Scarborough apologizes for 'disaster' of 2020 Democratic debate on MSNBC


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Scarborough apologizes for 'disaster' of 2020 Democratic debate on MSNBC

Scarborough apologizes for 'disaster' of 2020 Democratic debate on MSNBC | TheHill
28 June 2019 ~ By Marina Pitofsky
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough called the second night of the first 2020 Democratic debates a "disaster for the Democratic Party" and said that he hopes voters were not watching the face-off, which aired on his network. “If you’re an American and this is your introduction to these candidates and the Democratic Party, and all you see are 12 people yelling at each other, trying to interrupt each other, insulting each other, you’re like, ‘You know what. I thought Donald Trump was a clown show. I’m changing the channel.'” Scarborough called former Vice President Joe Biden’s performance one of “the most disturbing debate performances” he had seen, and questioned Biden for sticking closely to the debate’s rules and not focusing more specifically on issues in his answers. “It was one of those moments where you’re going, 'My God, is he going to complete his sentence?'” Scarborough asked.

Actually Scarborough is fortunate that it only aired on MSNBC, that insured that not many were watching. Poor Scarborough, disappointed the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats showed America what the Democratic Party is really all about. Didn't they know they were suppose to follow MSNBC's lead?
Look we shouldn't criticize Biden, I have never been so inspired as when I read his Gettysburg Address, unless it was his novels, War And Peace and A Tale Of Two Cities. He did write those, didn't he? I'm sure he claimed he did.
Truly, The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat party is completely outside the mainstream of Americans today that includes the mainstream media.
Elitist PMS/DSA Socialism is something that Americans see right through, and refuse. Trump is fighting for ordinary Americans who want jobs, and standards in their society.
Democrats are for illegal aliens, vagrants, and men in bathrooms with little girls. Good luck with that platform. This this is why PMS/DSA Democrats are losing and will lose. Not only will Trump be reelected... but I predict the Democrats lose the house next time around. I listen carefully to what they are saying and can hardly believe it. Who are theses people? A lot of Americans with little or no healthcare and or a paycheck eaten by the government hear the Democratic Party opted to feed cloth and get healthcare for people who are not even legal citizens and are like what ! The Hell ! I will never vote Democrat again.
Marks-Lenin-Stalin-Mao-Pol Pot, Guevara, including Hitler are all very happy with the drift of the Democrat party.
Scarborough apologizes for 'disaster' of 2020 Democratic debate on MSNBC | TheHill
28 June 2019 ~ By Marina Pitofsky
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough called the second night of the first 2020 Democratic debates a "disaster for the Democratic Party" and said that he hopes voters were not watching the face-off, which aired on his network. “If you’re an American and this is your introduction to these candidates and the Democratic Party, and all you see are 12 people yelling at each other, trying to interrupt each other, insulting each other, you’re like, ‘You know what. I thought Donald Trump was a clown show. I’m changing the channel.'” Scarborough called former Vice President Joe Biden’s performance one of “the most disturbing debate performances” he had seen, and questioned Biden for sticking closely to the debate’s rules and not focusing more specifically on issues in his answers. “It was one of those moments where you’re going, 'My God, is he going to complete his sentence?'” Scarborough asked.
Lol...he could have wrote that the day before the debate...and biden was hamstrung by the race card...oh well
Scarborough apologizes for 'disaster' of 2020 Democratic debate on MSNBC

Scarborough apologizes for 'disaster' of 2020 Democratic debate on MSNBC | TheHill
28 June 2019 ~ By Marina Pitofsky
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough called the second night of the first 2020 Democratic debates a "disaster for the Democratic Party" and said that he hopes voters were not watching the face-off, which aired on his network. “If you’re an American and this is your introduction to these candidates and the Democratic Party, and all you see are 12 people yelling at each other, trying to interrupt each other, insulting each other, you’re like, ‘You know what. I thought Donald Trump was a clown show. I’m changing the channel.'” Scarborough called former Vice President Joe Biden’s performance one of “the most disturbing debate performances” he had seen, and questioned Biden for sticking closely to the debate’s rules and not focusing more specifically on issues in his answers. “It was one of those moments where you’re going, 'My God, is he going to complete his sentence?'” Scarborough asked.

Actually Scarborough is fortunate that it only aired on MSNBC, that insured that not many were watching. Poor Scarborough, disappointed the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats showed America what the Democratic Party is really all about. Didn't they know they were suppose to follow MSNBC's lead?
Look we shouldn't criticize Biden, I have never been so inspired as when I read his Gettysburg Address, unless it was his novels, War And Peace and A Tale Of Two Cities. He did write those, didn't he? I'm sure he claimed he did.
Truly, The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat party is completely outside the mainstream of Americans today that includes the mainstream media.
Elitist PMS/DSA Socialism is something that Americans see right through, and refuse. Trump is fighting for ordinary Americans who want jobs, and standards in their society.
Democrats are for illegal aliens, vagrants, and men in bathrooms with little girls. Good luck with that platform. This this is why PMS/DSA Democrats are losing and will lose. Not only will Trump be reelected... but I predict the Democrats lose the house next time around. I listen carefully to what they are saying and can hardly believe it. Who are theses people? A lot of Americans with little or no healthcare and or a paycheck eaten by the government hear the Democratic Party opted to feed cloth and get healthcare for people who are not even legal citizens and are like what ! The Hell ! I will never vote Democrat again.
Marks-Lenin-Stalin-Mao-Pol Pot, Guevara, including Hitler are all very happy with the drift of the Democrat party.

Who does Scarborough think he is to apologize for anyone or thing? He's just another one of the overabundant MSM talking heads who rather than practice actual journalism seek instead to make the "news" all about their own personas; he and they are self-aggrandizing hoax-artists who self inflate their own heads and careers and, very unfortunately sway the minds of millions of Americans to believe in mass-market bullshit that is anything but the news or the truth. Waterboard them all.

Speaking to Democrat 2020 running platforms, the key issue no one is talking about is the fatal influence of ideologically founded and forced culture war pushed upon the American People through Hollywood, postmodernist social sciences university departments and public schools, all then injected into the campaign promises and slogans and speeches of Democrat Candidates. The 2020 Presidential Campaign, from the Democrat side, is not about what's best for the American People or our nation, rather, it is all about redefining the new moral, social, political, constitutional, religious and civilizational "normal" or reality. In order to gain final, absolute power the postmodern core of the contemporary Democratic Party must rewrite and redefine successfully every aspect and facet of our lives, our laws, our beliefs and thresholds for immoral perversions never before accepted by sane people in prior human history. The 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidates will wander as far to the Left as need be to sate their deity of political correctness and radical postmodernism, which of course is nothing more than repackaged communism. If We The People allow them to triumph, our civilization as founded over two centuries ago will exist no more.
Dems need to cut down the field quickly

Be down to eight by Labor Day
Four by New Years
Dems need to cut down the field quickly

Be down to eight by Labor Day
Four by New Years

That is for sure. The party is so fragmented now that it may encourage a third party candidate (Shultz, Cuban, Bloomberg) to run independent.

I suspect alliances among the declared candidates will be formed whereby the Poll leaders like Biden, Sanders and Warren start promising cabinet position in exchange for support to the laggers. We all know Biden plays that game better than the others.

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