften up their stances, once they get the nomination, and start squaring off against Trump. They can say anything now (and they are), to appeal to equally nuts Democrat primary voters.

They'll have to do that (whoever wins), since the great massive red country surely will not accept their ludicrous proposals. Every one of them raised their hand when asked who would decriminalize crossing the US border without authorization from immigration authorities.

Media outlets are saying Elizabeth Warren may have come away the winner. That's makes no sense. First she says she would decriminalize illegal border crossing (currently a crime). Then she proposes to give reparations$$ to descendants of slavery (who never suffered slavery or from Jim Crow laws), and make those who never enslaved anyone, pay for it.

Then this crazy woman, who may still be posing as an American Indian, proposes to give reparations$$ to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transexuals, or whatever other perverts she can find who she thinks might represent VOTES.

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden proposes to reunite separated criminal illegal aliens with their kids. Wouldn't this be unfair to AMERICAN criminals behind bars, if they don't get reunited with THEIR kids. Well, sure it would. So how would Joe fix that ?

My guess is that he would go ahead and open up all the prisons, let everyone out who's a parent, and reunite all parents with their kids. Would Joe care if the crime rate were to skyrocket ? Probably not, nor would any of the other candidates who are all insulated from crime in low crime neighborhoods, get chauffered in bullet-proof limousines, have fences around their bodyguard-protected estates, etc.

What would be the focus of the candidates, if they let all prisoners out to be reunited with their kids. One guess >> VOTES.

In their fervor to appease their SJW radical leftwing, they totally exposed their communist agenda and alienated normal Americans.
The hand raising was really waving bye bye.

A moment that isn’t going away. President Trump can use this to hammer whatever sap ends up the nominee.

I did not watch the debates. My temper is too volatile. I saw highlights and clips. What a clown car. They both looked like a SNL show. Then Pastor Buttplug starts preaching while Kamala Harris is lying and Joe Biden, poor old Joe, he was just floundering. The highlight of highlights was DiBlasio quoting Che Guevara to a bunch of Cubans.
I have one question. Who dug up the Smothers Brothers to write this hilarity

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