Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It

And what of Joe Pedophile Biteme? Oh I forgot, you are so delusional to think Democrats are pure and holy, that they could never do wrong. So once Trump pulls a Grover Cleveland, then all bets are off and Democrats will finally get the punishment they richly deserve.
No. The Dems are not perfect but the GOP is batshit crazy. Trump's days of pulling shit are over. We've seen to that.
The charges are real and they will stick. Trump deserves all of it and then some. His lies and criminal actions did great damage to America.
Biden's open border has done more damage than any president in our history. He should be executed for that alone. Every American will pay for Biden's open border, until it is stopped.
Perhaps in his next lifetime your Orange Con-Man won't summon, ,incite and aim an Insurrectionist mob against Congress.
Criminal sentences can be fast tracked with the charge of terrorists or insurrectionist. Progs keep breaching new lows. They know it. In their chambers when locked they are laughing. Joe checking his watch on the tarmac after killing 13 military personnel tells you what they are. Hammer and sickles are our future.
The people deserve to see this trial before they vote.

Anyone who thinks differently is afraid of what they’re going to find out.
Please Please Pleeeeaaaseeeee televise every single second of the trial. The public definitely needs to see the prosecutions case. It will be hilarious.
Criminal sentences can be fast tracked with the charge of terrorists or insurrectionist. Progs keep breaching new lows. They know it. In their chambers when locked they are laughing. Joe checking his watch on the tarmac after killing 13 military personnel tells you what they are. Hammer and sickles are our future.
Calm yourself... dump your Orange Albatross and many of us will stand alongside you again... he's no Savior... he's a Con-Man.
Lookie what we have hear. Another wanna be lawyer that wants to try this on a message board. Not gonna fall for that, dipshit. I'm not going to get into some discussion with somebody that doesnt even dwell in reality who can say whatever they like on a message board. Cant do that in a court of law, buddy. But you'll find that out as these trials progress.
Of course you're not going to 'get into some discussion' because you're bereft of anything logical or provable. You'd rather call me names than actually back up your fake bullshit that you get from a fake bullshit indictment built on nothing but lawfare. The elector indictment has no real evidence and I proved it to you. You're just too fucking stupid and full of leftist propaganda to see it.
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No, I am right. This is why the Democrat party needs to be destroyed. You are the enemy.
Sure. Don't get yourself all worked up again.
Of course you're not going to 'get into some discussion' because you're bereft of anything logical or provable. You'd rather call me names than actually back up your fake bullshit that you get from a fake bullshit indictment built on nothing but lawfare. The elector indictment has no real evidence and I proved it to you. You're just too fucking stupid and full of leftist propaganda to see it.
I'm not going to get into a discussion because we have no judge here to make you shut the fuck up when you start lying.
I'm not going to get into a discussion because we have no judge here to make you shut the fuck up when you start lying.
What have I lied about? Why do you need a judge!! :abgg2q.jpg: I literally quoted part of the 1st indictment and pointed out there was 0 evidence of any criminal activity. Fannie had to use 'MAY' and 'SEEM'.......An indictment usually states the crime committed by the defendant, no need for 'seem' or 'may' just real evidence. Are you really that stupid?
That communism stuff is some funny shit. It always cracks me up. And you prayed. I pegged you
No. If I prayed it would be for catastrophic destruction. Enough to end democrat power. An example would be for Putin to be done with democrats feeding the Ukraine beast and dropping a nuke on DC. THAT'S worth a prayer or two.
What have I lied about? Why do you need a judge!! :abgg2q.jpg: I literally quoted part of the 1st indictment and pointed out there was 0 evidence of any criminal activity. Fannie had to use 'MAY' and 'SEEM'.......An indictment usually states the crime committed by the defendant, no need for 'seem' or 'may' just real evidence. Are you really that stupid?
Listen pal. Everyday it's the same thing on here. You're saying there is no evidence while there are millions of pages of evidence. Nothing I say is going to change your mind and quite frankly why should I waste my time? It's not going to change anything. You dont live in reality and I'm not going into some deep discussion about anything with someone that doesnt live in reality ie there is zero evidence.

I dont give a fuck what you believe or dont believe. This will be resolved in the courts fairly. End of story.
Listen pal. Everyday it's the same thing on here. You're saying there is no evidence while there are millions of pages of evidence. Nothing I say is going to change your mind and quite frankly why should I waste my time? It's not going to change anything. You dont live in reality and I'm not going into some deep discussion about anything with someone that doesnt live in reality ie there is zero evidence.

I dont give a fuck what you believe or dont believe. This will be resolved in the courts fairly. End of story.
Show the evidence then!! That's all I'm asking. I actually went into the 1st indictment and pointed out the fact it contained 0 evidence. Show me the actual evidence that Trump or anyone is his party thought they were presenting fake electors!! Did you go to the same mind reading school as OI' Fannie? Can you PROVE that Trump knew he didn't win? You guys really crack me up!! Oh yeah and, I'm not your 'pal' :D

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