Democrats could misinterpret the Red Trickle

The takeaway is that the left will elect deceased and brain-dead shit missiles
When confronted with issues that needed to be addressed, RFK was fond of saying “Hang a lantern on your problem.” That's what Fetterman did by trusting that the voters of PA would see beyond his temporary impairment. He was rewarded for his faith in their judgement. The voters understood who had their best interests in mind and who did not. Now Oz can go back to defrauding the public by shilling for useless medical supplements.
Easy Vichy Mac.

Dems are not exactly giddy

We likely will hold the Senate but it is looking like the House is gone (although by a hair)

A GOP House is not a good thing and Dem voters know that
Not sure what the "Vichy" means, but the point is that if the Dems look at this as a mandate of any kind, they're making the same mistake that both parties keep making.
As much as I am enjoying drinking your Republican tears, Islamophobic Twat, think about what you just said.

The Youth Vote got out there and voted on abortion and student loan forgiveness. You know, ISSUES THAT ACTUALLY IMPACT THEIR LIVES!!!

Imagine, if you would, you are a new female college graduate with a boyfriend you aren't that sure about, but $100,000 in Student Debt that it will take you decades to pay back before you can even CONSIDER starting a family. And last month, you had a pregnancy scare because you missed a period.

Which party are you going to vote for... the one that is going to let the banks keep screwing you and not let you have access to family planning? That would be daft.
It’s the Democrat way….our public education indoctrination system has programmed our youth to be ignorant to REAL politics…they have programmed them to disregard real politics, to abandon any moral order and to ONLY vote on social issues…..In this case, free shit and baby killing prevailed.
You should be so proud…proud to stand at the forefront of the crusade to degrade America. Good job!

You entirely missed the point of my post.
1. The US is NOT a democracy, it is an oligarchy. The oligarchs determine who wins elections by throwing mass amounts of money to democrat candidates, and the MSM skews toward democrats by demonizing Republican candidates and praising democrat candidates.

2. Smart potential GOP candidates recognize the unfairness of the current oligarchy and see the futility of wasting time and money in such an unfair political process.

3. Our democracy is in danger, but NOT from Republicans, from the current MSM, oligarch, and "Deep State" apparatus that guarantees democrats an unfair advantage.

4. Trump has personality flaws, and as General Kelly said, "Trump is a very flawed man", as we saw by his J6 fiasco. I still say that Trump would have won in 2020 if he could "act" more presidential. His 1st debate debacle probably cost him the 2020 election.
More Republicans not wanting Trump to have a 2nd term is what lost Trump the election.

And even more Republicans not wanting more Republicans who do not care for them in Power, is what has led even more Republicans to vote the MAGA candidates out, and any other who did not represent their needs and of the country.
I think the GOP learns next to nothing from their red "trickle" down. :) Republicans look like they are going to take the House majority by a slim margin and the House Freedom Cucks are already making noises to McCarthy, threatening to derail his quest to be Speaker if he doesn't agree to multiple investigations including (surprisingly) Hunter Biden. So I expect the next two years will be filled with Republicans doing what they always do. Putting no substantive policies forward, waging culture wars, and going on a vendetta of congressional investigations which will go about as far as Benghazi did.

The final, bottom line here is that despite Tuesday's poor showing of the candidates he backed in swing states, Donald John Trump still exerts a vice like grip on the Republican party. The majority of GOP Trump. He will run in 2024. And will crush the likes of DeSantis, Youngkin, Haley, and anyone else who dares stand against him. His supporters will not abandon him. In fact, I predict they will double down on him. It doesn't matter that more and more Republicans are coming to the realization that this man has dragged them to the edge of ruin. It's too late. The time to reject him was the moment he stepped off the escalator in 2015.

I don't think any Democrat is taking Tuesday as a mandate. It looks like they've lost the House and will only hang on to the Senate by a fingernail. I think Democrats realize they were lucky to get out of Tuesday without being made completely irrelevant as party for the next decade.
So, you believe the proper Repub House speaker needs to stick his tongue up the opposing Prog party's butt. That is the proper civil way of the Repubs to genuflect to their masters. Repubs have been much more kind to Progs then the other way around.
The "system" began with Republicans abandoned the truth and started promoting the "urban" and "rural" divide when Reagan was disparaging the War on Poverty. It began when the Fairness Doctrine was allowed to expire and talk radio turned into "hate the left" radio. It was further exacerbated when Newt Gingerich was elected Speaker and began demonizinig and attacking the Clintons.

Last but certainly not least, the attacks on the left increased when FOX News started lying about everything the Democrats did. FOX News has been a corrosive and anti-democratic force in every nation where Rupert Murdoch has a strong foothold in the media.

Countries with a Murdoch owned television news network, have issues with racism, immigration, and lies about the left. Countries with no Murdoch owned media have an better informed electorate, who don't believe lies or misinformation.
Spot on in every regard. Imagine a world where the Fairness Doctrine had not be repealed and Faux was forced to allow their disinformation to be debunked in real time. Or MSNBC had alternative voices on the air to counter their perspective. The country would be so much better off.
It’s the Democrat way….our public education indoctrination system has programmed our youth to be ignorant to REAL politics…they have programmed them to disregard real politics, to abandon any moral order and to ONLY vote on social issues…..In this case, free shit and baby killing prevailed.
You should be so proud…proud to stand at the forefront of the crusade to degrade America. Good job!

Your way of thinking is exactly what made the young voters and many others vote for Democrats.

They do not like being condescended upon.
No that's not why.

They turned out the youth vote on abortion and college loan forgiveness.

Looking at the CNN numbers this morning, I am hoping against hope that the Democrats take a clean sweep. They deserve it. We deserve it. The idiots who voted on abortion and college loan forgiveness deserve it.

I can't wait to see Dems deal with an emboldened, yet demented Joe Biden.
Great analysis and points SweetSue92
This is well summarized and stated
May I quote you on this?

Both key issues you cite do NOT belong in Federal Govt.
That is largely why Conservatives cannot address them
through Govt, and Liberals require representation that believes in managing these issues through Govt.

The representation shifts to Statism candidates because Liberals depend on Govt for these issues and rights.
And the "votes against Liberal Statism in Govt"
hoover around 50% against vs 50% for

That is why I believe the correct response to this trend
Is to demand and enforce a separation of Internal social and domestic "public welfare" policies through a separately elected representative system (that allows optional and relative tax credits and funding by party proportional to the populations of each state district per party precinct and national/statewide party platforms that are treated as internal "political religions and creeds" that govt cannot regulate or mandate nor prohibit) -- from external public policies limited and defined specifically in the Constitution which require consensus to be enforced as mandatory and paid for with agreed system of flat fixed taxes such as on land which can be quantified objectively and uniformly.

To this end, I asked members of the Green, Libertarian, Georgist and Constitutional Parties to co write a petition including both a Vote of No Confidence and three proposed reforms for studying :
1. Preferential voting including the option of adding none of the above as a first, second or third choice, so losing votes do not necessarily go to other parties unless specifically approved by the Voter in order of preference. This way Voters vote Yes, No, and specify alternative choices as well.
2. Proportional representation by party, using both party precincts to set up cooperative based democratic representation, governance, and economic support so that people can represent and fund their own party platforms and policies, and electoral college districts to manage public policy to reflect consensus by the people per district, state and national levels. (I also suggest organizing interparty councils for mediating conflicts and communicating agreed position statements to media and govt to facilitate the democratic process of formal legislation and legal, judicial and Constitutional Convention proceedings so these are based on consensus where the policy affects the entire public)
3. Segregation of Internal and External administrations and jurisdiction, by separate means of representation and taxation, where uniform policies paid by mandatory taxes must be based on consensus, and anything subjective and not agreed upon is reverted back to states or parties to manage locally through the interparty councils to facilitate to determine which people or groups per district and state agree to fund and follow which political beliefs and policies that align with their respective creeds, BEFORE submitting consensus based position statements to the internal and external elected administrations to follow in order for the government process and policies to reflect the representation and consent of the people.

I am working on drafts of both the "Vote of No Confidence" which may differ for each of 5 major party divisions in Texas and the proposed reforms, and require multiple websites for each political group (Republican, Democratic, Green, Libertarian and Independent/Other/None of the Above including Constitutional Party, Natural Law Party, Tea Party/SAM/Forward Party, Christian/Anarchist, Communist/Socialist etc. for those who prefer not to associate or rely on the other 4 major Parties for representation and/or need "Direct Representation" in addition to other representation).

But just posting this and asking people to collaborate on public statements is enough to get the reformed representation started, as organized by likeminded groups and creeds.

Thank you and please advise about citing your assessment of the situation. I think these points you make are perfect!

In the meantime I will cite your message here on USMB as the source. Thank you SweetSue92 !
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When confronted with issues that needed to be addressed, RFK was fond of saying “Hang a lantern on your problem.” That's what Fetterman did by trusting that the voters of PA would see beyond his temporary impairment. He was rewarded for his faith in their judgement. The voters understood who had their best interests in mind and who did not. Now Oz can go back to defrauding the public by shilling for useless medical supplements.
'Preciate the laugh. I get it, Oz was a horrible candidate. But Uncle Fester is a fucking vegetable that should be in hospice care. The other guy they elected was ACTUALLY dead, not just brain dead. Been dead for a month.

I don't want to share a border with filthy, dumb animals like that. I'm on firm ground here.

Not sure what the "Vichy" means, but the point is that if the Dems look at this as a mandate of any kind, they're making the same mistake that both parties keep making.

Come on, Mac, I've been calling you Vichy Mac for years... it's why you have me on ignore. That and I keep spanking you every time you are fool enough to engage me. So I can see why you stopped.

It’s the Democrat way….our public education indoctrination system has programmed our youth to be ignorant to REAL politics…they have programmed them to disregard real politics, to abandon any moral order and to ONLY vote on social issues…..In this case, free shit and baby killing prevailed.
You should be so proud…proud to stand at the forefront of the crusade to degrade America. Good job!

Actually, they are just in tune on economic issues.

Imagine, if you would, a 25 year old woman who just graduated from college and is doing her first job, walking around with $65,000 in Student Loan Debt. She's in a relationship with a guy she isn't entirely sure is good father material yet. Then she has a pregnancy scare!

The Republican will lecture her sternly that she shouldn't have taken on that debt and she shouldn't be having sex outside of marriage.

The Democrat will actually try to help her with that debt and make sure she has easy access to family planning.
So, you believe the proper Repub House speaker needs to stick his tongue up the opposing Prog party's butt. That is the proper civil way of the Repubs to genuflect to their masters. Repubs have been much more kind to Progs then the other way around.
And you say this in all seriousness. Regardless of the fact that Republicans have mostly refused, not all and not always...gladly, to vote everything the Democrats bring to the table.....down.

Republicans have been kind?

The Militias have been kind?

All the Democrats and Republicans being threatened by Republican leaning voters, who ended up having to give up their jobs......Oh, yes, the Republicans have been much nicer.
So, you believe the proper Repub House speaker needs to stick his tongue up the opposing Prog party's butt. That is the proper civil way of the Repubs to genuflect to their masters. Repubs have been much more kind to Progs then the other way around.
If Republicans are to have any hope at the WH in 2024 and a shot of taking back the Senate and keeping their House majority, they have to GOVERN. Meaning, they have to put forth policy that will help the voters they so foolishly overlooked on Tuesday. They need to give up trying to wage culture wars that force their minority values and beliefs on a majority of voters. And they will also need to ignore the fringe elements of their caucus (The House Freedom Cucks) and not descend into multiple revenge vendetta investigations.

If they have control of the House, they don't need to court ANY Democrat if they don't want to. But, if it descends into chaos (like I believe it will) and they are seen as ineffective, then 2022 will seem like a hugely missed opportunity for Republicans. And they will take it on the chin in 2024.
More Republicans not wanting Trump to have a 2nd term is what lost Trump the election.

And even more Republicans not wanting more Republicans who do not care for them in Power, is what has led even more Republicans to vote the MAGA candidates out, and any other who did not represent their needs and of the country.
People were voting for the freedoms we have left when they voted so called MAGA. It is just your side that says the opposite. We were shown what totalitarianism is during COVID. Front and center. The January 6 event that was purposely turned into an Insurrection conviction as the despots in power will have none of it. D.C. was shut down tighter than a banana republic capital. When freedoms decline, the real power takes the ones making a point and brings them to ridicule and destruction. Biden is not the President. He is a tyrant who works for the Globalists.
You have already bought into "single Republican women" came out in droves?

It was more like single, married, divorced, widowed women.

AND....Husbands, fathers, brothers, sons as well.
No matter what they say, dont count on pussywhipped lib men

Because no one knows what they do in the privacy of the voting booth
RvW and tuition forgiveness were nice little issues to get way more voters thinking about self interest over country. Also, the people of Arizona seem to love their open border, good for them.

America will be more vulnerable and susceptible to foreign influence, it's why foreign governments and media celebrate Dem victories, especially in NY, Cali and the always reliable D.C.

I said when Trump lost that the FBI and CIA would have an increased issue with National Security threats and compromised agents. I'd love to see the data on those who they have caught (some they haven't of course) to compare between 2019 and 2021.

America has been freed from Conservative tyranny and a MAGA nightmare

God Bless America!
I'm seeing a lot of barely-hidden glee from the Left over the most successful mid-term performance of a party in power in decades. Given the stakes, I can certainly understand that. But at the same time, it would be stupid for them to draw any long-term conclusions from this.
Are you proud of the American voters ignorance?
They voted to kill the unborn and for free shit…they voted for an economy on the brink of disaster, they voted for 8% inflation, for $5 fuel, for Gov forced vaccinations, for 5 million illegal beaners, for fucked foreign relations, for nuclear disaster.
The primary reason the Dems did so well was not because they have a vice-like grip on the issues, or because their positions on the cultural issues in particular are representative of Americans across the country. It's far more because they had the good fortune of running against an embarrassing clan of clowns, buffoons, frauds and ignoramuses.
This “clan of clowns” you speak of…are you referring to all those barely legal anchor babies here on stolen citizenships down on the Tex / Mex border that didn’t win or are you referring to FetterWoman?
This election had nothing to do with “poor candidates”… had everything to do with an ignorant as fuck electorate.
There are plenty of smart people left in the GQP, and there's a pretty good chance they're going to learn from this catastrophic wasted opportunity. I'd guess they've learned not to run people like they did. And if the Dems take this as some kind of mandate or confirmation, they're asking for trouble. America is not on a wing, it's across a broad spectrum between the wings.
Wrong again….the nation is comprised of two types…..Change America / Hate America ignorant filth and Save America / Protect America patriots….our schools, media and social media are winning as they’ve been able to harvest and manufacture far more filth.
My old man always said….”one day the United States will have far too many ignorant people residing within and they will vote the nation to it’s demise.”
He appears to have been spot on.
A GOP controlled House is a good thing because it will cause gridlock.

It is all they are capable of

They bitch about inflation, gas prices, the border…

But when they are given a chance to actually do anything about it, all they do is block Democrats

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