Democrats For The People

With respect to the 2022 mid-term elections, November 2 might prove to be a good lesson for Democrats.

Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger offered this piece of advice to the Democratic Party.

"Nobody elected him [Biden] to be F.D.R., they elected him to be normal and stop the chaos."

The Hill also had some advice for Democrats.

It said, "A poor night at the ballot box on Tuesday has left some Democrats questioning how best to move forward with President Biden’s spending plans and whether the party needs to refocus its agenda to win over voters."

Some "wondered if McAuliffe’s loss in a state Biden easily carried last year was a sign the party misread what moderate voters wanted when they put Democrats in office."

"Biden on Wednesday told reporters “people want us to get things done” and said lawmakers should have passed his agenda before Election Day, and Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), a former Virginia governor himself, told reporters the inability for the party to come to a compromise sooner hurt McAuliffe’s ability to sell his vision to voters," The Hill said.

But that might not be the problem at all. Perhaps the real problem facing Democrats is far different.

Consider this:

  • Congress passed -- and Biden signed into law -- the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.
  • The Senate passed -- and the House is debating -- a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal that would fund much-needed repairs and updates on roads and bridges (and the like).
  • Senate and House Democrats are considering a social safety net bill with an estimated price tag of $1.75 billion.
Total it up and you get almost $5 trillion in additional government spending in the first year of Biden's first term, to be disbursed over a decade. CNN

"The Biden view of the 2020 election was that the country was at a crisis moment -- created by the twin cataclysms of Donald Trump's presidency and a once-in-a-century pandemic -- and that he was elected to lead it through to the other side," CNN.

He may be right, but Tuesday indicates Biden may not be on the side of the angels.

"What Spanberger is suggesting is that Biden tried to govern like FDR -- massive government spending on huge social programs -- without FDR majorities or an FDR mandate from the public.

"Her belief is that Biden was NOT, in fact, elected to fundamentally reshape the country and the relationship its average citizen has (or wants) with the government. That he was actually elected to be a steady hand on the tiller -- in the wake of the Trump chaos -- and to steer the country, from a public health and economic perspective, back to some semblance of normal," again CNN.

And she may be right. The problem for Democrats -- and it is not just Virginia -- is that Tuesday is an indicator that she is.
President Biden signed this Executive Order:

Executive Order on a Sustainable Public Health Supply Chain

This authorizes the Defense Production of necessary PPE.

Did you know that we are basically totally dependent upon Vietnamese and Chinese companies for all our PPE? The inventor of the N95 mask, 3M Corporation, is the only U.S. manufacturer, and has a fraction of the market.

We have to change, folks. Joe Biden is the way.
Here it is Nov 2021-----and what has Biden done to change the supply chain for PPE and everything else? He's made it worse.
kaz: {sneaks up behind Smokin OP and whispers in his ear ... } ... Q
Smokin OP: {Screams and jumps eight feet into the air}
kaz: {laughs my ass off}

You're really into this Q thing whatever that is, LOL. What a jackass
Quit lying, you know it, moron.
Just like your dear leader.
Quit lying, you know it, moron.
Just like your dear leader.

You didn't say anything. Q is the dumbest shit of all. No one but you knows who they are or cares. Q is just a leftist boogie man

kaz: Q
Smokin Op: {jumps and hits his head on the ceiling}
kaz: Q
Smokin Op: {jumps and hits his head on the ceiling}
kaz: Q
Smokin Op: {jumps and hits his head on the ceiling}
kaz: Q
Smokin Op: {jumps and hits his head on the ceiling}

Hey, this is kind of fun, LOL
President Biden is going to give an update today on the Omicron variant and I'm 100% positive he's not going to say it will just disappear "like a miracle".
It’s time we start chronicling all the great things Democrats will be doing for the American people.

First up, Representative Katie Porter:

Who are you to deny social justice and allow a senior who can afford Plan B premiums get to avoid paying Part B premiums until after he gets sick? Is inot "fair" that he should get free stuff?

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