Democrats can't prove Rittenhouse is a white supremacist

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Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Democrats can't prove Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.

This coming from the judge who oversaw the case and ABC news that is in love with the DNC, yet the President of the United States and the entire DNC claims the teenage boy is a racist and white supremacist.

There is no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse has ever affiliated himself with racist groups, no evidence of hateful rhetoric on social media, and the teenager only shot white men who approached him to attack him. That is called defamation, and the teenager sure as hell better sue everyone he can, including the President for it. Hopefully the lad is not murdered along with his family because of such inciteful rhetoric from the President, the media, and entire DNC.

Also, the President of the United States should not be injecting his opinions on a court case that is underway or any court case for that matter, unless he wants to influence a decision by the jury. Why can't dementia Joe just hide in his basement the way he did before the election?

Who here is OK with the President of the United States commenting on a court case that might sway a result? Anyone?

This whole notion that Kyle Rittenhouse, along with the entire rigged judicial system is racist, is akin to conservatives claiming elections are rigged. If so, where is the evidence that proves this? I have actually seen evidence that the elections might have been tampered with, but no proof. Evidence that the elections were tampered with includes this article.

To date, though, I have not seen any evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist, let alone proof, yet the Left thinks it is Ok to scream to "blow up society" because of this alleged systemic racism, much like some conservatives want to "blow up" the election process because of it allegedly being rigged. Can anyone provide any?

In truth, neither side cares about proving anything. They just want their way and to hell with everything around them.

The difference though is, once these "protests" occur because of a election result, or because of a white police officer shooting a black man, one side is allowed to protest and cause loss of life and property it seems and the other is not. You can even be a white woman unarmed in the Capital and be shot dead by a black police officer, with no mention of the police officers name in the news, no mention of possible racism being the cause, and no subsequent death threats towards the officer and his family or even an investigation into it. However, on the streets of America this is not the case as we see with Kyle Rittenhouse even though Kyle only shot white men who were chasing him down and assaulting him. Imagine that, a boy with a gun is being chased down by angry protestors, so we are to believe he wanted to gun them all down? LOL. Or as we saw with the police officer in Columbus Ohio, all you have to do is to shoot dead a black person who has a weapon trying to kill another black person and you will be declared a racist by the media with Lebron Tweeting your name and address and that "You are next" with no blow back. Such threats to murdering people are perfectly fine in our PC culture. But this is avoided for police officers who protect the PC elite, no matter if they are in the Capital or elsewhere, much like the Mayor of Chicago defunds her own police, but only to increase police presence on her own street to keep herself safe while the rest of the city burns.

I suppose all the Left has is the racist history of the US to feed off of, while they use it as kindling to burn the rest of the country to the ground. Even when a nation elects a black man twice as President, and then elects a black to the Oval Office once more, we must all continue to declare that the country is still systemically racist as it ever was and demand our way or to hell with everything. In fact, we must continue pretending millions of white did not fight a bloody battle over ending slavery, pretending that Jim Crow laws were not done away with, and pretending that the Civil Rights legislation was ever passed. Those events apparently were just diversions to make us think that they country is still just as systemically racist as it ever was.

Not everyone who disagrees with the DNC, or owns an AR 15 is systemically racist and/or a white supremacist.

But this is how everything in the news is portrayed now. In fact, ask a democrat about any subject, such as Covid or global warming, and they will tell you that Covid is really a racist virus, and that global warming is harming blacks more than whites while it allegedly is destroying the entire world. Buy hey, in a world where math itself is racist, is it any wonder?
White = Supremacist.

Black too sometimes.


This is who the Left has declared is the face of white supremacy.

Conservative blacks are treated far worse than conservative whites or even orange people.

You would think that the Left would cheer more black faces in the GOP, but as we see them chase down this black man in an ape suit throwing rotten eggs at him, they do not. In reality, diversity within their rival political party is their worst nightmare.
Speaking as a leftist, we prefer to displace responsibility from thugs in the name of RACISM because we hope they can destroy themselves from within and take the rest of us with them. The weaker a nation is the more communism becomes a certainty.

How do you guys like the way the left is using the racism theme when the guys shot were white :abgg2q.jpg: I'll bet if they conducted a poll a good portion of the people think they were black. Shit I had to take a double-take myself. Fuck if you don't recognize the left now you may never will.

People are paying attention.

Let's Go Brandon.

Democrats can't prove Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.

This coming from the judge who oversaw the case and ABC news that is in love with the DNC, yet the President of the United States and the entire DNC claims the teenage boy is a racist and white supremacist.

There is no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse has ever affiliated himself with racist groups, no evidence of hateful rhetoric on social media, and the teenager only shot white men who approached him to attack him. That is called defamation, and the teenager sure as hell better sue everyone he can, including the President for it. Hopefully the lad is not murdered along with his family because of such inciteful rhetoric from the President, the media, and entire DNC.

Also, the President of the United States should not be injecting his opinions on a court case that is underway or any court case for that matter, unless he wants to influence a decision by the jury. Why can't dementia Joe just hide in his basement the way he did before the election?

Who here is OK with the President of the United States commenting on a court case that might sway a result? Anyone?

This whole notion that Kyle Rittenhouse, along with the entire rigged judicial system is racist, is akin to conservatives claiming elections are rigged. If so, where is the evidence that proves this? I have actually seen evidence that the elections might have been tampered with, but no proof. Evidence that the elections were tampered with includes this article.

To date, though, I have not seen any evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist, let alone proof, yet the Left thinks it is Ok to scream to "blow up society" because of this alleged systemic racism, much like some conservatives want to "blow up" the election process because of it allegedly being rigged. Can anyone provide any?

In truth, neither side cares about proving anything. They just want their way and to hell with everything around them.

The difference though is, once these "protests" occur because of a election result, or because of a white police officer shooting a black man, one side is allowed to protest and cause loss of life and property it seems and the other is not. You can even be a white woman unarmed in the Capital and be shot dead by a black police officer, with no mention of the police officers name in the news, no mention of possible racism being the cause, and no subsequent death threats towards the officer and his family or even an investigation into it. However, on the streets of America this is not the case as we see with Kyle Rittenhouse even though Kyle only shot white men who were chasing him down and assaulting him. Imagine that, a boy with a gun is being chased down by angry protestors, so we are to believe he wanted to gun them all down? LOL. Or as we saw with the police officer in Columbus Ohio, all you have to do is to shoot dead a black person who has a weapon trying to kill another black person and you will be declared a racist by the media with Lebron Tweeting your name and address and that "You are next" with no blow back. Such threats to murdering people are perfectly fine in our PC culture. But this is avoided for police officers who protect the PC elite, no matter if they are in the Capital or elsewhere, much like the Mayor of Chicago defunds her own police, but only to increase police presence on her own street to keep herself safe while the rest of the city burns.

I suppose all the Left has is the racist history of the US to feed off of, while they use it as kindling to burn the rest of the country to the ground. Even when a nation elects a black man twice as President, and then elects a black to the Oval Office once more, we must all continue to declare that the country is still systemically racist as it ever was and demand our way or to hell with everything. In fact, we must continue pretending millions of white did not fight a bloody battle over ending slavery, pretending that Jim Crow laws were not done away with, and pretending that the Civil Rights legislation was ever passed. Those events apparently were just diversions to make us think that they country is still just as systemically racist as it ever was.

Not everyone who disagrees with the DNC, or owns an AR 15 is systemically racist and/or a white supremacist.

But this is how everything in the news is portrayed now. In fact, ask a democrat about any subject, such as Covid or global warming, and they will tell you that Covid is really a racist virus, and that global warming is harming blacks more than whites while it allegedly is destroying the entire world. Buy hey, in a world where math itself is racist, is it any wonder?

They have been TRAINED to THINK, that if your white and carrying a rifle... it must mean your a white supremacist.
The press in Europe and Brazil were reporting until late last week that the three who were shot by Kyle were Black...they said they got that from watching the legacy media in the know our built in enemy of freedom....we need to put working men and women back in the news reporting business and dump the elites...they are paid too damn much for them to stay in touch with working class Americans....

Democrats can't prove Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.

This coming from the judge who oversaw the case and ABC news that is in love with the DNC, yet the President of the United States and the entire DNC claims the teenage boy is a racist and white supremacist.

There is no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse has ever affiliated himself with racist groups, no evidence of hateful rhetoric on social media, and the teenager only shot white men who approached him to attack him. That is called defamation, and the teenager sure as hell better sue everyone he can, including the President for it. Hopefully the lad is not murdered along with his family because of such inciteful rhetoric from the President, the media, and entire DNC.

Also, the President of the United States should not be injecting his opinions on a court case that is underway or any court case for that matter, unless he wants to influence a decision by the jury. Why can't dementia Joe just hide in his basement the way he did before the election?

Who here is OK with the President of the United States commenting on a court case that might sway a result? Anyone?

This whole notion that Kyle Rittenhouse, along with the entire rigged judicial system is racist, is akin to conservatives claiming elections are rigged. If so, where is the evidence that proves this? I have actually seen evidence that the elections might have been tampered with, but no proof. Evidence that the elections were tampered with includes this article.

To date, though, I have not seen any evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist, let alone proof, yet the Left thinks it is Ok to scream to "blow up society" because of this alleged systemic racism, much like some conservatives want to "blow up" the election process because of it allegedly being rigged. Can anyone provide any?

In truth, neither side cares about proving anything. They just want their way and to hell with everything around them.

The difference though is, once these "protests" occur because of a election result, or because of a white police officer shooting a black man, one side is allowed to protest and cause loss of life and property it seems and the other is not. You can even be a white woman unarmed in the Capital and be shot dead by a black police officer, with no mention of the police officers name in the news, no mention of possible racism being the cause, and no subsequent death threats towards the officer and his family or even an investigation into it. However, on the streets of America this is not the case as we see with Kyle Rittenhouse even though Kyle only shot white men who were chasing him down and assaulting him. Imagine that, a boy with a gun is being chased down by angry protestors, so we are to believe he wanted to gun them all down? LOL. Or as we saw with the police officer in Columbus Ohio, all you have to do is to shoot dead a black person who has a weapon trying to kill another black person and you will be declared a racist by the media with Lebron Tweeting your name and address and that "You are next" with no blow back. Such threats to murdering people are perfectly fine in our PC culture. But this is avoided for police officers who protect the PC elite, no matter if they are in the Capital or elsewhere, much like the Mayor of Chicago defunds her own police, but only to increase police presence on her own street to keep herself safe while the rest of the city burns.

I suppose all the Left has is the racist history of the US to feed off of, while they use it as kindling to burn the rest of the country to the ground. Even when a nation elects a black man twice as President, and then elects a black to the Oval Office once more, we must all continue to declare that the country is still systemically racist as it ever was and demand our way or to hell with everything. In fact, we must continue pretending millions of white did not fight a bloody battle over ending slavery, pretending that Jim Crow laws were not done away with, and pretending that the Civil Rights legislation was ever passed. Those events apparently were just diversions to make us think that they country is still just as systemically racist as it ever was.

Not everyone who disagrees with the DNC, or owns an AR 15 is systemically racist and/or a white supremacist.

But this is

how everything in the news is portrayed now. In fact, ask a democrat about any subject, such as Covid or global warming, and they will tell you that Covid is really a racist virus, and that global warming is harming blacks more than whites while it allegedly is destroying the entire world. Buy hey, in a world where math itself is racist, is it any wonder?
We don't think he's a WS.

It’s why police officer Rusten Sheskey was not charged with a crime for shooting Jacob Blake seven times in the back and the side. Blake’s pocketknife made Sheskey fear for his life, but Rittenhouse was allowed to waltz past officersfrom the same police department carrying a killing machine during chaotic protests. They did not see the gun-toting teenager as a threat. He is not Black. He was not scary.

It is reasonable to assume that police fear for their lives when they detain Black suspects. It is reasonable for conservatives to assume that Black voters will upset the political equilibrium if they are not systemically suppressed. And yes, it was reasonable to believe that Kyle Rittenhouse’s white jurors would grant him the privilege of self-defense.

The Rittenhouse verdict is proof that it is reasonable to believe that the fear of Black people can absolve a white person of any crime.
We don't think he's a WS.

It’s why police officer Rusten Sheskey was not charged with a crime for shooting Jacob Blake seven times in the back and the side. Blake’s pocketknife made Sheskey fear for his life, but Rittenhouse was allowed to waltz past officersfrom the same police department carrying a killing machine during chaotic protests. They did not see the gun-toting teenager as a threat. He is not Black. He was not scary.

It is reasonable to assume that police fear for their lives when they detain Black suspects. It is reasonable for conservatives to assume that Black voters will upset the political equilibrium if they are not systemically suppressed. And yes, it was reasonable to believe that Kyle Rittenhouse’s white jurors would grant him the privilege of self-defense.

The Rittenhouse verdict is proof that it is reasonable to believe that the fear of Black people can absolve a white person of any crime.
Unsurprisingly, nothing of what you said is reasonable.

Democrats can't prove Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.

This coming from the judge who oversaw the case and ABC news that is in love with the DNC, yet the President of the United States and the entire DNC claims the teenage boy is a racist and white supremacist.

There is no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse has ever affiliated himself with racist groups, no evidence of hateful rhetoric on social media, and the teenager only shot white men who approached him to attack him. That is called defamation, and the teenager sure as hell better sue everyone he can, including the President for it. Hopefully the lad is not murdered along with his family because of such inciteful rhetoric from the President, the media, and entire DNC.

Also, the President of the United States should not be injecting his opinions on a court case that is underway or any court case for that matter, unless he wants to influence a decision by the jury. Why can't dementia Joe just hide in his basement the way he did before the election?

Who here is OK with the President of the United States commenting on a court case that might sway a result? Anyone?

This whole notion that Kyle Rittenhouse, along with the entire rigged judicial system is racist, is akin to conservatives claiming elections are rigged. If so, where is the evidence that proves this? I have actually seen evidence that the elections might have been tampered with, but no proof. Evidence that the elections were tampered with includes this article.

To date, though, I have not seen any evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist, let alone proof, yet the Left thinks it is Ok to scream to "blow up society" because of this alleged systemic racism, much like some conservatives want to "blow up" the election process because of it allegedly being rigged. Can anyone provide any?

In truth, neither side cares about proving anything. They just want their way and to hell with everything around them.

The difference though is, once these "protests" occur because of a election result, or because of a white police officer shooting a black man, one side is allowed to protest and cause loss of life and property it seems and the other is not. You can even be a white woman unarmed in the Capital and be shot dead by a black police officer, with no mention of the police officers name in the news, no mention of possible racism being the cause, and no subsequent death threats towards the officer and his family or even an investigation into it. However, on the streets of America this is not the case as we see with Kyle Rittenhouse even though Kyle only shot white men who were chasing him down and assaulting him. Imagine that, a boy with a gun is being chased down by angry protestors, so we are to believe he wanted to gun them all down? LOL. Or as we saw with the police officer in Columbus Ohio, all you have to do is to shoot dead a black person who has a weapon trying to kill another black person and you will be declared a racist by the media with Lebron Tweeting your name and address and that "You are next" with no blow back. Such threats to murdering people are perfectly fine in our PC culture. But this is avoided for police officers who protect the PC elite, no matter if they are in the Capital or elsewhere, much like the Mayor of Chicago defunds her own police, but only to increase police presence on her own street to keep herself safe while the rest of the city burns.

I suppose all the Left has is the racist history of the US to feed off of, while they use it as kindling to burn the rest of the country to the ground. Even when a nation elects a black man twice as President, and then elects a black to the Oval Office once more, we must all continue to declare that the country is still systemically racist as it ever was and demand our way or to hell with everything. In fact, we must continue pretending millions of white did not fight a bloody battle over ending slavery, pretending that Jim Crow laws were not done away with, and pretending that the Civil Rights legislation was ever passed. Those events apparently were just diversions to make us think that they country is still just as systemically racist as it ever was.

Not everyone who disagrees with the DNC, or owns an AR 15 is systemically racist and/or a white supremacist.

But this is how everything in the news is portrayed now. In fact, ask a democrat about any subject, such as Covid or global warming, and they will tell you that Covid is really a racist virus, and that global warming is harming blacks more than whites while it allegedly is destroying the entire world. Buy hey, in a world where math itself is racist, is it any wonder?

Trump is no longer president. The Rittenhouse shooting happened when Trump was in office.

It's just a lie that Dems claim covid is racist or that global warming is harming more blacks... a very stupid lie.

BLM Burns Down Mostly Black Neighborhood in Kenosha ...
But the rioters who claimed that they care about black lives? They burnt down much of area that was largely black-owned businesses, according to Reuters. Arsonists set several buildings ablaze and torched much of the Black business district in a second night of unrest in the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, triggered by the wounding of a Black man ...

Democrats can't prove Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.

This coming from the judge who oversaw the case and ABC news that is in love with the DNC, yet the President of the United States and the entire DNC claims the teenage boy is a racist and white supremacist.

There is no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse has ever affiliated himself with racist groups, no evidence of hateful rhetoric on social media, and the teenager only shot white men who approached him to attack him. That is called defamation, and the teenager sure as hell better sue everyone he can, including the President for it. Hopefully the lad is not murdered along with his family because of such inciteful rhetoric from the President, the media, and entire DNC.

Also, the President of the United States should not be injecting his opinions on a court case that is underway or any court case for that matter, unless he wants to influence a decision by the jury. Why can't dementia Joe just hide in his basement the way he did before the election?

Who here is OK with the President of the United States commenting on a court case that might sway a result? Anyone?

This whole notion that Kyle Rittenhouse, along with the entire rigged judicial system is racist, is akin to conservatives claiming elections are rigged. If so, where is the evidence that proves this? I have actually seen evidence that the elections might have been tampered with, but no proof. Evidence that the elections were tampered with includes this article.

To date, though, I have not seen any evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist, let alone proof, yet the Left thinks it is Ok to scream to "blow up society" because of this alleged systemic racism, much like some conservatives want to "blow up" the election process because of it allegedly being rigged. Can anyone provide any?

In truth, neither side cares about proving anything. They just want their way and to hell with everything around them.

The difference though is, once these "protests" occur because of a election result, or because of a white police officer shooting a black man, one side is allowed to protest and cause loss of life and property it seems and the other is not. You can even be a white woman unarmed in the Capital and be shot dead by a black police officer, with no mention of the police officers name in the news, no mention of possible racism being the cause, and no subsequent death threats towards the officer and his family or even an investigation into it. However, on the streets of America this is not the case as we see with Kyle Rittenhouse even though Kyle only shot white men who were chasing him down and assaulting him. Imagine that, a boy with a gun is being chased down by angry protestors, so we are to believe he wanted to gun them all down? LOL. Or as we saw with the police officer in Columbus Ohio, all you have to do is to shoot dead a black person who has a weapon trying to kill another black person and you will be declared a racist by the media with Lebron Tweeting your name and address and that "You are next" with no blow back. Such threats to murdering people are perfectly fine in our PC culture. But this is avoided for police officers who protect the PC elite, no matter if they are in the Capital or elsewhere, much like the Mayor of Chicago defunds her own police, but only to increase police presence on her own street to keep herself safe while the rest of the city burns.

I suppose all the Left has is the racist history of the US to feed off of, while they use it as kindling to burn the rest of the country to the ground. Even when a nation elects a black man twice as President, and then elects a black to the Oval Office once more, we must all continue to declare that the country is still systemically racist as it ever was and demand our way or to hell with everything. In fact, we must continue pretending millions of white did not fight a bloody battle over ending slavery, pretending that Jim Crow laws were not done away with, and pretending that the Civil Rights legislation was ever passed. Those events apparently were just diversions to make us think that they country is still just as systemically racist as it ever was.

Not everyone who disagrees with the DNC, or owns an AR 15 is systemically racist and/or a white supremacist.

But this is how everything in the news is portrayed now. In fact, ask a democrat about any subject, such as Covid or global warming, and they will tell you that Covid is really a racist virus, and that global warming is harming blacks more than whites while it allegedly is destroying the entire world. Buy hey, in a world where math itself is racist, is it any wonder?
I don’t know he affiliates with but I know full well he’s piece of shit, dim-witted, douche bag.

Democrats can't prove Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.

This coming from the judge who oversaw the case and ABC news that is in love with the DNC, yet the President of the United States and the entire DNC claims the teenage boy is a racist and white supremacist.

There is no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse has ever affiliated himself with racist groups, no evidence of hateful rhetoric on social media, and the teenager only shot white men who approached him to attack him. That is called defamation, and the teenager sure as hell better sue everyone he can, including the President for it. Hopefully the lad is not murdered along with his family because of such inciteful rhetoric from the President, the media, and entire DNC.

Also, the President of the United States should not be injecting his opinions on a court case that is underway or any court case for that matter, unless he wants to influence a decision by the jury. Why can't dementia Joe just hide in his basement the way he did before the election?

Who here is OK with the President of the United States commenting on a court case that might sway a result? Anyone?

This whole notion that Kyle Rittenhouse, along with the entire rigged judicial system is racist, is akin to conservatives claiming elections are rigged. If so, where is the evidence that proves this? I have actually seen evidence that the elections might have been tampered with, but no proof. Evidence that the elections were tampered with includes this article.

To date, though, I have not seen any evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist, let alone proof, yet the Left thinks it is Ok to scream to "blow up society" because of this alleged systemic racism, much like some conservatives want to "blow up" the election process because of it allegedly being rigged. Can anyone provide any?

In truth, neither side cares about proving anything. They just want their way and to hell with everything around them.

The difference though is, once these "protests" occur because of a election result, or because of a white police officer shooting a black man, one side is allowed to protest and cause loss of life and property it seems and the other is not. You can even be a white woman unarmed in the Capital and be shot dead by a black police officer, with no mention of the police officers name in the news, no mention of possible racism being the cause, and no subsequent death threats towards the officer and his family or even an investigation into it. However, on the streets of America this is not the case as we see with Kyle Rittenhouse even though Kyle only shot white men who were chasing him down and assaulting him. Imagine that, a boy with a gun is being chased down by angry protestors, so we are to believe he wanted to gun them all down? LOL. Or as we saw with the police officer in Columbus Ohio, all you have to do is to shoot dead a black person who has a weapon trying to kill another black person and you will be declared a racist by the media with Lebron Tweeting your name and address and that "You are next" with no blow back. Such threats to murdering people are perfectly fine in our PC culture. But this is avoided for police officers who protect the PC elite, no matter if they are in the Capital or elsewhere, much like the Mayor of Chicago defunds her own police, but only to increase police presence on her own street to keep herself safe while the rest of the city burns.

I suppose all the Left has is the racist history of the US to feed off of, while they use it as kindling to burn the rest of the country to the ground. Even when a nation elects a black man twice as President, and then elects a black to the Oval Office once more, we must all continue to declare that the country is still systemically racist as it ever was and demand our way or to hell with everything. In fact, we must continue pretending millions of white did not fight a bloody battle over ending slavery, pretending that Jim Crow laws were not done away with, and pretending that the Civil Rights legislation was ever passed. Those events apparently were just diversions to make us think that they country is still just as systemically racist as it ever was.

Not everyone who disagrees with the DNC, or owns an AR 15 is systemically racist and/or a white supremacist.

But this is how everything in the news is portrayed now. In fact, ask a democrat about any subject, such as Covid or global warming, and they will tell you that Covid is really a racist virus, and that global warming is harming blacks more than whites while it allegedly is destroying the entire world. Buy hey, in a world where math itself is racist, is it any wonder?
The photos of him with Proud Boy members, he was obviously thrilled by them / inspired by them ( if not an actual member ).
This kid was an idiot !
It might not be over yet. A civil case with a sane judge would allow all that evidence, and have a lower bar of proof. OJ got off in his criminal trial, but was assessed 33 million in a civil case. The crazies have already given him more than two million, so a civil case might be worthwhile. No amount of money will bring the dead back, but it would be a travesty for that murderer to get rich as well as get off from the criminal case.
It might not be over yet. A civil case with a sane judge would allow all that evidence, and have a lower bar of proof. OJ got off in his criminal trial, but was assessed 33 million in a civil case. The crazies have already given him more than two million, so a civil case might be worthwhile. No amount of money will bring the dead back, but it would be a travesty for that murderer to get rich as well as get off from the criminal case.
I totally agree.
The press in Europe and Brazil were reporting until late last week that the three who were shot by Kyle were Black...they said they got that from watching the legacy media in the know our built in enemy of freedom....we need to put working men and women back in the news reporting business and dump the elites...they are paid too damn much for them to stay in touch with working class Americans....

That's fucking CLASSIC. It's cuz AOC and them told them so. Again, if a guy doesn't recognize the left for who they are now they may never will.
It might not be over yet. A civil case with a sane judge would allow all that evidence, and have a lower bar of proof. OJ got off in his criminal trial, but was assessed 33 million in a civil case. The crazies have already given him more than two million, so a civil case might be worthwhile. No amount of money will bring the dead back, but it would be a travesty for that murderer to get rich as well as get off from the criminal case.

Who is the murderer and why are you comparing OJ to Rittenhouse?
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