Democrats’ Historical March To Ensure Election Fraud Is Easier And Easier


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This Past Presidential Election Was An Historical Crowning Achievement in Election Fraud / Theft For Democrats...

Voting has two phases. Phase One occurs before votes go into the computer tallying system, and Phase Two happens inside the computer. There is mounting evidence that Democrats committed fraud in both those phases.

Phase one results in ineligible ballots that are fatally flawed and cannot legally be counted. For years, Democrats have been making Phase One fraud easier. Here are some of the methods they've used, often justifying them on minority civil rights grounds:

  • Motor voter registration (people are registered when they get a driver's license), creating a massive number of registered voters, most of whom don't vote.
  • Refusing to clean up voter registration rolls, creating millions of registrations tied to people who died or relocated.
  • Banning ID requirements at polling places.
  • Banning poll workers from comparing signatures on ballot sign-up sheets or mail-in envelopes to those on record.
  • Same-day registration.
  • Extending voting to a month-long period.
  • Absentee voting for anyone who desires.
  • Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
  • Voting only by mail.
  • Ballot-harvesting, which allows activists to collect ballots from voters and submit them. Harvesters can fill out ballots or dispose of ballots with which they disagree.
  • Judges and bureaucrats extending the voting deadline.
All of the above Democrat initiatives make the following types of fraud easier, particularly when paired with chicanery at the polling site, such as banning poll-observers:

  • People voting using another person's ballot.
  • Postal workers backdating mailed in ballots.
  • Insiders obtaining and completing blank ballots en masse.
  • Repeatedly feeding the same ballots into voting machines.
  • Throwing out Trump votes.
  • Completing incomplete ballots.
  • Faking same-day registrations of non-existent voters.
  • Throwing out mail-in envelopes to make it impossible to winnow out fraudulent ballots.
  • Using Voting Machines Connected to the Internet making Tampering / Election Fraud possible

A guide to understanding election fraud in 2020
This Past Presidential Election Was An Historical Crowning Achievement in Election Fraud / Theft For Democrats...

Voting has two phases. Phase One occurs before votes go into the computer tallying system, and Phase Two happens inside the computer. There is mounting evidence that Democrats committed fraud in both those phases.

Phase one results in ineligible ballots that are fatally flawed and cannot legally be counted. For years, Democrats have been making Phase One fraud easier. Here are some of the methods they've used, often justifying them on minority civil rights grounds:

  • Motor voter registration (people are registered when they get a driver's license), creating a massive number of registered voters, most of whom don't vote.
  • Refusing to clean up voter registration rolls, creating millions of registrations tied to people who died or relocated.
  • Banning ID requirements at polling places.
  • Banning poll workers from comparing signatures on ballot sign-up sheets or mail-in envelopes to those on record.
  • Same-day registration.
  • Extending voting to a month-long period.
  • Absentee voting for anyone who desires.
  • Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
  • Voting only by mail.
  • Ballot-harvesting, which allows activists to collect ballots from voters and submit them. Harvesters can fill out ballots or dispose of ballots with which they disagree.
  • Judges and bureaucrats extending the voting deadline.
All of the above Democrat initiatives make the following types of fraud easier, particularly when paired with chicanery at the polling site, such as banning poll-observers:

  • People voting using another person's ballot.
  • Postal workers backdating mailed in ballots.
  • Insiders obtaining and completing blank ballots en masse.
  • Repeatedly feeding the same ballots into voting machines.
  • Throwing out Trump votes.
  • Completing incomplete ballots.
  • Faking same-day registrations of non-existent voters.
  • Throwing out mail-in envelopes to make it impossible to winnow out fraudulent ballots.
  • Using Voting Machines Connected to the Internet making Tampering / Election Fraud possible

A guide to understanding election fraud in 2020
Plenty of allegations
Zero proof.
Tick-Tock....the electors vote in 13 days.
Mail in voting needs to be done on a very minimal basis. For the most part, if someone is a healthy adult and still in the country, they need to plan their schedule to be around on election day. They have 4 years to prepare for the event... they need to be there in person, show their fucking I.D.
and put an end to all this bullshit.
Everyone has responsibilities in society. It's the responsibility of the citizen to also help preserve the sanctity of the vote. DOn't be damn lazy... just get off your ASS.
if the dem can get away with their mass voter fraud scandal our democracy* is done
if our democracy is done we will suffer
This Past Presidential Election Was An Historical Crowning Achievement in Election Fraud / Theft For Democrats...

Voting has two phases. Phase One occurs before votes go into the computer tallying system, and Phase Two happens inside the computer. There is mounting evidence that Democrats committed fraud in both those phases.

Phase one results in ineligible ballots that are fatally flawed and cannot legally be counted. For years, Democrats have been making Phase One fraud easier. Here are some of the methods they've used, often justifying them on minority civil rights grounds:

  • Motor voter registration (people are registered when they get a driver's license), creating a massive number of registered voters, most of whom don't vote.
  • Refusing to clean up voter registration rolls, creating millions of registrations tied to people who died or relocated.
  • Banning ID requirements at polling places.
  • Banning poll workers from comparing signatures on ballot sign-up sheets or mail-in envelopes to those on record.
  • Same-day registration.
  • Extending voting to a month-long period.
  • Absentee voting for anyone who desires.
  • Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
  • Voting only by mail.
  • Ballot-harvesting, which allows activists to collect ballots from voters and submit them. Harvesters can fill out ballots or dispose of ballots with which they disagree.
  • Judges and bureaucrats extending the voting deadline.
All of the above Democrat initiatives make the following types of fraud easier, particularly when paired with chicanery at the polling site, such as banning poll-observers:

  • People voting using another person's ballot.
  • Postal workers backdating mailed in ballots.
  • Insiders obtaining and completing blank ballots en masse.
  • Repeatedly feeding the same ballots into voting machines.
  • Throwing out Trump votes.
  • Completing incomplete ballots.
  • Faking same-day registrations of non-existent voters.
  • Throwing out mail-in envelopes to make it impossible to winnow out fraudulent ballots.
  • Using Voting Machines Connected to the Internet making Tampering / Election Fraud possible

A guide to understanding election fraud in 2020
Dumb ducks march to destroy democracy based on bull shit. Two members for each party present always you all are hilarious.
This Past Presidential Election Was An Historical Crowning Achievement in Election Fraud / Theft For Democrats...

Voting has two phases. Phase One occurs before votes go into the computer tallying system, and Phase Two happens inside the computer. There is mounting evidence that Democrats committed fraud in both those phases.

Phase one results in ineligible ballots that are fatally flawed and cannot legally be counted. For years, Democrats have been making Phase One fraud easier. Here are some of the methods they've used, often justifying them on minority civil rights grounds:

  • Motor voter registration (people are registered when they get a driver's license), creating a massive number of registered voters, most of whom don't vote.
  • Refusing to clean up voter registration rolls, creating millions of registrations tied to people who died or relocated.
  • Banning ID requirements at polling places.
  • Banning poll workers from comparing signatures on ballot sign-up sheets or mail-in envelopes to those on record.
  • Same-day registration.
  • Extending voting to a month-long period.
  • Absentee voting for anyone who desires.
  • Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
  • Voting only by mail.
  • Ballot-harvesting, which allows activists to collect ballots from voters and submit them. Harvesters can fill out ballots or dispose of ballots with which they disagree.
  • Judges and bureaucrats extending the voting deadline.
All of the above Democrat initiatives make the following types of fraud easier, particularly when paired with chicanery at the polling site, such as banning poll-observers:

  • People voting using another person's ballot.
  • Postal workers backdating mailed in ballots.
  • Insiders obtaining and completing blank ballots en masse.
  • Repeatedly feeding the same ballots into voting machines.
  • Throwing out Trump votes.
  • Completing incomplete ballots.
  • Faking same-day registrations of non-existent voters.
  • Throwing out mail-in envelopes to make it impossible to winnow out fraudulent ballots.
  • Using Voting Machines Connected to the Internet making Tampering / Election Fraud possible

A guide to understanding election fraud in 2020

This Past Presidential Election Was An Historical Crowning Achievement in Election Fraud / Theft For Democrats...

Voting has two phases. Phase One occurs before votes go into the computer tallying system, and Phase Two happens inside the computer. There is mounting evidence that Democrats committed fraud in both those phases.

Phase one results in ineligible ballots that are fatally flawed and cannot legally be counted. For years, Democrats have been making Phase One fraud easier. Here are some of the methods they've used, often justifying them on minority civil rights grounds:

  • Motor voter registration (people are registered when they get a driver's license), creating a massive number of registered voters, most of whom don't vote.
  • Refusing to clean up voter registration rolls, creating millions of registrations tied to people who died or relocated.
  • Banning ID requirements at polling places.
  • Banning poll workers from comparing signatures on ballot sign-up sheets or mail-in envelopes to those on record.
  • Same-day registration.
  • Extending voting to a month-long period.
  • Absentee voting for anyone who desires.
  • Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
  • Voting only by mail.
  • Ballot-harvesting, which allows activists to collect ballots from voters and submit them. Harvesters can fill out ballots or dispose of ballots with which they disagree.
  • Judges and bureaucrats extending the voting deadline.
All of the above Democrat initiatives make the following types of fraud easier, particularly when paired with chicanery at the polling site, such as banning poll-observers:

  • People voting using another person's ballot.
  • Postal workers backdating mailed in ballots.
  • Insiders obtaining and completing blank ballots en masse.
  • Repeatedly feeding the same ballots into voting machines.
  • Throwing out Trump votes.
  • Completing incomplete ballots.
  • Faking same-day registrations of non-existent voters.
  • Throwing out mail-in envelopes to make it impossible to winnow out fraudulent ballots.
  • Using Voting Machines Connected to the Internet making Tampering / Election Fraud possible

A guide to understanding election fraud in 2020

Oh, yes, the November 3 vote was fraud on steroids.

Even some fair-minded liberals (privately) admit that.

Some very, very, very bad people took advantage of the sudden use of mail-in voting on such a huge scale.

Common sense (which, of course, is lacking in many human beings) tells us that the chaos of millions of ballots suddenly arriving at the election centers was an invitation for fraud, not to mention millions of unmarked ballots that bad people simply marked with their preference.

I do not believe in God, but I -- like everyone else -- believe in FATE. And in one Biblical truism: You reap what you sow (something that farmers will attest to).

So in some way that is beyond my comprehension, those bad people are going to reap what they sowed.
This Past Presidential Election Was An Historical Crowning Achievement in Election Fraud / Theft For Democrats...

Voting has two phases. Phase One occurs before votes go into the computer tallying system, and Phase Two happens inside the computer. There is mounting evidence that Democrats committed fraud in both those phases.

Phase one results in ineligible ballots that are fatally flawed and cannot legally be counted. For years, Democrats have been making Phase One fraud easier. Here are some of the methods they've used, often justifying them on minority civil rights grounds:

  • Motor voter registration (people are registered when they get a driver's license), creating a massive number of registered voters, most of whom don't vote.
  • Refusing to clean up voter registration rolls, creating millions of registrations tied to people who died or relocated.
  • Banning ID requirements at polling places.
  • Banning poll workers from comparing signatures on ballot sign-up sheets or mail-in envelopes to those on record.
  • Same-day registration.
  • Extending voting to a month-long period.
  • Absentee voting for anyone who desires.
  • Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
  • Voting only by mail.
  • Ballot-harvesting, which allows activists to collect ballots from voters and submit them. Harvesters can fill out ballots or dispose of ballots with which they disagree.
  • Judges and bureaucrats extending the voting deadline.
All of the above Democrat initiatives make the following types of fraud easier, particularly when paired with chicanery at the polling site, such as banning poll-observers:

  • People voting using another person's ballot.
  • Postal workers backdating mailed in ballots.
  • Insiders obtaining and completing blank ballots en masse.
  • Repeatedly feeding the same ballots into voting machines.
  • Throwing out Trump votes.
  • Completing incomplete ballots.
  • Faking same-day registrations of non-existent voters.
  • Throwing out mail-in envelopes to make it impossible to winnow out fraudulent ballots.
  • Using Voting Machines Connected to the Internet making Tampering / Election Fraud possible

A guide to understanding election fraud in 2020
So this is yet another fantastic voyage where Democrats are shrunk to microscopic size and sent into voting machines to compromise voter integrity and win the election for Democrat candidates tonight at 8pm on the Movie Channel.

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